
The "old boatman" who helped the Red Army forcibly cross the Dadu River was hunted down by the enemy.

As the people's children and soldiers, the reason why the contingent led by our party was able to win great victories in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation was inseparable from the dedication and sacrifice of every ordinary person. Most of them, though unknown, made an indelible contribution. In 1952, Lu Ruilin, then deputy political commissar of the Xikang Military Region, was ordered by his superiors to lead his troops into Daliangshan to suppress bandits. His advance battalion found a Han slave passing through a local Yi tribe.

The "old boatman" who helped the Red Army forcibly cross the Dadu River was hunted down by the enemy.

The old man, who had lost his sight in his left eye, had his daily job of herding cattle and horses, and he ate and lived with cattle and horses. When he learned that the bandits were the Red Army of that year, the slave was very excited and told everyone about his help to the Red Army to cross the Dadu River. The old man's deeds were also written into a press release by the accompanying reporters. When Lu Ruilin saw this manuscript, he immediately thought of the events of that year. It turned out that this slave was the person that the Southwest Military Region had been looking for for many years, and before he became a slave, he was a boatman from Sichuan, whose real name was Shuai Shigao.

The "old boatman" who helped the Red Army forcibly cross the Dadu River was hunted down by the enemy.

And when it comes to his help to the Red Army, the time must be transferred back to 1935. In that year, the Red Army marched to the vicinity of Asbestos County in Sichuan, and in the face of the front and back attacks of the Kuomintang side, it resolutely decided to forcibly cross the Dadu River. But it is not easy to cross the river, and the first big problem in front of us is that there is no ferry, and all the ferries that can be found are burned by the Kuomintang.

The "old boatman" who helped the Red Army forcibly cross the Dadu River was hunted down by the enemy.

If you want to cross the river, you can only go to the Kuomintang and capture it. So on May 24, after several days of fierce fighting, the Red Army successfully annihilated two Nationalist companies stationed in the area and captured a ferry. But after that, another question lay in front of us. In the face of the rapid flow of the Dadu River, no one in the team was fully sure that they could cross the river smoothly, not to mention that there was still a firepower blocked by the Kuomintang side on the other side of the river.

The "old boatman" who helped the Red Army forcibly cross the Dadu River was hunted down by the enemy.

At this time, Shuai Shigao stood up. It was also with the help of 5 boatmen of the Marshal High that 17 Red Army advancers broke through the crazy strafing of the Kuomintang on the other side and successfully went ashore to control the ferry.

The "old boatman" who helped the Red Army forcibly cross the Dadu River was hunted down by the enemy.

After learning of the Red Army's successful breakthrough, the Kuomintang top brass who learned of this incident was very angry and ordered the local team to severely punish those who helped the Red Army cross the river. There was no way, Shuai Shigao only left his hometown and began to flee. Eventually, he was captured by the local Yi tribe in Daliangshan and became a slave. Fortunately, after learning of The Handsome Man's whereabouts, he was quickly taken back to the military district.

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