
A member of the U.S. House of Representatives was arrested for carrying a firearm in the House office building without a license

author:China Youth Network

U.S. Congressional police issued a statement on December 9 local time, saying that on the morning of the same day, a House worker was arrested in the Longworth House Office Building of the U.S. House of Representatives for carrying a gun without a license.

Congressional police said in a statement that the man arrested, Jeffrey Allsbrooks, was a member of the House Chief Administrative Office. Guards at the Longworth office building used X-rays to find a pistol in Olsbrooks' bag and subsequently arrested him.

Arsbrooks argued that he forgot to keep the pistol in his bag and did not intentionally carry the gun. At present, the Congressional police are still investigating the incident. (CCTV reporter Xu Dezhi)

Source: CCTV news client

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