
[International Anti-Drug Day] Don't let "drugs" produce new "materials" to contaminate the green years

author:The Second Branch of Beijing Inspection and Inspection

In order to comprehensively strengthen the anti-drug propaganda work in the new era, prevent drug abuse among young people, enhance the awareness of drug awareness, drug prevention and rejection among young people, and promote the concept of "healthy life, green and drug-free" to be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, on the occasion of the 37th International Anti-Drug Day, the First Procuratorate Department of our hospital went to Beijing Middle School (Dongba Campus) to carry out a rich anti-drug popularization activity with the theme of "Don't let 'drugs' produce new 'materials' and contaminate the green years". About 400 students and teachers from the school participated in the event.

[International Anti-Drug Day] Don't let "drugs" produce new "materials" to contaminate the green years

The event was divided into three parts: popular science display, rule of law classroom and book donation to student representatives.

[International Anti-Drug Day] Don't let "drugs" produce new "materials" to contaminate the green years
[International Anti-Drug Day] Don't let "drugs" produce new "materials" to contaminate the green years
[International Anti-Drug Day] Don't let "drugs" produce new "materials" to contaminate the green years

At the scene of the popular science exhibition activity, the cadres and police officers of our hospital placed anti-drug brochures and 14 kinds of common drug simulation samples on the propaganda table, so that the students could recognize and recognize drugs "at zero distance". At the same time, a number of display boards containing scientific knowledge on the prevention of drug abuse among teenagers were placed on the site to help students understand the harm of addictive drug abuse.

[International Anti-Drug Day] Don't let "drugs" produce new "materials" to contaminate the green years
[International Anti-Drug Day] Don't let "drugs" produce new "materials" to contaminate the green years

In front of the common drug simulation samples and display boards, there are enthusiastic and curious students and teachers, some of whom observe and study the drug simulation samples, and discuss a lot, and some carefully read the popular science display boards. "This is methamphetamine, commonly known as ice, is currently the most harmful synthetic drug in the mainland, after smoking, it will produce strong physiological excitement, consume a lot of human physical strength, reduce immune function, seriously damage the heart, brain tissue, and even lead to death." The police officers of our hospital patiently and meticulously answered the types and harms of common drugs for the students at the event site. "If students find smuggling, selling, transporting, manufacturing, and illegally possessing heroin, opium, marijuana and other drug crimes in their lives, they can tell their teachers and parents and report them to the public security organs, which will not only protect the privacy of the whistleblower, but also reward them. However, before reporting, students should still ensure their personal safety to the greatest extent. ”

[International Anti-Drug Day] Don't let "drugs" produce new "materials" to contaminate the green years
[International Anti-Drug Day] Don't let "drugs" produce new "materials" to contaminate the green years

In the rule of law class, prosecutor Wang Wei used real cases to tell the students that there are many new drugs produced by chemical synthesis on the market, and their "appearances" are varied, some like drinks, some like snacks, some like colorful sugar tablets, some like stamps, and colorful utensils for smoking "laughing gas", which are very deceptive and tempting. Compared with traditional drugs derived from natural plants, such as opium, marijuana, and heroin, new drugs are relatively simple to source and produce and have lower costs, resulting in a wider "popularity" and greater and deeper harm. In addition, adolescents are also prone to drug dependence and damage to their health due to improper use or abuse of addictive drugs, and some abusers do not hesitate to spend a lot of money to buy drugs in order to meet their personal needs for addiction, resulting in family decay and even breakdown.

[International Anti-Drug Day] Don't let "drugs" produce new "materials" to contaminate the green years

Subsequently, Prosecutor Wang Wei educated and guided the students: first, strengthen the learning of drug and drug abuse prevention knowledge and resist bad temptations; the second is to cultivate good hobbies and stay away from entertainment venues that are not suitable for entry; The third is to be alert to unknown substances, maintain a resolute attitude of rejection, and never try out of curiosity; Fourth, be cautious in making friends, and seek help from parents and teachers in time when encountering difficulties or psychological pressure; Fifth, follow the doctor's instructions when taking medicines, and do not increase the dosage of drugs without authorization. At the same time, with the theme of "Taking the Law as the Sail, Youth Voyage", Prosecutor Wang Wei also taught the students a rule of law course on four aspects: staying away from campus violent crimes, preventing all kinds of sexual assault crimes, staying away from inappropriate public places, and staying away from online terrorism-related crimes, educating students to establish a good concept of the rule of law, standardize their own behavior, take the law as the degree, and not touch the red line of the law.

[International Anti-Drug Day] Don't let "drugs" produce new "materials" to contaminate the green years

At the end of the event, the cadres and police officers of our hospital presented anti-drug propaganda books to the student representatives of the school, hoping that the students could enrich their extracurricular life, strengthen their knowledge of drug prevention, build a strong anti-drug ideological defense line for young people, and resolutely say no to drug abuse and drug abuse.

[International Anti-Drug Day] Don't let "drugs" produce new "materials" to contaminate the green years

Anti-narcotics work, especially anti-narcotics propaganda and education among young people, has a bearing on the security of the country, the rise and fall of the nation, and the well-being of the people. In the next step, our court will adhere to the strict punishment of drug crimes in accordance with the law, handle every drug case with high quality and efficiency, further implement the requirements of "whoever enforces the law shall popularize the law", consciously put its own work into the overall situation of anti-drug work, and make new contributions to winning the people's war against drugs in the new era.

(Contributed by丨Pan Ying, First Procuratorate Department)