
Half of the world's esophageal cancer in China, and 3 bad eating habits are related, see if you have it

Half of the world's esophageal cancer in China, and 3 bad eating habits are related, see if you have it
Half of the world's esophageal cancer in China, and 3 bad eating habits are related, see if you have it
Half of the world's esophageal cancer in China, and 3 bad eating habits are related, see if you have it
Half of the world's esophageal cancer in China, and 3 bad eating habits are related, see if you have it
Half of the world's esophageal cancer in China, and 3 bad eating habits are related, see if you have it
Half of the world's esophageal cancer in China, and 3 bad eating habits are related, see if you have it
Half of the world's esophageal cancer in China, and 3 bad eating habits are related, see if you have it
Half of the world's esophageal cancer in China, and 3 bad eating habits are related, see if you have it
Half of the world's esophageal cancer in China, and 3 bad eating habits are related, see if you have it
Half of the world's esophageal cancer in China, and 3 bad eating habits are related, see if you have it
Half of the world's esophageal cancer in China, and 3 bad eating habits are related, see if you have it
Half of the world's esophageal cancer in China, and 3 bad eating habits are related, see if you have it
Half of the world's esophageal cancer in China, and 3 bad eating habits are related, see if you have it
Half of the world's esophageal cancer in China, and 3 bad eating habits are related, see if you have it
Half of the world's esophageal cancer in China, and 3 bad eating habits are related, see if you have it
Half of the world's esophageal cancer in China, and 3 bad eating habits are related, see if you have it

In the early morning of December 12, the Golden Horse Award film emperor and actor Tu Men teacher died at the age of 61, leaving very peacefully.

He has played Genghis Khan, Wu Sangui, An Lushan, Zuo Lengchan, etc., and has contributed many wonderful performances to us with the role of conveying the gods.

According to media reports, he was just diagnosed with advanced esophageal cancer last month...

Esophageal cancer, we actually have a way to find it earlier.

Hope you can forward this article to the circle of friends

Tell everyone about preventing esophageal cancer

Finally, Teacher Tu, I wish you all the best.

Half of the world's esophageal cancer in China, and 3 bad eating habits are related, see if you have it

(Image source: Tumen Studio)


Half of the world's esophageal cancer in China, and 3 bad eating habits are related, see if you have it

Editors: Zhang Jie, Zhang Li, Guo Qian

Painter: Bai Yi painted | Proofreading: Wu Yihe | Typesetting: Li Yongmin

Operation: Han Ningning | Coordinator: Wu Wei

*The content of this article is a popularization of health knowledge and cannot be used as a specific diagnosis and treatment recommendation, nor is it a substitute for face-to-face consultation by a practicing physician, for reference only.

*The copyright of this article belongs to Tencent Medical Code, unauthorized media reprinting is prohibited, and illegal reprinting will be investigated for legal responsibility according to law. Individuals are welcome to forward to the circle of friends.

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