
TES reported "Revenge of the Abuse Fountain" Xiangjun exploded crude XYG, which is comfortable?

Hello, hello everyone, I am Cancan sauce, welcome to read the information of this issue, if you like, remember to pay attention to the small hand

Recently, Cancan Sauce released an article about XYG "Abuse Spring" TES. A's article, caused a lot of players to discuss, after all, is the popular team, how to say it is wrong, right, understand brother?

No, on January 5, there was a second match between TES.A and XYG, the Challenge Cup BO7 knockout

TES reported "Revenge of the Abuse Fountain" Xiangjun exploded crude XYG, which is comfortable?

The result of this match was that TES.A defeated XYG with a score of 4:3, although it was said that it won, but the game still exposed a lot of problems, calculated that it was probably the third time that xiangjun was let three chases and three, and the last game for them, it was already unclear what the comparison was.

In the end, XYG regretted to stop the quarter-finals of the Challenge Cup.

TES reported "Revenge of the Abuse Fountain" Xiangjun exploded crude XYG, which is comfortable?

I thought it was a simple PK game, but the voice released after the game caused controversy again.

In the voice released after the game, XiangJun said a "small color pen", which shocked the players and made XYG fans angry.

Of course, some people say that Xiangjun said "a piece of cake", but Cancan sauce really listened to it 10 times, and it is really impossible to hear the difference between the pronunciation of the four words "bǐ" and "one dish" of "small dish".

However, in the end, with the clarification of the official blog, it was also proved that Cancan Sauce was not wrong.

TES reported "Revenge of the Abuse Fountain" Xiangjun exploded crude XYG, which is comfortable?

Because of this kind of abusive words, even if the word "small" sounds a little affectionate, but after all, it is an insulting word, if it is really a blatant insult to admit insults to the other party, it is really going to be punished.

And this kind of word, it is inevitable that XYG fans will be dissatisfied. Fortunately, however, the official response was timely, and no one misunderstood the expansion. Otherwise, the actual impact of "abuse springs" is far greater.

But even so, fans are arguing endlessly in the comments.

TES reported "Revenge of the Abuse Fountain" Xiangjun exploded crude XYG, which is comfortable?
TES reported "Revenge of the Abuse Fountain" Xiangjun exploded crude XYG, which is comfortable?

And the next step, how will XYG plan to fight back?

In any case, the final outcome of the matter may be that the two clubs have shaken hands and made peace, and the players have slowly passed between them, but the fans can't get by.

Young lads, in the end, are flesh and blood, whether it is against the players or against the opponents.

TES reported "Revenge of the Abuse Fountain" Xiangjun exploded crude XYG, which is comfortable?

But then again, Cancan Sauce suddenly found that everyone's reaction to people of all ages, identities, and occasions to say dirty words is not the same, which is obvious.

For example, the swear words of the Xiang Army made many players mention the theory of quality again, but when Bishop Yang of a certain blue team or other mouths spit lotus flowers, everyone's reaction was "national essence".

Hopefully, it will finally stop here and come to an end.

Let's discuss and discuss, how to grasp the quality here?

I am Cancan Sauce, like don't forget to click to follow yo ~ we will see you next issue

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