
With a million dollars, Du Yuesheng drank tea this time, but there was no money, and the accompanying guests had to pay in advance!

Du Yuesheng was born very bitterly, his parents died early, and he was once a poor person with low status on the beach.

Interestingly, after he had a lot of money, he regarded money as water and did not value them.

This is very rare for upstarts who have suffered.

With a million dollars, Du Yuesheng drank tea this time, but there was no money, and the accompanying guests had to pay in advance!

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, in 1942, Du Yuesheng lived in Kunming, Yunnan Province, in the rear area.

Once, Du Yuesheng was preparing to go out and go to the famous Guansheng Garden to drink tea.

At the door, he actually encountered a cultural refugee who came to the door for help. This person said that he fled from Hubei to Kunming, all the way bumpy, lost money, and now penniless, unable to survive, heard that Mr. Du is charitable and charitable, and came to ask for help.

With a million dollars, Du Yuesheng drank tea this time, but there was no money, and the accompanying guests had to pay in advance!

Du Yuesheng saw that he was described as haggard, and without any consideration, he took out all the more than a thousand yuan in his pocket and rescued this cultural person who was living in a foreign land.

Then, he went to Guansheng Garden to drink tea with people.

As a result, when Du Yuesheng finished drinking tea and wanted to pay the bill, he remembered that his pocket was empty, and he had to say awkwardly: "I forgot to bring money." ”

With a million dollars, Du Yuesheng drank tea this time, but there was no money, and the accompanying guests had to pay in advance!

Later, he still accompanied his guests and paid for the tea this time.

This matter was passed down as a good story in the rear.

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