
Fu Zuoyi, senior leader of the National Revolutionary Army, defeated two marshals and led hundreds of thousands of troops to revolt

When mentioning the Kuomintang, I believe that everyone's first reaction will be to think of Chiang Kai-shek; but there have also been many National Revolutionary Armies with excellent achievements in them, and the one introduced by Xiaobian today is not only the last pillar of the Kuomintang regime, but also made great contributions in the War of Resistance Against Japan; seeing this, I believe that readers have a general understanding of the person that Xiaobian wants to introduce today, he is Fu Zuoyi.

Fu Zuoyi, senior leader of the National Revolutionary Army, defeated two marshals and led hundreds of thousands of troops to revolt

In his youth, Fu Zuoyi entered the Baoding Army Officer School for study, and after graduation, he served as an intern officer, and in his later positions, he also held leading positions such as platoon leader, battalion commander, and regiment commander. And these positions also paved the way for him to lead the army in the future.

In 1931, the September 18 Incident broke out and the War of Resistance Against Japan officially began. Fu Zuoyi and other comrades jointly sent a telegram and issued a call to "call on all parties in the country to unite as one, work together in the same boat, pool wisdom and efforts, and struggle together."

In the face of the Japanese army's planned offensive plan, Fu Zuoyi did not flinch, and he resolutely did not give the Japanese army any chance in response to various provocative acts of the Japanese army, nor did he ignore the orders of the Kuomintang, and pushed the Japanese army outside the door, and was respected by everyone as "general of resistance".

Fu Zuoyi, senior leader of the National Revolutionary Army, defeated two marshals and led hundreds of thousands of troops to revolt

In November 1936, in the face of the attack of the Japanese army stationed in Mongolia, Fu Zuoyi personally commanded the army with many years of leadership experience and attacked when the Japanese army was caught off guard. After three days of struggle, the Chinese army ended in victory, and Fu Zuoyi showed his leadership in this battle, making a significant contribution to the victory of this battle.

In 1949, the semi-colonial and semi-feudal society ended, and at this time, China's greatest task was to solve the problem of internal political power. In the end, when the People's Liberation Army settled in Pingjin and liberated all of China, it encountered the problem that the People's Liberation Army could not take Peiping by force.

At that time, when the atmosphere between the People's Liberation Army and the Beiping defender Fu Zuoyi was tense and the stalemate was not over, Fu Zuoyi led hundreds of thousands of his subordinates to revolt, which finally led the peaceful liberation of Peiping and made great significance for the liberation of all Of China.

Fu Zuoyi, senior leader of the National Revolutionary Army, defeated two marshals and led hundreds of thousands of troops to revolt

Not only did he make major contributions in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, but in participating in China's construction, Fu Zuoyi played an indispensable force of existence, and during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Fu Zuoyi not only did his best during the war, but also did his best for water conservancy projects. At that time, he led the team to repair the length of the main canal to more than 1,700 miles, the branch canal to about 10,000 miles, and the irrigation field to more than 10 million mu. After the founding of New China, Fu Zuoyi was appointed minister of water conservancy and electric power, and continued to dedicate his strength to China's water conservancy projects, I believe that readers can't help but admire Fu Zuoyi's ability when they see this data.

Fu Zuoyi, senior leader of the National Revolutionary Army, defeated two marshals and led hundreds of thousands of troops to revolt

For how to lead the team, Fu Zuoyi also has his own set of methods of leading the team, and the troops led by Fu Zuoyi often carry 50 pounds of sandbags and walk 60 kilometers a night. After day after day of training, coupled with the diligent training of the soldiers of the army, their strength has increased dramatically, and they have become an indispensable backbone during the War of Resistance.

And when you ask why Fu Zuoyi's army can achieve such perfect results, what Xiaobian can tell you here is that Fu Zuoyi takes "fast assembly, fast departure, and fast marching" as the standard of their daily training, and the achievements they have made, I believe it is precisely such standards that bind them and constantly temper them.

Fu Zuoyi, senior leader of the National Revolutionary Army, defeated two marshals and led hundreds of thousands of troops to revolt

Readers who have known Fu Zuoyi have generally understood that the reason why Fu Zuoyi is well known to everyone is that he defeated Marshal He Long and Marshal Nie Rongzhen of the Ten Marshals during the Battle of Datong Jining. The Battle of Datong Jining was one of the battles in China's Second Kuomintang Civil War, in which Fu Zuoyi's army won the victory and defeated Marshal He Long and Nie Rongzhen.

However, at the time of the victory, Fu Zuoyi was not proud of this, he actively reflected on the bad points in the battle, and pointed out that the victory in the battle was only a fluke, because he saw that the Red Army had made a wrong judgment at the crucial time, so that the enemy missed the opportunity for victory. But if the enemy had not made this mistake, the chances of victory for our army would have been greatly diminished.

And Fu Zuoyi's reflection this time, I think it is a thing that everyone should learn to think about, for a thing, whether you win or lose, you must think about the reasons behind it, sum up experience, and strive for next progress.

Fu Zuoyi, senior leader of the National Revolutionary Army, defeated two marshals and led hundreds of thousands of troops to revolt

Fu Zuoyi's life can be described as a "real warrior", not only the security of the country, but also the construction of water conservancy projects, he has tried his best to do his duty, so much so that Chen Changjie said that in this life, he did not say hard words, did not do soft things, and was a real warrior! "To make the person who died in the first place, who knows the truth or falsity of his life", Fu Zuoyi's life is worthy of continuous study by the people of future generations!

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