
Li Guangbi, whose battle merits were pushed as the first in ZTE in the Anshi Rebellion, why is he less famous than Guo Ziyi

Li Guangbi, whose battle merits were pushed as the first in ZTE in the Anshi Rebellion, why is he less famous than Guo Ziyi

Li Guangbi: Introspection has not entered the DPRK, and the tears of death will eventually fill their eyes

The Anshi Rebellion suddenly broke out, the Soldiers and people of the Tang Dynasty who had been carrying the peace for a long time were terrified, the rebels were like a broken bamboo, unstoppable, and when people took up swords and guns to meet the enemy, most of the rivers and mountains had already fallen into the hands of the enemy, and for a while the people were devastated, the great rivers and mountains were suddenly full of wolf smoke, and the Tang Dynasty was facing an extremely severe test.

In this eight-year-long bloody war, many iron-blooded figures were created, who fought to the death against the rebels and emerged a large number of outstanding generals, the most outstanding of which were Guo Ziyi and Li Guangbi, who were also called "Li Guo" at the time, and later hung together by the Tang Dynasty Emperor in the "Ling Yan Pavilion".

However, the lives of these two were very different in the future, Guo Ziyi was extremely glorious, his descendants were rich, and his family was "full of beds" when he wished him a birthday; while Li Guangbi was full of sorrow, afraid of the rumors of his traitors, and did not dare to enter Beijing, and his troops would be scattered and died in terror.

Li Guangbi, whose battle merits were pushed as the first in ZTE in the Anshi Rebellion, why is he less famous than Guo Ziyi

Later generations have always compared Guo and Li to comment, and the conclusion is nothing more than that Guo Ziyi is extremely politically wise and can be a man; while Li Guangbi is too strong and resolute, the political sensitivity is too low, and later he suffers from gains and losses, depression, and finally gives himself to life.

Li Guangbi (李光弼), a native of Liucheng, Yingzhou, was a native of Liucheng, Yingzhou, who was a native of Chaoyang, Liaoning Province, who had distinguished himself in battle during the Anshi Rebellion, and served as the deputy marshal of the Terracotta Army, and was later slandered by eunuchs, and died of illness in Xuzhou at the age of 57.

As a warrior, Li Guangbi spent his life in conquest, and the most important of them was to fight against the AnShi rebels, although he was born in the Khitan family of military generals, he was deeply influenced by Han culture, and he showed his talent for all-round talent in literature and martial arts very early, and his strategy and insight were appreciated by the people of the time.

Li Guangbi, whose battle merits were pushed as the first in ZTE in the Anshi Rebellion, why is he less famous than Guo Ziyi

At that time, all the Haojie wanted to include him in the battle, but he and Guo Ziyi had been serving Wang Zhongsi under wang Zhongsi, who was holding a heavy army at that time, and this Lord Wang was full of praise for him, saying, "It is the one who wins my soldiers day by day, Guangbi also." ”

After the outbreak of the Anshi Rebellion, under the protection of Guo Ziyi, Li Guangbi was appointed as the deputy envoy of Hedong Jiedu, and thus began his journey to the battlefield of meritorious service in this counterinsurgency war.

He experienced countless battles, the Battle of Changshan, his bloody battle of An Lushan, "the Great Thief Party, beheaded ten thousand, captured 4,000"; in the Battle of Taiyuan, he wisely attacked the enemy Shi Siming, "captured and beheaded ten thousand." Si Ming was afraid of defeat"; in the Battle of Xiangzhou, he fought with An Qingxu inextricably, and in the Battle of Heyang, he used the "Beautiful Horse Scheme" to win thousands of good breeding stallions on the other side, and then used forked boats to break fire and attack, defeating the rebels.

Li Guangbi, whose battle merits were pushed as the first in ZTE in the Anshi Rebellion, why is he less famous than Guo Ziyi

In the subsequent confrontation, he decided to chaos Henan and fought a final decisive battle with Shi Siming's son Shi Chaoyi, which lasted more than two years, and finally forced him to commit suicide, and the Anshi rebellion was initially put down.

In this series of battles, all of them reflect the characteristics of Li Guangbi's wisdom and courage, if evaluated from the perspective of the God of War, he is more than Guo Ziyi, and he has won the reputation of "ZTE First".

After the prosperity was the decline, the Tang Dynasty has always had the bad habit of eunuchs supervising the army, and in the early days of the Anshi Rebellion, Gao Xianzhi, Feng Changqing, Ge Shuhan and others all died at the hands of eunuchs; and by the time of Emperor Li Yu of the Tang Dynasty, the eunuchs Yu Zhao'en and Cheng Yuanzhen were again engaged in demonizing the government.

Li Guangbi, whose battle merits were pushed as the first in ZTE in the Anshi Rebellion, why is he less famous than Guo Ziyi

They first tricked the emperor to strike down Guo Ziyi's military power, let Li Guangbi take over, and then constantly made bad, which created an unprecedented fear in Li Guangbi's heart.

Unlike Guo Ziyi's old scheming, the world's evaluation of Li Guangbi is "working for the country and clumsily plotting for himself", that is, he is resourceful in the war situation and major national affairs, but he has given little consideration to himself, or has not considered it, and he only uses the word "hide" in the possible frame-up of eunuchs, hoping to use this to defuse all disasters.

Green flies camp, wind and rain autumn leaves;

Introspection has not entered the DPRK, and the tears of death will finally shine.

This is Du Fu's Eight Lamentations. Li Guangbi (李光弼) is full of sympathy for Li Guangbi in the poem, because after Li Guangbi had quelled the Anshi Rebellion, Emperor Daizong summoned him to the dynasty, and he did everything he could to avoid disasters, refusing to go to Chang'an, and later supporting troops to leave the town of Linhuai, which is roughly the area of present-day Xuzhou.

Li Guangbi, whose battle merits were pushed as the first in ZTE in the Anshi Rebellion, why is he less famous than Guo Ziyi

Tubo and Xi Rong successively invaded the Beijing Division, Emperor Daizong ran away, and commanded the emperor to recruit the king of the world, and Li Guangbi also refused to obey the edict, "not to extend", his practice was a great disappointment, and the generals also deviated from Germany.

Later, the general Tian Shengong himself led his troops to Qinwang in Shaanxi, and since then he has left Li Guangbi and returned to the central government, and Li Guangbi has thus "become ashamed of the disease", under the huge pressure of self-blame and reflection, he fell seriously ill and died, and a generation of generals fell.

In fact, I can understand Li Guangbi's feelings of not entering the DPRK, but I also feel that he does not take the disaster suffered by the imperial court as a matter and stands idly by while he stands by, which is excessive, and in the long run, supporting the army in a corner, will not it inevitably form another separatist force that is free from the central authorities in the future.

Li Guangbi, whose battle merits were pushed as the first in ZTE in the Anshi Rebellion, why is he less famous than Guo Ziyi

If there really is such a consequence, how can the imperial court be embarrassed, so it is inevitable that Li Guangbi will be suspected, and he will be considered by posterity as "not a pure subject".

However, we must see that he is not a local warlord who wants to break away from the central authorities, and we can see this from the words "shame into disease" in the main history, and he is very ashamed and ashamed of what he has done.

There is a reason why Li Guangbi's reputation is not as loud as Guo Ziyi's, if the two are not distinguished in their merits in quelling the Anshi Rebellion, and when pingding the later invasion of foreign Kou, Guo Ziyi had great merit.

Guo Ziyi's eldest Li Guangbi was 11 years old, and he died 17 years later, living 84 years later, although Li Guangbi was praised by the emperor as "a strong and powerful industry, worthy of the former sages", and Guo Ziyi had the great cause of "second creation of Datang", when Guo Ziyi led the army to "recreate Datang", Li Guangbi had already gone down in tears, so of course, the merits of the two were not comparable.

Li Guangbi, whose battle merits were pushed as the first in ZTE in the Anshi Rebellion, why is he less famous than Guo Ziyi

Moreover, Guo Ziyi's loyalty to the imperial court was not comparable to Li Guangbi, and he was also framed by eunuchs, but he knew which was big and small, which was lighter and heavier, even if his ancestral graves were all planed by Yu Chao'en, he did not change his loyalty to the Tang Dynasty.

Li Gang, a famous anti-Jin general of the Song Dynasty, had a very fair evaluation of the comparison between the two, "Ziyi Chao was ordered, Xi led the way, rugged and defensive, not self-explanatory." And as soon as the gap between the light bow is opened, the pawn is not compounded, and the anger is dying, and its sincerity is not enough. ”

That is to say, Guo Ziyi is well versed in the way of human subjects, and with his loyalty, no complaints and no regrets, he knows how to be patient and understand the overall situation; on the other hand, Li Guangbi is cautious and suffers from gains and losses, resulting in more and more discord with the imperial court, and eventually forcing himself into a dead end, which also shows that Li Guangbi lacks the "purity" and "sincerity" that a human subject should have, and Li Gang's view is to the point and very insightful.

However, after Li Guangbi's death, the imperial court was still very tolerant of him, not only for the solemn state funeral, but also painted into the Ling Yan Pavilion and Guo Ziyi, was given iron coupons, honor and descendants, in this regard, Jiuquan li Guangbi should still smile.

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