
Zhejiang Jiaxing an underwater world without a license, spotted seals still rotten face? Local response

Source: The Paper

The Paper's reporter Liao Yan

Zhejiang Jiaxing an underwater world without a license, spotted seals still rotten face? Local response

Recently, some netizens posted that Jiaxing Underwater World, located in Xiuzhou District, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, was suspected of operating and raising 4 nationally protected animal spotted seals without a license, which aroused concern.

At about 16:00 on December 9, a relevant person in charge of the Jiaxing Municipal Agriculture and Rural Bureau told the surging news that the bureau originally issued a "second-level domestication and breeding license" to Jiaxing Underwater World, and after the adjustment of the spotted seal to a national first-class protected animal this year, Jiaxing Underwater World is upgrading and transforming breeding facilities in accordance with the first-level breeding standards.

After on-site inspection and verification, four spotted seals are currently in good health, two of which have hair removal on their faces, and it is recommended to invite Chinese aquatic wildlife experts to conduct on-site inspection. At the same time, the venue is required to strengthen management and stop exhibition behavior, and then carry out exhibition activities after the upgrading of facilities is completed.

On the morning of the 9th, a staff member of the Agricultural and Rural and Water Conservancy Bureau of Jiaxing Xiuzhou District told the surging news that in view of the above situation, the fishery administration department of the Jiaxing Agricultural and Rural Bureau was taking the lead in handling the matter, and jointly with the unit went to the scene to carry out inspection and qualification verification.

Subsequently, the relevant staff of the Jiaxing Municipal Agriculture and Rural Bureau introduced to the surging news that the original spotted seal belonged to the national second-level protected animals, and they issued the "Second-level Domestication and Breeding License" and "Wild Animal or Its Product Business License" to Jiaxing Underwater World, and had breeding qualifications. In February this year, after the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs adjusted the spotted seal to a national first-class protected animal, Jiaxing Underwater World is upgrading its breeding facilities in accordance with the first-class breeding standards. In this regard, after the relevant experts have demonstrated and evaluated in the later stage, the relevant departments at the provincial level will issue another certificate. "At present, the basic transformation has been completed."

"We also carry out regular inspections." The staff member said that some of the animals in the venue were rented from Shanghai, Ningbo, Guangxi and other places to perform, and the source was clear. It is understood that the four-headed spotted seal in the venue is leased from The Guangxi Beihai and holds relevant domestication certificates and business licenses.

Can a nationally protected animal be used for performance? The above-mentioned staff explained that if they have the qualifications of "Domestication and Breeding License" and "Wild Animal or Its Product Business License", animals can be used for viewing, exhibition and performance.

On December 9, the surging news learned from the Xiuzhou District Market Supervision Bureau that Jiaxing Underwater World Registration Company is Jiaxing Jiaxi Amusement Service Co., Ltd. According to public information, the company was established in July 2014, the operating status is survival, the scope of business includes amusement services, ornamental fish, toys, fish tanks and supporting equipment maintenance, sales and so on.

Previously, netizens posted that Jiaxing Underwater World Aquarium was suspected of operating without a license to raise four spotted seals and a sea lion to perform. In addition, due to the shallow water and no sunlight, one of the spotted seals had a lesion on the head, and half of the face was rotten.

For netizens to reflect a suspected lesion on the head of a spotted seal, the relevant staff of the Jiaxing Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs said that after confirming with the farmer, this is the spotted seal in the process of grabbing food, rubbing the face caused the fur to fall off. The owner of the farm said it guaranteed that there were no sick spotted seals. The staff member said that everyone is welcome to the scene to supervise.

This issue is edited by Shan Zou

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Zhejiang Jiaxing an underwater world without a license, spotted seals still rotten face? Local response
Zhejiang Jiaxing an underwater world without a license, spotted seals still rotten face? Local response
Zhejiang Jiaxing an underwater world without a license, spotted seals still rotten face? Local response

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