
Can the skin also grow cancer? Skin appears these 4 phenomena, be careful is skin cancer to "report"!

Can the skin also grow cancer?

I believe that many people are surprised by this, the skin will even grow cancer cells?

In fact, as the largest organ of the human body, the skin is also the most exposed part of the external environment.

Therefore, the skin does have the possibility of cancer, and its incidence is related to the region, race, age and environment.

Although the incidence of skin cancer in China is low, the degree of malignancy is very high, although there is no incidence of skin cancer in China's cancer statistics.

However, international data show that the cancer with the highest incidence in the world, whether male or female, is non-melanomatous skin cancer.

Can the skin also grow cancer? Skin appears these 4 phenomena, be careful is skin cancer to "report"!

When these phenomena occur, be careful that skin cancer comes to "report"

Some of the symptoms of skin cancer are similar to benign skin diseases, which can easily be overlooked and the best time for treatment is missed. Therefore, in order to prevent the occurrence of diseases before they occur, we must understand the early manifestations of skin cancer in detail.

first. The site of the ulcer does not heal

Normally, when there is a problem with a rupture on the surface of the skin, after applying the drug, it can heal after a few days.

If the spots on the skin or moles are scratched, the problem of damage has always existed, and after using a lot of drugs, it is still not getting better, you must hurry to the hospital for dermoscopy to see if it is the impact of skin cancer.

second. Morphological changes in moles

Under normal circumstances, the moles or spots that grow on the body are regular in shape, and the size does not change much.

However, if the mole grows on the body, the diameter has a more obvious change in a short period of time, especially more than 6 mm, and there are abnormal colors, asymmetrical shapes, and irregular edges, which are more highly vigilant, and are more related to skin cancer.

Not only that, clinical data show that the risk of moles growing in the genitals, lips, hands and feet, and waist and other easily rubbed parts is higher, and I hope that everyone can have regular physical examinations.

Can the skin also grow cancer? Skin appears these 4 phenomena, be careful is skin cancer to "report"!

third. Satellite phenomenon

The so-called satellite phenomenon refers to a small piece of skin on which more moles have grown, forming a shape similar to satellites, and the color is darker, and it is also necessary to seek medical treatment in time, which is likely to be a signal of skin cancer.

fourth. Eczema-like changes

The so-called eczema change refers to the growth of some small pimples on the skin, accompanied by redness and bleeding, which people often think of as eczema.

Over time, these small pimples will also appear exudate, then it is necessary to consider whether it is a symptom of skin cancer, especially the location of the breast, you must thank the hospital for a detailed examination.

Can the skin also grow cancer? Skin appears these 4 phenomena, be careful is skin cancer to "report"!

In order to prevent skin cancer, what do we need to do well every day?

Although skin cancer is terrible, not all people will occur, and the incidence of skin cancer in China is also low, so there is no need to panic too much.

In addition, most of the common clinical basal cell carcinomas are benign, basically do not metastasize, and will not affect lifespan, so as long as you do one thing well every day, you can prevent cancer to a certain extent, especially basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma.

That is---- do a good job of sun protection measures.

Sunscreen is not only to prevent the skin from being tanned, but also an effective way to prevent skin cancer, because when the sun is strong, the skin will be reddened or even sunburned.

In particular, if the cumulative number of sunburns increases, the body's cell repair ability is insufficient, and it is easy to mutate, increasing the chance of skin cancer.

Can the skin also grow cancer? Skin appears these 4 phenomena, be careful is skin cancer to "report"!

All in all, although skin cancer is not as high as cancers such as stomach cancer and bowel cancer.

However, its harm is not low, not only will the skin appear ulcerated and bleeding and other symptoms, but also damage the organs, endangering life.

If there are eczema-like changes on the skin and symptoms such as abnormal spot morphology, ulceration and non-healing, it must be paid attention to, because these manifestations may be a sign of skin cancer.

Can the skin also grow cancer? Skin appears these 4 phenomena, be careful is skin cancer to "report"!


【1】Antonio C Buzaid, MD. TNM staging system for cutaneous melanoma and other prognostic factors. Clinical Consultant at UpToDate.

[2] Michael C Cameron, Erica Lee, Brian P Hibler, et al. Basal cell carcinoma: epidemiology; pathophysiology; clinical and histological subtypes; and disease associations. Akkad Journal of Dermatology.2019, 80 (2): 303~317.

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