
Sima Rui was not a descendant of Sima Yi, but the son of Niu Jin? Confirming the prophecies of the Xuanshi Diagram?

author:History is a hundred schools of thought

In ancient Chinese history, the most important thing is prophecy, such as the famous "Push Back Map", "Burning Cake Song", etc., these are all thunderous prophecies, it is very peculiar that posterity can always confirm the accuracy of these prophecies through some things that happen, and have explained his magic, saying that it is a coincidence or a far-fetched association, the facts are placed there, so that many people have to believe.

Sima Rui was not a descendant of Sima Yi, but the son of Niu Jin? Confirming the prophecies of the Xuanshi Diagram?

In the Three Kingdoms period, there was also a prophecy that was later confirmed to be true, this prophecy came from the "Cow Succeeding the Horse" in the Book of Xuanshitu.

The Xuanshi Tu is a book of proverbs, that is, a book of prophecies, the entire content of which is unknown, but the events of the "cow following the horse" in it have been preserved in historical books such as the Book of Song, the Book of Wei, the Book of Jin, and the Old Book of Tang.

Sima Rui was not a descendant of Sima Yi, but the son of Niu Jin? Confirming the prophecies of the Xuanshi Diagram?

It is said that the "Book of Jin and the Records of emperor Yuan" recorded: "In the beginning, Xuanshi tu had 'cattle following the horse', so Emperor Xuan was deeply jealous of the Niu clan, so he became a two-fold, a total of one sip, to store wine, the emperor drank the best first, and used poisoned wine to make his cattle gold." And Princess Gong Xiahou was born to Emperor Yuan through the Xiao official Niu Clan, and also had Fu Yun. ”

In just a few sentences, the proverb of "Niu Ji Ma Hou" was clearly explained: "Xuan Shi Tu" recorded that Niu Ji Ma Hou, so Emperor Xuan (Sima Yi) was very jealous of Niu Shi, Sima Yi was not yet in power, he did not take it seriously, but when Sima Yi approached the final BOSS, he began to observe the Niu clan around him, and he did not expect that there were really members around him who called Niu Jin, so Sima Yi invited Niu Jin to a banquet, used a strange wine vessel, poured a cup of fine wine for himself, poured a cup of poisoned wine to Niu Jin, Niu Jin was defenseless He died after drinking poisoned wine. After Niu Jin's death, Sima Yi thought that he could sit back and relax, but he did not expect that Sima Yi's grandson Sima Rui was born of the fornication between the Xiahou clan and the Xiao official Niu Clan, so Sima Rui should be called Niu Rui, which also confirmed the rumor that Niu Jima was succeeding.

Sima Rui was not a descendant of Sima Yi, but the son of Niu Jin? Confirming the prophecies of the Xuanshi Diagram?

So how did this "cow follow the horse" proverb come about? And what's in it?

According to the "Zizhi Tongjian - Wei Ji V", Zhang Liugu's mouth overflowed, the gem negative map, the elephant spirit turtle, standing in western Sichuan, there are stone horse seven, phoenix, unicorn, white tiger, bull, huang block, bagua, Liesu, the elephant of the comet, and there is also the text "Great Cao".

This means that there was a mudslide here in Zhangliu Valley in the Zhangye area, and there were many stone statues flowing out, including seven stone horses, as well as phoenixes, unicorns, white tigers, cattle, yellow blocks, bagua, etc., and one of them was a gem that resembled a spirit turtle, which read "Great Bargain Cao".

This incident occurred shortly after Cao Pi became emperor, Cao Pi believed that this was a manifestation of Xiangrui, and did not pursue the words above, nor did he dare to investigate deeply, but only as Xiangrui and promulgated the world.

However, Sima Yi was concerned, according to Zhangye Shouling Yu's investigation found that the cattle poured out of the valley mouth later than the stone horse, which was the source of "cattle after the horse", and Sima Yi also found the fortune of the very powerful alchemist Guan Ren to divinate his descendants, which was exactly the same as this proverb, at this time Sima Yi did not know what it meant, but when Sima Yi was in power, he cared more about this proverb, so he began to be very jealous of niu, and there was a later incident in which the fierce general Niu Jin was poisoned.

But people are not as good as heavenly calculations, when Sima Yi is in power, Niu Jin will not have a great impact on Sima Shi, but future generations are not necessarily, and the occurrence of events is often out of the imagination of contemporary people, Sima Yi believes that Niu Shi will replace Sima Shi like Sima Shi treated Cao Shi, as everyone knows, Niu Shi occupied the Eastern Jin Dynasty with the way of "Tanuki cat for prince".

Of course, there are many historians in history, such as the Sui Dynasty historian Wang Shao, the Tang Dynasty historian Liu Zhiji, and the Song Dynasty scholar Wang Yinglin all refuted this statement in order to create rumors for the sake of far-fetched rumors, but this matter was recorded in the history books, and it is not easy to completely overthrow it.

Sima Rui was not a descendant of Sima Yi, but the son of Niu Jin? Confirming the prophecies of the Xuanshi Diagram?

Perhaps there are so many coincidences in the world, just like pi π, in the π numbers everyone can find their own birthday, which is amazing, but it can not be said that π can speak everyone's birthday, and when the π is big enough, there can always be a set of numbers that match the numbers in reality.

Therefore, for the proverb, you can think of it as a coincidence, if the historical facts are true, it is also a coincidence, just like fortune telling and unsigning, vague words, leaving room for interpretation, perhaps the same as the proverb.

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