
Chinese workers in Africa, local black girls want to marry them and have children for them

author:Explanation of the human world


It tells the story of the great men of the East who are highly sought after in Africa, and their diligence and professionalism have won the respect of the locals, in stark contrast to the attitude of African guys who like to have fun more than life. Want to know how popular the big men of the East really are in Africa? Then follow the editor to look down!

Chinese workers in Africa, local black girls want to marry them and have children for them

The big men of the East are highly sought after in Africa

In recent years, we can often see the presence of the big countries in the East in the news of infrastructure construction in Africa. These laborers who went abroad won the respect of the local people with their hands and sweat, and their appearance also changed the impression of the African continent on the people of the great countries of the East.

Once upon a time, the great people of the East were considered "yellow-skinned sons-in-law" in Africa, because they were hard-working, capable, and they didn't seem to care so much about the wages demanded by the locals.

The African girl is enthusiastic, but the big man in the East is a little shy, and the two are in stark contrast. In the days of working together, they gradually developed feelings and entered the palace of marriage. More and more people from the big eastern countries have stayed in Africa for development, and their children have been born here, and they have become native-born Africans.

So how popular are the big men in the East in Africa? Let's take a look at the performance of their "rival in love" - local guys.

Chinese workers in Africa, local black girls want to marry them and have children for them

The African guy likes to have fun more than life

When we think of African guys, we immediately think of a tall, dark, and enthusiastic image. The pace of their lives is very slow, and even if they work, they are crammed and make up for what they lack. In the eyes of the people of the great countries of the East, they pay more attention to the enjoyment of life itself, which is often manifested in the love of music and alcohol.

Walking down the street, you'll see many black people with headphones swaying to the music, and bars are their favorite. On weekend nights, they always want to let themselves go to the fullest, and the next day's work is not the most important thing.

These words and deeds also reveal the unstable side of the African guy. Although they are enthusiastic and in good health, they rarely have the patience to do a single task. At the slightest setback, they are discouraged, and more often than not, they focus on finding a woman who can support them.

And this is precisely the strength of the men of the big countries in the East, they are familiar with the difficulty of life and have a very good professionalism. These details revealed in the little things made the African girl see them.

Chinese workers in Africa, local black girls want to marry them and have children for them

The big man in the East in the eyes of the girl

If you think that the favor of the great men of the East in Africa is something outside the body, then you are very wrong. In recent years, the population of the large eastern countries that have stayed in Africa to work and live has exceeded 1 million, the vast majority of whom are workers from their home countries.

They are mainly engaged in infrastructure construction and other work, and because they have received strong support from the authorities, they have a prosperous life here. What's more, they don't get too much tax here even if they earn more money than they do at home.

It can be said that there are more opportunities to stay in Africa and make a fortune, and the big men in the East themselves have more vision and brains. Their experience of making a living in Africa has made them more comfortable and they tend to take the initiative in their dealings with local girls.

In contrast, the African guy feels worse and worse. Although they will use more sweet words to please the girl, it is often the big man in the East who really wants to enter the marriage hall. In the eyes of the girls, they have a stable income and career, and have a good attitude and plan for life.

If there is a downside, it is probably a little shy and introverted. But this is precisely the range that they can accept. In a word, the big men in the East have given them enough security.

Chinese workers in Africa, local black girls want to marry them and have children for them


Oriental men are highly sought after in Africa, not only for their diligence and professionalism to win the respect of the locals, but also because of their steady attitude to life and future planning. In stark contrast, African guys pay more attention to enjoying life, and this different attitude to life makes people sigh at the size of the world and the richness of culture. What do you think is the reason why the big men of the East are so popular in Africa? Leave a comment to share your thoughts!

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