
Parental leave: just need + hardcore

author:The Three Musketeers

Swordsman Buttercer Three musketeers

In recent times, "parental leave" has repeatedly aroused heated discussion among everyone.

Among the parental leave regulations of various provinces and cities, Chongqing's parental leave regulations can be called "hardcore".

On November 27, the Standing Committee of the Chongqing Municipal People's Congress published in Chongqing Daily the revised contents of the Chongqing Municipal Population and Family Planning Regulations, which stipulates that:

"Employees who give birth in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations may, after the expiration of maternity leave or nursing leave, with the approval of the unit, take parental leave until the child reaches the age of one, or both husband and wife may take a total of five to ten days of parental leave each year before the child reaches the age of six. Where one of the spouses takes parental leave until the child reaches the age of one, the monthly wage for the period shall not be less than 75 percent of the basic salary of the child before the leave, and shall not be lower than the minimum wage standard of the municipality in that year; ”

After reading the regulations, many people shouted:

"What kind of immortal city is this, I really want to go to Chongqing to work..."

"After reading only the capital letters of envy!"

"Someone else's city has never let me down!"

Parental leave: just need + hardcore

Seeing that parental leave regulations have recently been introduced in various places, several class leaders also talked about parental leave when chatting.

The weekly class leader, whose child was just over a year old, said:

When can our troops also introduce parental leave! This year is just a few days of vacation, just go back to the child to get acquainted with the left, turn around and do not see the child will forget me.

Looking at the mobile phone to know that it is the father in the video, as soon as I see the real person, I don't know, I want to hug her, she hides behind her mother, holding her mother's leg and not letting go.

It would be nice if the holidays could be more than a few days away, and it would also deepen their impression in the minds of their children.

After listening to the words of The Weekly Class Leader, Captain Li sighed deeply and said:

This time when I went back, I felt that my son was particularly timid, and as soon as he spoke loudly, he was frightened and hid behind the door or in the dark, especially insecure.

The look of fear that a two-year-old child shows is really painful.

It is because my daughter-in-law's temper is not very good, and when she is tired and annoyed, the child will be angry with the child as soon as she makes a fuss, and every time she gets angry, the child will be frightened, and over time the child will become like this.

I communicated with her, is it possible not to be angry with the child, she is also very aggrieved, saying that she is alone with the child, very tired, sometimes can not control their temper.

After every time I fired at the child, I saw the child's scared look, and I regretted it, but I really couldn't control it at that time.

The key to the child's character development is 0-6 years old, I don't know what the child will become in the future with a strong mother and lack of the company of the father.

Whether to stay or go, it is too difficult.

Parental leave: just need + hardcore

After listening to Captain Li's words, Captain Wang answered:

"Daddy isn't around, it's just not okay. My eldest is a boy, 7 years old this year in the second grade, the last time I went back, accompany him to write homework, as soon as I encountered a problem that would not be, I was annoyed, and I cried when I said it.

A boy, humming, so unsightly. I disciplined him with a straight face, and he watched me shed tears, which made people feel particularly cowardly.

I said your dad is a soldier, you have to learn from dad, be a man! He cried and said, "I don't know how manly Dad is." ”

Listening to him say this, my heart is also very uncomfortable.

I feel that without the companionship and education of my father, children who have grown up completely around their mothers, especially boys, are always lacking in personality.

They all say that 3 years old to see the big, 7 years old to see the old, do not know what my family will be like in the future.

In the past two years, the child has come to the station of the chen class leader said:

"I think the most correct decision I made was to let my wife and children come to the station.

Although there is no separation fee, you have to rent your own house, and take more than two thousand inside and outside, but the child grows up around his father is different.

When I first came to the station, the child was only two years old, the personality was very introverted, I hid when I saw people, and after I came, I took turns to go back to play, all kinds of madness, and now the personality is very good.

How to say it, I feel that in the process of growing up, the participation of fathers is still very important, especially boys, who are with their mothers every day and lack manhood.

Like we have fewer holidays ourselves, the threshold for non-commissioned officers to accompany the army is still high, and it is still necessary to have more contact with children and increase this parental leave. ”

Parental leave: just need + hardcore

From the content of the chat of several class leaders, it can be seen that everyone is still very much looking forward to parental leave.

Or rather, what everyone is looking forward to is the extension of the holiday. Because only when the holidays are extended can we have more time to spend with our families and educate our children.

Especially in terms of educating children, children are the hope of the family and the future of the family, and having more time to do a good job in the education of children is of great significance to the development of children and families.

You know, in the process of family education, the role of the father is irreplaceable by the mother.

Because fathers generally have a strong personality and an open mind, they play a very important role in the development of their children's personality and behavior shaping.

Especially in the early childhood, children can learn from their fathers the qualities of decisiveness, determination, tenacity and not fear of setbacks, which is conducive to the growth of children.

Ordinary families can realize the coordinated education of parents to educate their children, but military families, because of the particularity of military occupations, have been separated for many years, gather less and leave more, and have a low sense of family participation, and it is difficult for fathers to integrate into family education.

Absent fathers, extremely tired and anxious mothers, and a problematic child are true portrayals of many military families.

Therefore, the introduction of military parental leave is really necessary.

Parental leave: just need + hardcore

The introduction of military parental leave has three advantages:

First, it is conducive to children's education.

Many studies have shown that children who lack paternal love will lack self-confidence and be indifferent to feelings.

As the old saying goes: nurturing is not teaching, the father's fault.

This shows the importance of fathers in the process of children's education.

Every year, on the basis of the existing holidays of military personnel, 5-10 days of parental leave are added, and military personnel can spend 5-10 days more time with their children.

Children will become more courageous and confident in the company of their fathers for a long time.

The second is to facilitate family harmony.

Most women in this society are very hard, not only to work, but also to take care of the family, especially military sisters-in-law, outside the home, children and the elderly are shoulder to shoulder.

If the military's leave is extended, more time can be spent in the family, which can reduce the burden on the military sister-in-law, thereby promoting the harmonious development of the family.

Third, it is conducive to long-term service.

Among the reasons for military retirement, many people choose to retire because of their families.

If the parental leave of military personnel is increased, the time spent with their families is increased, the family becomes more harmonious, and the children become more excellent, it is conducive to guiding military personnel to serve for a long time with peace of mind.

Fathers have a great influence on the growth of children, and children with their fathers can become more excellent.

It can be seen that the parental leave of military personnel is of great significance and imminent.

After all, in the blink of an eye, children grow up.

Parental leave: just need + hardcore