
The shrewd Twelve Brothers: Holding heavy soldiers but dodging the nine sons and wives, he is dying at the age of 78

The shrewd Twelve Brothers: Holding heavy soldiers but dodging the nine sons and wives, he is dying at the age of 78

Speaking of this Kangxi Emperor of the Qing Dynasty, probably many people will not be moved by strangers. Kangxi ascended the throne at an early age, gradually grasped the government, and pushed the Qing Dynasty to a new height.

As the saying goes, "Dragons give birth to dragons, phoenixes give birth to phoenixes", Kangxi is excellent, his sons are also excellent, and because Kangxi has more concubines, so his sons are also more.

This created a big problem - who to pass the throne to, the brothers did not dare to submit to the subordinates, which eventually led to the nine sons of the concubine incident.

The shrewd Twelve Brothers: Holding heavy soldiers but dodging the nine sons and wives, he is dying at the age of 78

In recent years, the traversal drama has also made us have a deeper understanding of the Nine Sons and Sisters, especially a "Step by Step", which makes us see the thrill of the Nine Sons and Sisters.

Among them, the most promising ones to seize the throne are the following four. The crown prince Yinrong, who was deposed by both sides; the fourth brother Yinchen, who was extremely filial and harmonious in the eyes of the Kangxi Emperor; the eight brothers who knew how to win people's hearts and supported the most; and the fourteen brothers who were good at leading troops to fight.

The shrewd Twelve Brothers: Holding heavy soldiers but dodging the nine sons and wives, he is dying at the age of 78

However, what you are not familiar with is the Twelve Brothers Yin, who is a prince who is deeply favored by Kangxi and has a heavy army in his hands, but he did not participate in the nine sons' conquest. Why? Let's go and see this Twelve Brothers.

Kangxi had many sons, and in the court, if he wanted to live well, the emperor's favor was indispensable, so his son tried his best to get his appreciation.

The shrewd Twelve Brothers: Holding heavy soldiers but dodging the nine sons and wives, he is dying at the age of 78

However, there was a child, who, by his origin, could not be loved by Kangxi, but for some unique reasons, he was favored by Kangxi.

In the twenty-fourth year of the Kangxi Dynasty, the Forbidden City welcomed the Twelve Brothers, Ai Xinjue Luo Yin, whose birth mother was the Concubine Wanliu Hashi, who had a low status, while in the Qing Dynasty, the etiquette system stipulated that concubines of low status could not raise their children personally, which led to the poor Twelve Brothers leaving their birth mothers from an early age.

The shrewd Twelve Brothers: Holding heavy soldiers but dodging the nine sons and wives, he is dying at the age of 78

It seems that fate is always strange, at this time, Empress Xiaozhuang's maid Su Ma Lagu died because of Xiaozhuang, grief-stricken, the Kangxi Emperor saw that his enlightenment teacher was so sad, his heart was unbearable, so he let her raise the young Yin.

This Su Ma Lama was also a strange person, she was a loyal servant who accompanied Empress Xiaozhuang from the Horqin steppe step by step to the position of Empress Dowager of the Qing Dynasty, and she herself had a long lifespan, going through the four dynasties of Taizu, Taizong, Shizu and Shengzu.

The shrewd Twelve Brothers: Holding heavy soldiers but dodging the nine sons and wives, he is dying at the age of 78

Her experience is quite rich, and always accompanies Xiaozhuang, who is a great man with excellent thoughts, and presumably Su Ma Lama often accompanies her, and must have heard it.

The arrival of the Twelve Elder Brothers brought joy to the lonely world of Su Ma Lama, and she devoted herself to taking care of Yin Qi. It turned out that she took good care of Yin Qi, and the emperor also loved the twelve brothers very much.

However, when the twelve brothers were 20 years old, Su Ma Lama, who had reached the age of 93, died, and the twelve brothers lost this "adoptive mother" who thought about him everywhere.

The shrewd Twelve Brothers: Holding heavy soldiers but dodging the nine sons and wives, he is dying at the age of 78

Although his adoptive mother was only a palace maid, Su Ma Lama taught him how to behave as a person, accompanied him from a child to an adult, and he asked the Kangxi Emperor to perform filial piety for Su Ma Lama.

This filial piety was appreciated by the Kangxi Emperor, who had a higher status in the heart of the Kangxi Emperor, and when Yin Qi was 25 years old, the Kangxi Emperor crowned him as a Gushan Beizi.

After this, Kangxi's favor for Yin Qi was unparalleled, and whenever the Kangxi Emperor went on a tour, there would be Yin Qi accompanying him, and when Empress Renxian died, the Kangxi Emperor directly handed over the position of Chief of Internal Affairs to Yin Qi.

The shrewd Twelve Brothers: Holding heavy soldiers but dodging the nine sons and wives, he is dying at the age of 78

In the later years of Kangxi, directly let Yin Qi replace himself to go to some large-scale sacrifice activities, you must know that this is the treatment of the imperial heir, at this time Yin Qi can be described as unlimited scenery, not only his own outstanding talent, but also deeply favored by the Kangxi Emperor, holding heavy power.

The Imperial Family was mostly ruthless, for that dragon chair, flesh and bones, blood and tears splashed. The sons of the Kangxi Emperor, in order to get this dragon chair, also persecuted each other.

At first, the Kangxi Emperor and his empress raised eyebrows, so they made their concubine, the second brother-in-law, YinRong, the crown prince, the crown prince incompetent, and there was a situation of two rights and two wastes.

The shrewd Twelve Brothers: Holding heavy soldiers but dodging the nine sons and wives, he is dying at the age of 78

At that time, the fourth son of the emperor, the future Yongzheng Emperor, chose Taoguang to wait for the opportunity, and finally made Kangxi think that he was the most filial and would treat his brothers well, and eventually passed it on to him.

The Eight Brothers, known as the Eight Sages King, attracted a large number of courtiers, however, since the ancient emperors were most taboo, they were to form parties for personal gain, to form gangs and factions, and the Eight Brothers failed.

At that time, the emperor also had a favored brother, this brother and the Yongzheng Emperor were the same mother, he was the fourteenth brother who was named the great general by the emperor at that time, but in the end he could not fight the four brothers.

The Nine Sons' Conquest ended with the victory of the Fourth Brother Yinchen, while the rest of the Brothers who participated in the Nine Sons' Conquest did not have a good ending, and the Eighth Brother had the worst end.

The shrewd Twelve Brothers: Holding heavy soldiers but dodging the nine sons and wives, he is dying at the age of 78

In the face of the coercion of many forces, he chose to remain neutral, did not stand in any team, and did not go to his own faction to participate in the nine sons of the concubine, which allowed him to avoid this disaster when the Yongzheng Emperor took revenge on the other brothers.

However, this is not to say that if he did not participate in the nine sons, he would be rich for the rest of his life. After all, he was deeply favored by the Kangxi Emperor at that time, and the Yongzheng Emperor was actually not favored by the Kangxi Emperor.

Therefore, the Yongzheng Emperor was also looking for an opportunity to try to embarrass him. People always have the knowledge of making mistakes, and once, Yin Qi wrote Xi Concubine's surname wrong, and the Yongzheng Emperor took the opportunity to demote him to the title of Duke of Zhenguo.

The shrewd Twelve Brothers: Holding heavy soldiers but dodging the nine sons and wives, he is dying at the age of 78

However, Yin Qi did not have any dissatisfaction with this, nor did he think of rebellion, but put himself in the position of a courtier, and gave everything the emperor needed.

Yin Qi's loyalty and ability were seen by the Yongzheng Emperor, who was able to become a person who inherited the past and the future of Kangqian's prosperity, and was also a historical emperor, so he restored the title of King of Yinqi Doro.

When the Qianlong era came, the Qianlong Emperor saw Yin Qi's talents and reused him, not only making him the Prince of Shuolu, but even handing over heavy troops to him, and also granting him two major powers: the Minister of Military Aircraft and the Minister of Parliamentary Affairs.

The shrewd Twelve Brothers: Holding heavy soldiers but dodging the nine sons and wives, he is dying at the age of 78

In the Qianlong Emperor, Yin Qi's official position can be said to have reached its peak, and Yin Qi died peacefully at the age of 78 in the twenty-eighth year of Qianlong.


Throughout Yin's life, it can be described as a very successful life. When he was young, he was deeply loved by Lama Suma and learned a respectable cultivation.

The shrewd Twelve Brothers: Holding heavy soldiers but dodging the nine sons and wives, he is dying at the age of 78

We boldly speculate that the reason why Yin Qi was not affected by the nine sons' conquest was probably because of the great connection with this Su Ma Lama, who benefited him by his words and deeds.

When the Kangxi Emperor was still on the throne, Yin Qi was deeply loved by him, had many years of envy of other princes, and his life trajectory went through the three dynasties of Kangxi, Yongzheng, and Qianlong, and all held heavy power.

Yin Qi's life was very happy, which was inextricably linked to his own character. Favored by Kangxi but not arrogant, he had a tough mentality and did not participate in the struggle for power; he held heavy troops, but he was sober in his position and devoted himself to the king.

The shrewd Twelve Brothers: Holding heavy soldiers but dodging the nine sons and wives, he is dying at the age of 78

It was precisely because he remained neutral that the seizure of the Ninth Son did not affect him; it was precisely because he devoted himself to the imperial court and was loyal to the king that he was reused during the Qianlong period and was able to live to the age of seventy-eight. Yin Qi can be said to have a good beginning and a good end.

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