
The woman has an "ape face" and has not been able to see anyone for 30 years! The doctor reconstructed her facial features and realized the transition from "ape" to man

author:Bright Net

Ms. Yan of Fuzhou has found out since she was a teenager that

I don't look like others

Like an "ape-faced man"

Because of the strange looks

She has been unable to socialize normally

Recently, her appearance has become more and more ugly

As a result, the mouth cannot be closed

In desperation, she went to the hospital

The doctor said: It is not ugly or sick

Surprised "Ape-faced man is not ugly or sick

Ms. Yan has found that she looks different from others since she was more than ten years old - her body developed much earlier than others, her height stopped at one meter and four meters earlier, and the bones of her left hands and feet were not flat...

The most critical thing is that Ms. Yan's jaw is becoming more and more convex, like an "ape-faced person". For financial reasons, she has not been systematically treated. For more than 30 years, Ms. Yan has not been able to socialize normally and has not worked.

Not long ago, Ms. Yan suddenly found that her symptoms were getting more and more serious, the jaw swelling was rapidly aggravated, the mouth could not be closed, the teeth were loose, and even normal eating could not be done.

After seeing several hospitals, the doctors said that the tumor was too large and powerless, and recommended her to try it at the First Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University. So with last hope, Ms. Yan came to the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department of Annex No. 1 Hospital for treatment.

The reception was received by the team of Shi Bin, chief physician of oral and maxillofacial surgery. After a series of detailed examinations, Ms. Yan was diagnosed with a rare disease: "McCune Albright syndrome".

Shi Bin introduction——

"McCune-Albright Syndrome (MAS), also known as multiple bone fiber dysplasia with precocious puberty syndrome, is characterized by skin coffee spots, precocious puberty, and multiple bone fiber dysplasia.

Clinically rare, the disease is sporadic and twice as common in women as in men. ”

Treatment requires extensive amputation and reconstruction of Ms. Yan's diseased mandible and temporomandibular joints.

However, in addition to the mandible, the lesion also affected the bone and endocrine system of Ms. Yan's whole body, and the scope of defects was very large, but the amount of bone that could be transplanted in a single bone supply area was far from sufficient, and the operation was extremely difficult.

Digital medicine helps tissue and organ reconstruction

Shi Bin's team uses the most advanced digital medical technology to design a surgical plan and simulate surgery on the computer.

After the removal of the diseased tissue, the surgery plans to use two vascular free bone flaps of the right calf and the iliac bone of the right pelvis to repair the mandible, and use artificial joints to reconstruct the temporomandibular joint, which can achieve maxillofacial reconstruction and have little impact on the patient's daily life.

The woman has an "ape face" and has not been able to see anyone for 30 years! The doctor reconstructed her facial features and realized the transition from "ape" to man

The virtual surgical protocol realizes surgical guidance through 3D printing of surgical guides to achieve precise excision and reconstruction during surgery, so as to maximize the recovery of patient appearance and function after surgery.

The operation is short, precise and minimally invasive.

It was a resounding success.

Ms. Yan recovered quickly after the operation,

The facial shape and function have been well restored,

Successful discharge.

The woman has an "ape face" and has not been able to see anyone for 30 years! The doctor reconstructed her facial features and realized the transition from "ape" to man

Digital medicine is a new medical technology, doctors can reconstruct on the computer, analyze the patient's medical image data, design the surgical plan and simulate the operation, print the virtual surgical plan output out of the surgical guide or import the surgical navigation system to achieve intraoperative real-time surgical navigation, this advanced medical technology makes the operation more accurate and minimally invasive, reducing postoperative complications.

In recent years, the team has widely used digital medical technology in the fields of oral and maxillofacial tumor resection and tissue and organ reconstruction, orthognathic surgery and jaw deformity restoration, fracture and trauma correction, and complex oral implant surgery, and has achieved good clinical application results.

Source: Yangzi Famous Medical Group

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