
The last straw of the Sui Dynasty, after his death, the officers and soldiers cried for several days at night, and soon the Sui Dynasty fell

As we all know, there are many heroes in the "Sui and Tang Dynasties".

Here, whether it is the Divine Fist Taibao of the martial arts world, or Qin Qiong, who puts the loyalty of the ancients first, or the Great Demon King Cheng Yaojin, they are all depicted like gods in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. Whether it was placed before or now, it is a well-known hero and a good man. However, the protagonists of this issue are not the three of them, but these three generals were all brought out by a Sui general himself.

And this Sui and Tang general fought on the battlefield all his life, made countless meritorious achievements, and when fighting, he used superb tactics to make Zhai Rang, Xu Shiji and others feel frightened, and did not dare to fight many times, and finally, they were defeated by Li Mi and others using unique tactics. After the death of this Sui Dynasty general, there was no one to guard the rivers and mountains of the Great Sui Dynasty.

The last straw of the Sui Dynasty, after his death, the officers and soldiers cried for several days at night, and soon the Sui Dynasty fell

Therefore, it can be said that the death of this great general also became one of the reasons for the demise of the Great Sui Dynasty. And this great general is the most famous: Zhang Sutuo. In Lingbao, Henan, this person's epitaph was unearthed, and according to the epitaph, it outlined for us a local governor with outstanding writing, shrewdness and ability, and reflected the other side of this famous general at the end of the Sui Dynasty.

Zhang Sutuo Was a native of Nanyang Xi'e, and the Zhang clan of Nanyang itself was one of the Zhang surname Junwang during the Han, Wei, Sui, and Tang dynasties. In his early years, he followed Shi Wanzai on his eastern expedition to the west, but at a very young age he made a lot of merits, and his career in life should have been smooth, and he was named qi county taishou when he urinated. At that time, if the world had been peaceful, Zhang Sutuo's life achievements would probably stop here, and after that, he began to enjoy his old age in peace. However, with the defeat of the Sui Emperor in his conquest of Goguryeo, in the seventh year of Daye, Wang Bo and others raised tens of thousands of rebel troops at Qi Jun.

He called himself "Zhi ShiLang", attacked the city with great momentum, and for this reason, he also composed a "Song of death in the waves of the Liaodong Province":

Changbai mountain former Chishiro, pure red Luo Jin back crotch.

The long hammer invaded the sky and half, and the wheel knife shone in the sun.

Go up the mountain to eat roe deer, down the mountain to eat cattle and sheep.

Ignoring the arrival of the officers and soldiers, he raised his knife and swung forward.

For example, Liaodong died, beheading what hurt.

The last straw of the Sui Dynasty, after his death, the officers and soldiers cried for several days at night, and soon the Sui Dynasty fell
The last straw of the Sui Dynasty, after his death, the officers and soldiers cried for several days at night, and soon the Sui Dynasty fell

Since then, the prelude to the struggle for hegemony at the end of the Sui Dynasty has also been fully launched.

At that time, Zhang Sutuo was lining up troops to train the army, and when he learned that tens of thousands of people had rebelled, he was also particularly shocked, and his first thought was: to raise troops to suppress these rebels. Therefore, he led the newly formed Qi County soldiers to kill Wang Bo, and after the battle, these rebel armies that had been fought lost their armor and armor, and in the end, they mostly fled into the wilderness. Wang Bo was not reconciled, and was forced to join the other rebels with the few remaining troops.

After these rebel armies were organized, there were roughly more than 100,000 people, so zhang Sutuo, in order to completely destroy the arrogance of these rebels, led his army to engage them again and launched a second major war. This battle is still a small victory, more than 5,000 levels of beheading, and 60,000 animals. Soon, Wang Bo led his army north across the Yellow River, and was defeated by Zhang Sutuo's pursuit to Linyi. After that, Wang Bo fled into the wilderness, was beaten to hide in Tibet, and eventually, defected to Yu Wenhuahe, and opened the door to lead Dou Jun to capture Yu Wenhuahe, and in the same year, surrendered to Tang.

At that time, the world was at peace for a long time, and many of the people were not accustomed to soldiers, and local officials fought against the rebels, or abandoned the city to escape, or opened the door to meet them. Only Zhang Sutuo was brave and good at fighting, and at the same time he was good at caressing, so he was very popular with the army, and he was called a famous general at that time.

The last straw of the Sui Dynasty, after his death, the officers and soldiers cried for several days at night, and soon the Sui Dynasty fell

Although Wang Bo's dream of rebellion was shattered, this was also the beginning of a rebellion at the end of the Sui Dynasty. Wang Bo's practice aroused the arrogance of other people who also had this kind of rebellious thought. At the end of the Sui Dynasty, uprisings such as these large and small were one after another, and Zhang Sutuo and his troops seemed to have become "firefighting squads" to suppress these rebels. Yesterday here, tomorrow they ran there, in order to guard the Sui Dynasty, they were exhausted, and they could not even sleep.

In that year, there were 30,000 people in Guo Fang, Beihai County, who revolted, and Zhang Sutuo immediately rushed to eliminate it, and Zuo Xiaoyou and others in Qi County, about 100,000 people rebelled against Sui, Zhang Sutuo did not say much, and then eliminated it. The uprisings were one after another, and Zhang Sutuo also beat them to the point of. Even, because of Zhang Sutuo's merits in eliminating the rebels, he was also made the ambassador of the Twelve Counties of Henan Province. From this title, we can also see how difficult the conquest process was in that year.

Therefore, having experienced so many wars, and winning hundreds of battles, but people are not ironclad, Zhang Sutuo and his men are not right is also tired of running for their lives, can not get rest, many people miss their hometown, therefore, their state is not as good as a day. In the end, he met Wagangzhai again, and this battle became Zhang Sutuo's last glory, and his life army was terminated here. Because Zhang Sutuo defeated the rebels of Wagangzhai many times, Wagangzhai and others were very afraid of him and trembled and did not dare to fight.

The last straw of the Sui Dynasty, after his death, the officers and soldiers cried for several days at night, and soon the Sui Dynasty fell

At this time, Zhang Sutuo and his troops were also in an extremely tired state, and in order to be able to end this battle as soon as possible, Zhang Sutuo was somewhat light enemy. Who would have thought that this time Wagangzhai secretly changed the command of the troops, and the commander Zhang Mi saw that Zhang Sutuo should have no intention of fighting at this time, and conveniently used a clever tactic. Zhang Mi chose to use his main force to fight, Zhang Sutuo seemed to be a little weak, and this time he was giving in to the battle.

There were also thousands of ambush soldiers in Wagang Village around the Great Sea Temple, and when Zhang Sutuo retreated here, they entered the enemy's ambush circle like a sheep entering the tiger's mouth. When they first came here, there were ambushes everywhere, and the elite cavalry of Wagangzhai was everywhere, and the encounters of Zhang Sutuo and his men who had been defeated all the way could be imagined here. In this battle, Zhang Sutuo went in and out of order to rescue the besieged soldiers, and finally died on the battlefield at the age of fifty-two. The officers and men of the unit cried all night for several days.

The last straw of the Sui Dynasty, after his death, the officers and soldiers cried for several days at night, and soon the Sui Dynasty fell

After Zhang Sutuo's death, many rebels and their subordinates who had been defeated by Zhang Sutuo also defected to Wagangzhai. The three good men introduced above were also Zhang Sutuo's subordinates at the beginning, because Pei Renji, who they followed, defected to Wagangzhai, so in the end, they also joined the ranks of this uprising, and since then, Wagangzhai has become more powerful.

The rebel armies in the world rose and fell, without Zhang Sutuo, a major general, and in the end, the Sui Dynasty slowly went to extinction.


["Sui Shu Zhang Sutuo Biography", "Sui Book" Volume 28 "Hundred Officials Zhi", Henan Lingbao New "Zhang Sutuo Epitaph" Interpretation" ]

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