
Reconstruction of farm houses damaged by flooding in Shanxi: A race against time

author:China News Network
Reconstruction of farm houses damaged by flooding in Shanxi: A race against time

Shanxi has targeted and classified measures to repair and rebuild rural housing damaged by floods. The picture shows the reconstruction site of farm houses damaged by flooding in Yanjiaying Village, Qingxu County, Shanxi Province. Photo by Su Hang

Taiyuan, December 1 (Gao Ruifeng) In Yanjiaying Village, Qingxu County, Shanxi Province, 67-year-old Zheng Yaogui stood in his yard, looking at the new house under construction and reconstruction, and could not hide his excitement, waving his hands and saying, "Good mile, good mile, stronger than the original." ”

The 16th National Online Media Shanxi Tour Theme Activity is underway, during which media representatives visit the reconstruction site of the farm house damaged by the flood in Yanjiaying Village.

From October 2 to October 7, 2021, Shanxi suffered the strongest autumn rainfall process since meteorological records recorded, and many parts of the province were flooded. The wuma river, the Xiangyu river break and continuous heavy rainfall, Qingxu County Mengfeng Town Yanjiaying, Xiaowu and other villages flooded, Zheng Yaogui's more than 120 square meters of housing was damaged in this flood.

Reconstruction of farm houses damaged by flooding in Shanxi: A race against time

The reconstruction site of farm houses damaged by flooding in Yanjiaying Village, Qingxu County, Shanxi Province. Photo by Su Hang

Yanjiaying Village is only a few hundred meters away from the Wuma River and is one of the hardest hit villages in the area. At present, traces of standing water can still be seen in some low-lying areas of the village. "I have never seen such a large amount of water, the water in the crop field is about two meters deep, and the water in the house is flooded to the chest position." Villager Zheng Jingshan recalled the scene and still shook his head and sighed. One side wall of his house was sloping in a crack in the flood.

According to the Shanxi Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, as of the end of October, a total of 178,200 farm houses were identified as potentially damaged due to the disaster, and 138,100 households were actually damaged after identification. Among them, 81,400 households without safe housing and in line with the security policy were all included in the renovation task.

"The town's affected population of 6,291 households and 14,552 people, the area affected by grain is 48,032 mu, and the area of vegetables affected is 4,396.6 mu, resulting in the deaths of 4,006 pigs, cattle, sheep, livestock and poultry, etc., the roadbed road surface of 19,800 meters is damaged, and 2,071 houses are damaged to varying degrees." Wang Ruiqing, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Qingxu County People's Congress and secretary of the party committee of Mengfeng Town, introduced.

Reconstruction of farm houses damaged by flooding in Shanxi: A race against time

Shanxi officials have made it clear that all kinds of infrastructure will be fully restored before the Spring Festival, and all damaged houses will be repaired and rebuilt, so that the affected people can relocate and move in. Photo by Gao Ruifeng

At present, Shanxi organizes professional institutions to conduct safety appraisal of seriously damaged and generally damaged farmhouses other than collapse, scientifically determine the level of damage, distinguish between houses with less general damage, and identify three types of houses as C-class dangerous houses and D-class dangerous houses, and implement targeted classification measures to repair and rebuild.

"Mengfeng Town rebuilt 61 farmhouses due to disaster damage, of which 27 households were rebuilt in Yanjiaying Village. At present, all construction has begun. Wang Ruiqing said.

"The government paid 70,000 yuan and found a professional construction team to build a house for us." Zheng Yaogui said that on November 10, the old house was demolished, and the construction of the new house began the next day. "Now that we are renting a house outside, the government has issued a transitional resettlement fee, rice and flour grain and oil. Can't freeze, can't be hungry, be fine. ”

Reconstruction of farm houses damaged by flooding in Shanxi: A race against time

The 16th National Online Media Shanxi Tour Theme Event is underway, during which media representatives visited the reconstruction site of the farm houses damaged by the flood. Photo by Gao Ruifeng

Shanxi officials have made it clear that all kinds of infrastructure will be fully restored before the Spring Festival, and all damaged houses will be repaired and rebuilt, so that the affected people can relocate and move in.

"A professional team was hired to provide free supervision services and technical guidance for the repair and reconstruction of damaged farmhouses, and the foundation construction used ground ring beams to enhance the strength, earthquake resistance and durability of the house." Wang Ruiqing said that the progress of repair and reconstruction will be accelerated in an all-round way, and strive to let the affected people live in new houses by January 20, 2022. (End)

Source: China News Network

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