
A prisoner of war was exiled to Japan for 40 years, married and started a family in Japan, and returned to China to find relatives without success

Because of the War of Resistance Against Japan, it is not known how many families were torn apart in China, nor how many orphans were left on the streets and left unattended.

There is such an orphan, and his suffering is not known whether he is fortunate or unfortunate. The child's name was Hikari Toshiaki, his father was killed by the Japanese, his mother was unable to support him, and tearfully sent him to the military camp, when he was only eight years old.

In June 1943, Guang Junming's unit was moving, and in the process of marching, it was attacked by the Japanese, and the Chinese army stubbornly resisted, sacrificing more than a thousand people and capturing 4853 people, including Guangming Jun.

A prisoner of war was exiled to Japan for 40 years, married and started a family in Japan, and returned to China to find relatives without success

The Japanese army had more than 4,000 people lined up to stand by the wall, and they were about to carry out a massacre, and when a Japanese governor, Takahashi, saw Hikari Toshiaki, he thought of his brother, who had been killed in the invasion of China.

At that time, Guang Junming, who was only eight years old at the time, did not know what it meant to stand by the wall, so there was still a smile on his face, and this smile touched Takahashi, so he pulled him back from the edge of death and raised him personally, so Guang Junming continued to live on the land of China with Takahashi.

A prisoner of war was exiled to Japan for 40 years, married and started a family in Japan, and returned to China to find relatives without success

In 1945, Guang Junming went to Vietnam with The Takahashi troops, the War of Resistance was nearing the end, the Allies defeated the Takahashi troops, and Guang Junming became a prisoner, according to the international practice at that time, the Allies found that it was Chinese and sent back to China, but he did not have a relative in China, fortunately, a Japanese dentist took him in.

After the end of the War of Resistance, Hikari followed his new adoptive father to Japan, and his adoptive father was very kind to him, sending him to the best school and receiving the best education. In 1959, GuangmingJun graduated from university, went to work for a foreign company, and also gained a beautiful love.

Later, with the support of his father-in-law, Guang Junming opened a foreign trade company, and the business became bigger and bigger, becoming a rich man. But in his later years, he always had a dream, hoping to return to his homeland and find his relatives, and while looking for his relatives, he also contributed to the construction of his hometown. Although I returned to China for 40 years, I did not make any progress.

A prisoner of war was exiled to Japan for 40 years, married and started a family in Japan, and returned to China to find relatives without success

Although Hikari is far away in Japan, he has never forgotten that he is a Chinese. He often told his children and grandchildren not to forget China, and always remember that he had the blood of Chinese.

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