
Breaking news丨 Tesla Model S, Cybertruck test photos exposed

In recent days, foreign media have photographed the Cyberruck pickup truck being tested in the Tesla Fremont factory in California through drones, and also photographed the new Tesla Model S that is being tested together.

Breaking news丨 Tesla Model S, Cybertruck test photos exposed

Tesla told potential buyers that it would no longer accept new orders for the Model S and Model X outside of North America; Tesla told European users who ordered the Model S and Model X that it expects deliveries in markets outside of North America to begin in the second half of next year.

Breaking news丨 Tesla Model S, Cybertruck test photos exposed

Judging from the pictures taken, the new Model S adopts a new style of taillight group, and the light source shape in the visual light group is changed to a closed shape, and the area is further increased, and the fenced part becomes smaller, more slender, and more exquisite.

In addition, the charging port position of the current Model S small opening hole has been replaced by the same large cover design as the Model 3 and Model Y, which represents a change in the charging layout of the new Model S.

Breaking news丨 Tesla Model S, Cybertruck test photos exposed

On the Cyberteruck side, you can see through the photos that the Cyberruck production prototype basically follows the shape of the concept car, but has made some detail changes, such as the traditional style of rearview mirrors.

Many people were also attracted by the huge wiper on the front windshield of Cyberruck.

Breaking news丨 Tesla Model S, Cybertruck test photos exposed

This huge wiper has attracted a lot of hot discussion from netizens, and has also attracted the attention of Tesla CEO Musk, who said that this wiper is not the final mass production version, which means that the future mass production version of the model will not be equipped with this oversized wiper.

Breaking news丨 Tesla Model S, Cybertruck test photos exposed

However, Musk did pour a lot of attention into the wipers, and he had previously posted on social platforms that the CyberTruck wipers were actually the things that bothered him the most.

"The wiper is the thing that bothers me the most. There is no simple solution. Placing an unfoldable wiper in the front suitcase is ideal, but it's actually complicated as well. ”

So what kind of wiper will the Tesla CyberTruck carry in the end? In fact, Tesla already has a patent for the "Electromagnetic Windshield Wipers System," which requires a linear actuator that can include rails and electromagnetic moving blocks, and because it is a modular system, it will be fairly easy to install. In addition, Tesla also has a laser windshield wiper patent, so will it be equipped with these new technologies after the official sale of CyberTruck in 2023? We'll see.

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