
Moonlight Live chat about the AG new season head coach candidates, bluntly said please do not move SK and Jiuzhe

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Hello, everyone, I am Cancan sauce, like remember to pay attention to Oh ~

The 2021 Glory of Kings KPL Fall Race has reached the end, with only 13 days left until December 25. The teams are also eliminated, the few remaining teams are still playing the "squid game", and the teams that were eliminated early have also begun to perform their own live broadcast tasks.

For example, since the AG was eliminated, the moonlight coach who resumed live broadcasting after a two-day break.

Moonlight Live chat about the AG new season head coach candidates, bluntly said please do not move SK and Jiuzhe

Moonlight Live chatted with players about the new AG coach and strongly recommended four people

Live broadcasting, everyone understands, even if it is a popular anchor, need to do the program effect from time to time in order to retain the audience, and as a professional player and professional coach, the most attractive point around them is the matter between themselves and behind the scenes. This is not, hinting at the moonlight that he has retired, chatted with players about the next new coach of AG in the live broadcast, after all, he is not on, there is always a need for new people to come.

The four coaches were mentioned during the chat: dgc, vv, rainy night, Zhang Jiao, and a netizen who coaxed for the live broadcast effect, saying that he could choose a dozen or twenty coaches from the Internet and change one a week, which was obviously a joke and nothing to take seriously. After all, even if the AG did implement this policy, the alliance would not be able to pass.

Moonlight Live chat about the AG new season head coach candidates, bluntly said please do not move SK and Jiuzhe

Speaking of which, the coaches mentioned by Moonlight, the coach of The Rainy Night, served as the head coach of WE in the spring of 21 years, and after more than a month, he was replaced by WE and took over as the head coach by the sun. Rainy night of the season results how not to say, everyone often watch the game to understand, now is also in the AG training group, although Cancan sauce thinks that AG such a big team, do not worry about a head coach, but AG's consistent style well, is really uncertain, always like to challenge the limit.

Moonlight Live chat about the AG new season head coach candidates, bluntly said please do not move SK and Jiuzhe

And DGC, is a coach that Moonlight personally thinks is very strong, although he has previously filled in the wrong list in the JC and QG peak showdown in 18 years, resulting in the "reopening" incident of that year, there is no small controversy, but also the coach who took the championship with AG. Fifi also mentioned the main reason for the departure of DGC during the live broadcast, which may be more because of the "pressure" that cannot be carried.

The other two are Zhang Jiao and VV, Zhang Jiao has previously served as the director of training at AG, and also served as the head coach, and there is not much of a problem when the training director is not too big, mainly as the head coach because the "pressure" at that time is too large, and then he left. This time just stepped down from EDGM, whether it can return to AG, whether it is the training director or the head coach may still be the director of the possibility, after all, now the team is more difficult to bring, "pressure" is even more than that year.

Moonlight Live chat about the AG new season head coach candidates, bluntly said please do not move SK and Jiuzhe

And another vv, who was a player who was a former AG, also formed a team, played the role of the head coach in the team, and now Moonlight also talked about him in the head coach in the live broadcast, presumably he joined the AG is a fact, the only doubt is whether he will really be the head coach.

Frankly speaking, Cancan Sauce believes that the strength of vv when it was a player was very strong, and the team formed has also won results, but from the perspective of the coach, whether it can be old and spicy, the heart is still a little bottomless, after all, he may have left the KPL for too long, and the work that the coach has to do is not just the bp on the field, from the point of view of the things he has fought with his team members because of air conditioning, how to say it is also a bit too much.

Of course, in addition to the four coaches above, other popular coaches of the KPL have also been proposed, among which SK and Jiuzhe have expressed their positions.

But Moonlight said bluntly, please do not move these two coaches. SK now, has taken root in the Wolves, and the Wolves are now gaining momentum, and SK where to go also need to bring a series of 770 and so on, this buy a belt N posture, the willingness of the team is really not very high, and Jiuzhe, if you really come to AG, it may become Hero, after all, popular players or something, have to sell a sale to succeed, commercial realization here, no one can compare.

Moonlight Live chat about the AG new season head coach candidates, bluntly said please do not move SK and Jiuzhe

Which coach do you think will be able to adapt to today's AG Super Play? Welcome to comment on the distinction table your thoughts! Don't forget to pay attention to ~Thanks( ω )

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