
Who were the hou surnames during the Three Kingdoms period at the end of the Han Dynasty?

Who were the hou surnames during the Three Kingdoms period at the end of the Han Dynasty?

Everything goes with the wind and rain, rest, and play Tainan Golden Head. The opening paragraph still reminds everyone to pay attention to protection when traveling on weekends. At the end of the Han Dynasty, there were many wars and chaos, and countless people came and went on this stage, and very few people really left their own deeds. This article will talk about the hou surname characters in the late Han Dynasty.

The characters with the surname Hou mentioned in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms were sorted out and listed: Hou Huan, Hou Cheng, Hou Yin, Hou Xuan, Hou Wuyang, Hou Lan, and Hou Shi (Hou Taishou). Among them, those who are more well-known are Hou Lan and Hou Cheng, and the time has moved forward, as well as Hou Ba, the Great Situ of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and Hou Ba, a Lieutenant of the Qiang Dynasty who had the same name as him during the Han An Emperor.

"In the winter of October, Tu Pengcheng was awarded the harmony of his xianghou" - Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms, Emperor Wu of the Chronicle

[Hou Huan, Peng Chengxiang in the late Han Dynasty, peng cheng was taken care of during Cao Cao's attack on Lü Bu, and Hou Huan was also captured by him]

"In the beginning, Hou Cheng sent Hou Cheng to herd fifteen horses, and the guests drove their horses to Peicheng, hoping to return to Liu Bei"—commentary on the Biography of Zhang Mi of the Three Kingdoms Chronicle

[Hou Cheng, originally a general of Lü Bu's army, violated Lü Bu's prohibition on alcohol because holding a banquet, causing the two to separate, and Hou Cheng, Song Xian, Wei Xu, and others tied up Chen Gong and surrendered to Cao Cao.

"Hou Yin rebelled against wan, and there were thousands of people in The County, and Ren led the armies to attack Yin, beheaded him, and returned Tun Fan, that is, the general Of Bai Zhengnan" - "Three Kingdoms Chronicles cao ren biography"

[Hou Yin, originally Cao Wei's Wancheng defender, picked a good time for Xingbing to respond to Guan Yu, who was attacking Xiangfan, but was picked up by Cao Ren.

"In the sixteenth year of Jian'an, Chao and the Guanzhong generals Hou Xuan, Cheng Yin, Li Kan, Zhang Heng, Liang Xing, Cheng Yi, Ma Qiao, Yang Qiu, Han Sui, etc., all ten parts, all reversed, and their hundred thousand people, the same according to He, Tong, Jianlie Ying Chen" - Commentary on the Biography of Ma Chao in the Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms

[Candidate, one of the Guanzhong generals who participated in the Battle of Weinan, first defected to Zhang Lu after the defeat of the army, and surrendered to Cao Cao when Zhang Lu surrendered to Cao Cao]

"More than twenty years before the time, he was accompanied by Hou Wuyang of the same county"——Commentary on the Biography of Guan Ning in the Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms

[Hou Wuyang, when the Baibo thieves rebelled at the end of the Han Dynasty, he and Jiao Xian took refuge in Yangzhou together, and during the Jian'an years they considered returning to their hometown in Hedong, but the two eventually separated].

"There is a posture, a loud voice, Hou Taishou instrument, with a female wife, to send Lu Zhi to read the scriptures" - "Romance of the Three Kingdoms , Biography of Gongsun Zhan"

[Hou Shi, the late Han Dynasty Liaoxi Taishou, he was very important to Gongsun Zhan, and also married his daughter to him, not only because Gongsun Zhan had a good appearance and a big voice, but also because he was optimistic about Gongsun Zhan's memory of handling affairs without errors]

"Hou Lan, Shanyang Fangdong people." Emperor Huan was initially a servant of Zhongchang, who entered with a cunning, relied on covetousness, and received tens of thousands of goods and bequeathed tens of thousands of goods" - "Later Han Shu And Eunuch Biography"

[Hou Lan, a eunuch during the Han Huan Emperor period, was not as well-known as the "Five Marquises", but his fellow clans also brought many negative effects, and the amount of bribes was huge, and his contradiction with Zhang Jian was also one of the fuses of the party's calamity.

If there is any omission, we hope to add it.

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