
The old lady of Liaoning lived in simplicity, but enjoyed the treatment of the main hall, and her identity was public in 1995

In the Liaoning Provincial Party Committee Rest House in Shenyang, there was once a 91-year-old old lady who was accompanied by only one niece before she died, and did not like to deal with people around her on weekdays, which looked very ordinary. But it is such an old lady who can enjoy the treatment of the main hall in the dry rest house. This made the neighbors very curious about the identity of the old lady, and the old lady said almost nothing about her past.

The old lady of Liaoning lived in simplicity, but enjoyed the treatment of the main hall, and her identity was public in 1995

It wasn't until 1995, after feeling that she was running out of time, that the old woman told everyone about the secret that had been buried in her heart for many years. It turned out that this seemingly ordinary old man turned out to be an "arms thief" who had been rewarded by the Kuomintang with a heavy reward. What kind of legendary experience did this old man have when he was young? And why did it have such a title?

The unsolved case of Kuomintang arms disappearing out of thin air

The old woman's name was Gao Chongde, the wife of General Lu Zhengcao of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, and was praised by the CCP leaders as a "super female spy" and an "arms thief." Gao Chongde's story also begins with a theft of the Kuomintang arsenal. At that time, from the second half of 1937, the arsenal of the Kuomintang army in the northeast was directly stolen.

Every time the army checked the quantity of ammunition, it did not count, and the difference in amount was relatively large. How did such a large amount of arms disappear out of thin air? And it disappeared under the eyes of the Kuomintang guarding the army? This made the Kuomintang side not only angry, but also felt that it could not hang on to its face. Immediately afterward, the Kuomintang top brass issued a military order to arrest the arms thieves.

Eighth route army

Just when the Kuomintang was having a headache over the theft of arms, many strange incidents occurred on the eighth route army side. At this time, the Eighth Route Army was engaged in a fierce battle with the Japanese and Kou on the front line, but because our weapons and equipment were relatively backward, coupled with the fact that the supply of ammunition could not keep up, it often fell into a difficult situation. But from some point on, just when the ammunition is about to run out, the next supply of arms is always delivered in time.

Originally, after learning the news of the insufficient supply of ammunition for the Eighth Route Army, the Japanese Kou ordered the army to take the initiative to attack the eighth route army camp, but did not think about it, but was hit by the fierce fire of the Eighth Route Army. This is precisely because of this timely replenishment of arms.

The Japanese Kou were very puzzled, and began to try to cut off the ammunition supply line of the Eighth Route Army, so they inquired about the source of the Ammunition of the Eighth Route Army from all sides, and after some investigation, the Japanese Kou found that the ammunition of the Eighth Route Army was actually from the arsenal of the Northeast Army. Why did the Kuomintang Northeast Army take the initiative to deliver ammunition to the Eighth Route Army?

Not only did the Japanese discover this strange situation, but the Kuomintang itself also discovered that its own ammunition had originally gone to the Eighth Route Army. In order to find out who smuggled the arsenal of arms to the Eighth Route Army, the Kuomintang sent many people to monitor the eighth route army camp day and night, but never cracked the unsolved case.

What is even more amazing is that although the Kuomintang has been investigating this matter and strengthening the defense of the arsenal, it has not been able to prevent the loss of ammunition in the arsenal. This made the Kuomintang angry, but there was nothing they could do. Gradually, people also knew about this matter, and there was a lot of discussion, speculating about which warrior rescued the Eighth Route Army, which became a beautiful talk for a while. Because this "rogue" did not leave a trace of the Kuomintang every time, the Kuomintang searched for three years, and only after three years did it finally find the "culprit", who turned out to be the wife of an officer, that is, Gao Chongde.

With the dream of a female hero, she transformed into a female spy

Gao Chongde was born in Heishan County, Liaoning Province, and when he was a child, when other little girls were learning women's etiquette, Gao Chongde had begun to read one martial arts novel after another. Gao Chongde's heart has always had the dream of a heroine, imagining that she can fight the sword to go to the end of the world and be a heroine.

Lu Zhengfu

It may be influenced by martial arts novels, and indeed in Gao Chongde's body, there is a chivalrous spirit. But in the northeast at that time, the situation was very grim. In 1928, Japan's Kwantung Army created the "Huanggutun Incident" and killed Zhang Zuolin. After that, the anti-Japanese enthusiasm of the people in the northeast region became very high. Under such circumstances, Zhang Xueliang led the Northeast Army to begin day and night drills, ready to fight with the Kwantung Army, which was eyeing the Northeast Army.

Gao Chongde met Lu Zhengcao, then the commander of the Northeast Army, in the turbulent situation at that time, and the two fell in love at first sight, and with the continuous getting along in the future, they determined their intentions and married. Gao Chongde liked to play with guns since he was a child, and after that, he often kept his hands on the gun, and with the increasing practice, Gao Chongde's marksmanship was more and more accurate, and he became a famous "sharpshooter" in the Northeast Army.

After that, Japan brazenly launched the "918 Incident", which set off an anti-Japanese upsurge throughout the country, and Gao Chongde and her husband also actively participated in the anti-Japanese activities, going to the streets to give speeches everywhere, calling on everyone to unite and unite to resist Japan. It was also at this time, by chance, that Gao Chongde met a gentleman surnamed Wang, who often explained some of the Communist Party's anti-Japanese ideas to Gao Chongde, and also gave Gao Chongde a copy of "Taurus on the Front Line", which tells the story of a Soviet woman who rushed to the front line.

Huanggutun Incident

Gao Chongde was deeply inspired by the fact that since women in the Soviet Union could go to the front, they could also make some contributions to the anti-Japanese resistance like men. Soon after, Gao Chongde followed the team to Henan, and after Mr. Wang's introduction, Gao Chongde met Lin Boqu, the chairman of our party government who was in the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region at that time.

During the conversation, Gao Chongde knew that Lin Boqu was in contact with Chiang Kai-shek, trying to promote the anti-Japanese united front, and would soon rush to the anti-Japanese front. Gao Chongde was very excited to learn of this news, and applied to Lin Boqu that he also go to the anti-Japanese front to fight devils. Lin Boqu looked at Gao Chongde, who was highly motivated in front of him, and did not arrange for her to really go to the front line to fight the devils, but gave Gao Chongde a mysterious task.

Lin Boqu said, "I have given you a task, after this task is completed, it is more important than going to the front line to fight the devils, do you dare to do it?" Gao Chongde did not hesitate in the slightest, saying that he would not quit when he went to the soup and went to the fire. The self-confidence displayed by Gao Chongde made Lin Boqu very appreciative. The task that Lin Boqu gave to Gao Chongde was to let Gao Chongde use his position in the Kuomintang to smuggle out some ammunition for the Eighth Route Army.

The old lady of Liaoning lived in simplicity, but enjoyed the treatment of the main hall, and her identity was public in 1995

After Gao Chongde listened, he did not hesitate and directly took over this task. Because this work is very dangerous, Gao Chongde's identity must not be exposed, so he can only contact Lin Boqu individually, nor can he tell the people closest to him about this matter. Thus, in this way, Gao Chongde began to have the identity of a spy.

Courageous and resourceful, he single-handedly built an "arsenal" for the Eighth Route Army

Gao Chongde carried out his first mission, targeting the ammunition depot of the Northeast Army first. At that time, Lü Zhengcao was in charge of logistics support in the 691 regiment, and Gao Chongde just used this layer of identity to find an opportunity to contact the arsenal. Although with the identity of Gao Chongde, the back-and-forth collection of goods from the ammunition depot did not arouse anyone's suspicions, but only by relying on the hands to pick up the goods back and forth, the amount of ammunition obtained was very small.

After some consideration, Gao Chongde began to bribe the guards in the ammunition warehouse, and managed the officers in the warehouse to make good relations, and then through the excuse of equipping the new recruits, he continued to transport ammunition to the outside world, because of Gao Chongde's advance pointing, no one in the army ever suspected Gao Chongde, so he smoothly transported the ammunition from the Kuomintang arsenal to the eighth route army station.

The old lady of Liaoning lived in simplicity, but enjoyed the treatment of the main hall, and her identity was public in 1995

But over time, the disappearance of gunpowder was revealed, because the total number of disappeared arms before and after was huge, and this incident alarmed the Central Committee of the Kuomintang and set up a special group to investigate the matter. After Gao Chongde learned the news, he was also more cautious. But gao chongde, who should have stopped temporarily at this moment of crisis, did not.

Because the supply of ammunition for the Eighth Route Army has always been very scarce. Therefore, Gao Chongde changed his way. If you do it again, once your identity is exposed, not only will Gao Chongde's life be in danger, but it will even affect her husband. After thinking about it for a while, Gao Chongde, with the help of Wan Fulin, then commander of the Northeast Army, contacted Cheng Qian, who was serving as commander in the Kuomintang First Theater. After meeting Cheng Qian, Gao Chongde, with his wit and bravery, won the name of "Independent Guerrilla in the First Theater of Operations" for her husband's unit, and himself became the chief of the detachment's left-behind division.

In this way, the transport of ammunition is nominally protected. Before each transportation, Gao Chongde will contact the transportation route in advance and personally participate in the transportation. People thought she was delivering ammunition to the Kuomintang, but they didn't know that these had reached the camp of the Eighth Route Army. The continuous supply of arms to the Eighth Route Army also attracted the attention of the Kuomintang.

The old lady of Liaoning lived in simplicity, but enjoyed the treatment of the main hall, and her identity was public in 1995

After conducting an investigation, the Kuomintang's secret service targeted Gao Chongde. However, due to Gao Chongde's identity, the agents did not dare to take any measures against Gao Chongde, and could only quietly observe and wait for the opportunity. In the autumn of 1940, several people came to the garrison where Gao Chongde's troops were located, and seeing that several people were not looking right, Gao Chongde immediately raised his vigilance and asked, "Who are you?" What's the matter with coming here? Several people claimed to have come from the Third Reserve Division in Hebei to investigate the terrain.

Gao Chongde asked again: "This is the left-behind garrison of the guerrillas in the First Theater of Operations, what does it have to do with you?" Why are you here? In the face of Gao Chongde's questioning, these people set their eyes on one person, who should be the leader of these people, and the person said: "When you are gone, we will be stationed here, and come and see in advance." ”

But Gao Chongde's troops obviously could not move away for a while and a half, which was obviously their excuse. Seeing that Gao Chongde was aware, these people looked around for a while and then left. After several people left, Gao Chongde, with a keen sense of smell, ordered the soldiers to strengthen their defenses. Sure enough, that night, a regiment of the Third Reserve Division surrounded the garrison, and although Gao Chongde was wounded in the melee, he escaped.

Limber Canal

As a result, the news of Gao Chongde's secret transport of arms was also exposed, and it became the target of Chiang Kai-shek and the Japanese and the Japanese. The Kuomintang sent a large number of spies to hunt down Gao Chongde, claiming to cut the grass and remove the roots. Naturally, our army did not stand idly by, and quickly found Gao Chongde and sent him to Yan'an through secret means. So far, there has been no more news of "arms thieves".

The injured Gao Chongde underwent surgery in Yan'an under Zhu De's arrangement, and before the operation, Zhu De also instructed the doctor: "We must cure her, she is our super spy, our party's "arms thief." After his recovery, Gao Chongde stayed in Yan'an, and Chairman Mao personally approved a cave for Gao Chongde to live in.

It can be said that Gao Chongde used his body to build an "arsenal" for our army during that period of lack of guns and ammunition at the risk of his life, which relieved our army of its urgent needs and helped the Eighth Route Army through that period of lack of guns and ammunition. But Gao Chongde felt that these were all within his duty, and did not mention the past after that.

The old lady of Liaoning lived in simplicity, but enjoyed the treatment of the main hall, and her identity was public in 1995

After the liberation war began, Gao Chongde returned to Shenyang with his troops and participated in the Liaoshen Campaign. Shortly after the founding of New China, Gao Chongde's old injuries recurred and he went to the Affiliated Hospital of Shenyang Medical University for treatment, which lasted for three years. After being discharged from the hospital three years later, Gao Chongde did not participate in the work anymore, and according to the organization's arrangement, he went to live in the dry rest house of the Liaoning Provincial Party Committee, and enjoyed the treatment of the main hall here.

Because Gao Chongde is often reclusive, there are not many people around him, and there is little communication with the people around him, and the previous things are not mentioned. It is really doubtful that the identity of such an old lady who can enjoy the treatment of the main hall is really doubtful. It was not until the last moment that Gao Chongde told everyone that he was the "arms thief" that the Kuomintang had painstakingly tried to arrest.

Historically, there has never been a shortage of heroes. The same is true of Gao Chongde, from an ordinary woman, to the "sharpshooter" after that, and then to the final "arms thief", across his own gender, made great contributions to the cause of anti-Japanese resistance, and devoted his life to defending his family and defending the country. But for their own merits and achievements, choose to be silent, always conscientiously focus on the current work, this spirit is really admirable!

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