
Walk the Grand Canal

author:Chic Jinan

Walk the Grand Canal

Jiang Shikai

This has been me for almost twenty years

Study the history of the Grand Canal,

There have been many hardships along the way

Sigh at everything

It takes time to settle

There is also an attitude of insisting that Qingshan does not relax

in order to be stable

Go far

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In China's Grand Canal

Organized and collected on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the world's intangible cultural heritage

Reminisce about the past

Infinite emotion

Know where it came from

Where to go

Time waits for no man


Grand canal

Jiang Shikai

Gyosha Tongbei

Chihiro to the West East

Good wind with strength

A fortune and a prosperous country

Canal Spring and Autumn trademark registration successful! The four characters of Spring and Autumn of the Canal were written by General He Faxiang, former member of the Standing Committee of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee and political commissar of the Provincial Military Region.

Walk the Grand Canal

The former member of the Standing Committee of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee and the political commissar of the Provincial Military Region, General Nanbingjun awarded the pennant to the Spring and Autumn Xiaolu Banquet of the Canal - an excellent enterprise to carry forward the culture of the Grand Canal!

Walk the Grand Canal

Wang Jianping, chairman of the Shandong Provincial Foundation for the Development of the Cause of the Elderly, organized several retired veteran military chiefs and demobilized veteran comrades to visit the "Jinge Iron Horse One by One Exhibition of Calligraphy and Painting of Old Comrades-in-Arms to Celebrate the 95 th Anniversary of the Founding of the Army" held at the Wangshan Pavilion of the Shandong Provincial Cultural Center; after the visit, they went to the "Canal Spring and Autumn Xiaolu Banquet" for lunch to celebrate the 95 th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army and welcome the opening of the 20 th Congress of the Communist Party of China. The Canal Hall was full of laughter and laughter, and the visitors were full of gains.

Walk the Grand Canal

General Zhang Zhende, former member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of the Jinan Military Region and director of the Joint Logistics Department, and General Zhao Xiaoqi, former deputy political commissar of the Logistics Department of the Jinan Military Region, and other people attended the Spring and Autumn Xiaolu banquet on the canal.

Walk the Grand Canal

With Chairman Li Diankui at the 2022 Annual Meeting of Shandong Canal Economic and Cultural Research Center

With Chairman Li Diankui at the 2022 Annual Meeting of Shandong Canal Economic and Cultural Research Center

Walk the Grand Canal

Joined the executive director unit of Shandong Canal Economic and Cultural Research Center

Walk the Grand Canal

With his predecessor Sang Hengchang, Dean Geng of the School of Literature of Shandong University, Hu Xia of Shandong Radio and Television Station, and Chen Zhong, chairman of the Municipal Writers Association, gathered at the Spring and Autumn Xiaolu Banquet in the canal.

If you don't forget everything, there will be an echo. Because it transmits the voice of your heart, it is endless, and it is imprinted in your heart.

Walk the Grand Canal

The essay I wrote "Borrowing Flat and Returning the Sharp" was selected as the 2023 Zhulu Literary and Art Prose Award by Urban Toutiao and Jinan Toutiao!

Walk the Grand Canal

In the winter of 2023, with several heavy snowfalls in a row and the weather being extremely cold, someone on the Internet posted a photo of a carp jumping out of the water and being frozen.

Sigh carp

Jiang Shikai

Freezing ice is not what fish want

I don't know how cold the water is

Even if there is a dream of leaping over the dragon gate

It is in vain to leap at the wrong time

Leap out of the lake and freeze into ice

Dare to jump is a hero

There are thousands of ancient fish

Only the carp has its name

Walk the Grand Canal

In Jining, the capital of canals, visit museums and inspect vegetable markets

Walk the Grand Canal

During the inspection of the market in Jining, I found that the tableware I liked, the logistics was inconvenient that year, so I went to the bus station with a good bag and escorted it all the way back!

Walk the Grand Canal

Inspect the canal cuisine

Walk the Grand Canal

Investigation of the Beijing section of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal - during the climb of the Badaling Great Wall

Walk the Grand Canal

In the Liangshan section of the canal, the customs along the canal are full of hibiscus tents, and the flowers are fragrant and splendid - there are things to do at home

Walk the Grand Canal

Hangzhou, China, Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal Museum.

Hangzhou Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal Museum, located at No. 1 Canal Cultural Square, No. 34 Jinhua Road, Gongshu District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, is a large-scale museum that comprehensively reflects the history, culture and natural features of China's Grand Canal. The museum covers an area of 27,000 square meters, with a construction area of 10,700 square meters and an exhibition area of 5,500 square meters. The museum was completed and opened to the public on October 1, 2006, and is a special museum of social science canals.

Walk the Grand Canal

Inside the China Grand Canal Museum in Hangzhou

Walk the Grand Canal

Wang Jihong, who has followed Chairman Mao's side for 12 years, came to the Spring and Autumn Xiaolu banquet in the canal, did not smoke or drink, and was low-key.

Walk the Grand Canal

Take a group photo with Liu Dacheng, a native of Jining

Walk the Grand Canal

International friends from Canada came to Jinan and chose to dine at the Spring and Autumn Xiaolu Banquet in the Canal!

Hospitality Shandong, on behalf of Shandong people presented the Confucian Temple to pray for the champion pen, the foreigner is very happy, the posture of holding the pen is very pious, saying that he just came from Qufu yesterday, and received this gift today!

Walk the Grand Canal

Participate in the Chinese Hulu Festival in the Liaocheng section of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal

Walk the Grand Canal

On the bank of the Jiangnan Canal in Suzhou, looking at the surging river, touching the scenery and feelings, longing to see the canal navigable in its entirety, and then taking a boat for thousands of miles to see the canal, what a pleasant thing it should be!

Write a poem about the excursion on the bank of the Jiangnan Canal

The Jiangnan Canal is more sunny and soft

The ancient charm and the present wind come into the eyes

The blue waves are rippling, and the fish are jumping

A thousand-mile tour of the waves

Walk the Grand Canal

When inspecting the vegetable market in Suzhou, the Jiangnan Canal, I had breakfast at the entrance of the market

Walk the Grand Canal

Carrying the Jiangnan Canal painting to Yangzhou

Walk the Grand Canal

In Yangzhou, Zhu Ziqing's former residence improvised his "Back", attracting countless people to watch.

Walk the Grand Canal

Shandong Provincial Museum visit along the canal to see New Year's pictures and take pictures of the little niece!

Walk the Grand Canal

Group photo in front of Liaocheng China Canal Culture Museum!

Walk the Grand Canal

Participate in the Liaocheng Chinese Hulu Festival!

Walk the Grand Canal

Investigate the Water Margin culture in the Liangshan Canal section. A bowl of liquor, drink it all, what you drink is not wine, it is the pride and ambition of life, hearty.

Walk the Grand Canal

In the China Grand Canal Museum in Yangzhou, look up at the Forbidden City and the Grand Canal, and feel the Forbidden City floating on the Grand Canal.

Walk the Grand Canal

The Hangzhou section of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal has three Tan Yinyue in the West Lake Scenic Area.

Whenever the moon is full, the bright light of the lamps and candles in the tower reveals five holes, the round candle shadow is reflected on the surface of the lake, like a round of bright moon, the real moon and the false moon compete with each other, the landscape is charming, this is the origin of the name of the "three pools reflecting the moon".

The back of the RMB one-yuan banknote adopts the grand scene of the three pools of the moon, which shows that the three pools of the moon also occupy an extremely important role in the scenic spots of the mainland.

Walk the Grand Canal

Jining, the capital of canals, Taibai Building, crosses the cultural blend of time and space, and feels the footprints of Li Bai back then.

The Li Bai Memorial Hall, built in 1987, is one of the ancient buildings with a long history in the existing commemoration of Li Bai, and is also a "famous building of Chinese history and culture" with Yueyang Tower, Yellow Crane Tower, Tengwang Pavilion and Stork Tower.

There are only a few heirloom cultural relics related to Li Bai in the country, and many of them are in Jining. There are more than 260 inscriptions of celebrities in the Tang, Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties in the Taibai Building, and more than 200 authors of the inscriptions. Li Bai's handwritten "view" word tablet, Emperor Qianlong's imperial pen carved stone, Luo Zhenyu's stone carved couplet, etc., can be called the treasure of Taibai Building's town hall.

Walk the Grand Canal

In the China Grand Canal Culture Museum in Liaocheng, teachers and students from a certain school visited the museum and joined the queue to listen to the narrator talk about canal culture with the children.

Walk the Grand Canal

At night, arrive at Yangzhou, the origin city of China's Grand Canal! It coincides with the tourist season of Yangzhou in March, and I found a lot of hotels at night, all of which were full, and I had the idea of sleeping on the bridge, reminiscing bittersweetly, and was dissuaded by the third brother on the phone.

Walk the Grand Canal

In the Liangshan section of the canal, the Water Margin Wine Culture Experience Center!

Walk the Grand Canal

Participated in the Hehe Deed Exhibition in Weifang and exchanged canal culture with Xiang Zhaolun, former Vice Minister of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism

Walk the Grand Canal

On the bank of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal in Hangzhou, the cool breeze is blowing, and you can listen to the murmuring of the flowing water.

Walk the Grand Canal

Folk culture cave room in the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal Museum in Hangzhou

Walk the Grand Canal

During the trip to the Grand Canal in East Zhejiang, go to the former residence of the Jiang family in Xikou Town, Fenghua, Zhejiang!

Walk the Grand Canal

Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall in Fenghua, Zhejiang. The revolution has not yet succeeded, comrades still need to work hard!

Walk the Grand Canal

Group photo of 18 Panasonic trees in Longjing Village, Hangzhou, Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal.

There is such a saying about the eighteen tea trees, according to legend, Qianlong came to Longjing Village during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, he was standing in front of the Hugong Temple and watched the tea girl picking tea, suddenly someone from the palace reported that the queen mother was seriously ill, Qianlong immediately put the tea buds in his pocket and drove back to the capital with a whip, the queen mother saw Qianlong smell the fragrance on his body for a while and couldn't help but ask what it was, so the Qianlong Emperor ordered the palace maid to cook the tea in the pocket, and the queen mother drank the tea after the eyebrows were clear and the liver fire disappeared. After that, Qianlong issued an order to seal the eighteen tea trees in front of Hugong Temple as "imperial tea" and send special people to take care of them for the queen mother to enjoy.

Today, the eighteen tea trees are protected as national treasures in Longjing Village and are fenced off so that no visitors are allowed to enter and can only observe them from afar. The fence is engraved with the words "Eighteen Trees".

Walk the Grand Canal

Participate in activities organized by Jining Chamber of Commerce

Walk the Grand Canal

Canal Shore Cuisine Boat Fish

Walk the Grand Canal

The special snack along the Grand Canal, the small yellow croaker, which is used to make soups, is a delicacy among the canal population for generations

Walk the Grand Canal

Canal cuisine Pan-fried white fish

Walk the Grand Canal

Canal cuisine Fresh lake shrimp

Walk the Grand Canal

Visit the canal gourmet restaurants in Jining along the canal

Walk the Grand Canal

Discover the cuisine along the canals

Walk the Grand Canal

The inscription of General He Faxiang, former member of the Standing Committee of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee and member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Military Region, is under his feet

Walk the Grand Canal

Investigate the origin of the Si River and the canal in his hometown of Surabaya Spring Forest

Walk the Grand Canal

Explore the Chinese sturgeons and red trout in the Surabaya Spring Forest

Walk the Grand Canal

The predecessor of the Spring and Autumn Xiaolu Banquet of the Canal - Jining Old Restaurant

Walk the Grand Canal

A small pavilion in the Surabaya Spring Forest Scenic Area

Walk the Grand Canal

Investigation and study of the Xuzhou section of the Grand Canal

Walk the Grand Canal

The Xuzhou section of the Grand Canal visited and studied, and was warmly received by the third brother Lu Ming, and took a group photo with the eldest brother Hu Qinghu's family, the third brother Lu Ming's family, and the fourth brother Wang Zhaoxian's family

Walk the Grand Canal

Read canal-related books in the library of the China Grand Canal Museum in Yangzhou, the origin city of China's Grand Canal

Walk the Grand Canal

Group photo at the entrance of the China Grand Canal Museum in Yangzhou

Walk the Grand Canal

One night in 2012, I listened to the guests at the dinner that Jining Yutai was very professional in making fish, and the next day I made an appointment with my third brother Lu Ming, I went to the Yutai Confucius Mansion to learn canal fish dishes.

Walk the Grand Canal

In the Liangshan section of the canal, Liangshan married Jinlan with the eldest brother, the third brother, and the fourth brother

Walk the Grand Canal

Check out the Museum of Fisherman's Culture along the canal

Walk the Grand Canal

The car that followed me for 17 years was honorably retired, and I bowed and thanked in front of the car.

Walk the Grand Canal

Jiangnan Canal, Suzhou, Zhoushan, the world's first village, Zhouzhuang

Walk the Grand Canal

Visit the canal-side hotels

Walk the Grand Canal

The predecessor of the canal Spring and Autumn Xiaolu Banquet Jining old restaurant napkin paper sample

Walk the Grand Canal

The predecessor of the Canal Spring and Autumn Xiaolu Banquet, in the store of Jining Old Restaurant, a Jining villager who took the bus to play canal porridge in the morning. (I was impressed by the green tin thermos that the fellow put on the table in the distance)

Walk the Grand Canal

The capital of the canal, Jining Bamboo Pole Lane

Walk the Grand Canal

East side of Tiananmen Square, Beijing: Visit Tiananmen Square with foreign friends

Walk the Grand Canal

Tiananmen Square, Beijing

Walk the Grand Canal

Beijing Wuqiao acrobatic scene, invited the audience to participate in the performance, everyone has not reacted, I was the first to raise my hand and ran up, on stage with the actors to perform, bent down to sit in the vat, even people with the cylinder two or three hundred pounds, our acrobatic artists with their feet up and turned twice. sigh that they have one minute on stage, and ten years of work off the stage! Sitting in the tank, I didn't feel scared, just excited. More than 20 years have passed, and if there is such an opportunity to come to power now, I think I should be the first to rush forward.

Walk the Grand Canal

At the foot of the Badaling Great Wall in Beijing, take a group photo with foreign friends

Walk the Grand Canal

At the invitation of the eldest brother, he was in the Zaozhuang Stone Tribe with the eldest brother and the third brother.

Walk the Grand Canal

Jiangnan Canal Suzhou Take a boat down the canal and deeply feel the development of the Jiangnan water system

Walk the Grand Canal

In the city park at the origin of the Grand Canal of China in Yangzhou, here is the Spring and Autumn Period, in 486 B.C., Wu Wangfu excavated the Grand Canal here and went north to cut Qi.

Walk the Grand Canal

Cities along the canal Jiangbei Water City Liaocheng Chinese Gourd Festival

Walk the Grand Canal

The city along the canal, Jiangbei Water City, Liaocheng Chinese Gourd Festival, held a gourd worth more than 40,000 yuan

Walk the Grand Canal

Cities along the canal Jiangbei Water City Liaocheng Chinese gourd festival wine gourd

Walk the Grand Canal

In 2002, he worked in Xuzhou, a city along the canal, and went to Xuzhou to take a group photo on the shore of Yunlong Lake, full of youthful atmosphere.

Walk the Grand Canal

The lotus leaf tip rolled mutton in the predecessor of the canal spring and autumn Xiaolu banquet in Jining old restaurant

Walk the Grand Canal

The predecessor of the canal Spring and Autumn Xiaolu Banquet is the special dish of the old restaurant in Jining, which is a full-scale fish with four nostrils.

Walk the Grand Canal

The predecessor of the canal Spring and Autumn Xiaolu Banquet is the special dish in the old restaurant of Jining, which is a spicy fried river mussel

Walk the Grand Canal

The Confucian smoked tofu in the predecessor of the canal Spring and Autumn Xiaolu Banquet in Jining Old Restaurant

Walk the Grand Canal

The interior of the canal Spring and Autumn Xiaolu Banquet, the predecessor of Jining Old Restaurant

Walk the Grand Canal

The interior of the canal Spring and Autumn Xiaolu Banquet, the predecessor of Jining Old Restaurant

Walk the Grand Canal

The predecessor of the Canal Spring and Autumn Xiaoluyan was Jining Old Restaurant, with a total area of 2,407 square meters leased at that time, the first floor was an 800-square-meter hotel, and the second, third and fourth floors were rented out to the outside world, such as schools, traditional Chinese medicine hospitals and office areas.

Walk the Grand Canal

The sign on the west side of the intersection of the old restaurant in Jining, the predecessor of the Spring and Autumn Canal Xiaoluyan.

Walk the Grand Canal

Teacher Qiao Yiliang presented a blockbuster painting.

Qiao Yiliang: Vice President of Jinan Academy of Painting and Calligraphy, Director and Secretary General of the External Relations Department of the China Confucius Academy of Painting and Calligraphy, Executive Director of Shandong Qilu Painting and Calligraphy Institute, President of Jining Binyang Painting Institute, Lecturer of Jinan University for the Elderly, Member of Qilu Painting and Calligraphy Research Institute, Vice President of Jinan Painting and Calligraphy Research Institute, Member of China Collectors Association, Distinguished First-class Painter of the Art Committee of China Disabled Persons' Federation. There was an inscription "cherish the flowers and get up early in spring, love the moon and sleep late in autumn" and Mount Tai cliff. As a disabled calligrapher and painter, his works have been exhibited and exchanged in Malaysia in 2006, and he has won many awards in domestic competitions. He was awarded the title of "Cultural Ambassador" by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Walk the Grand Canal

Investigate wild blackfish

Walk the Grand Canal

In Linyi, I inspected the Shuibo Liangshan Hotel, tasted the Water Margin culture, and felt loyal and righteous.

Walk the Grand Canal

Literati and writers came to write: thousand-year-old canals, fish fat and lotus flowers.

Walk the Grand Canal

Inspect Weishan Lake, and return from the lotus and lotus roots given by friends.

Walk the Grand Canal

On the way to Nanyang Island in Weishan Lake.

Walk the Grand Canal

Professor Li Shanjie of Weihai Art College of Shandong University wrote Room Yalanxiang for Jining Old Restaurant

Walk the Grand Canal

Received a book autographed by Nobel Prize winner Mo Yan Frog

Walk the Grand Canal

A small poem written after years of investigation of canal culture:

Canal row

Jiang Shikai

Gyosha Tongbei

Chihiro to the West East

Good wind with strength

A fortune and a prosperous country

Walk the Grand Canal

Exploring the Si River with his father in his hometown

When it comes to Weishan Lake and canals, we can't talk about Surabaya, and when we talk about Surabaya, we can't talk about the Huai River and the Yellow River. In this land of thousands of weathers, the Huai River and the Si River have a deep origin, like twin sisters, together become the mother river on this water and soil, jointly create a branch of Chinese culture, but also create the legend, romance, beauty and glory of the land of Dongyi, forming a Huaisi culture with distinctive regional characteristics.

Walk the Grand Canal

An old photo from more than 70 years ago with my great-grandfather and great-grandmother, grandfather, grandmother, uncle and my father!

My article "Sleeping in the Grave and Practicing Courage" published in Jinan Toutiao is about my experience of sleeping in front of the tomb of my great-grandfather and great-grandmother at night in order to practice courage when I was a teenager!

Walk the Grand Canal

Interior view of the canal in spring and autumn

Walk the Grand Canal

Interior view of the canal in spring and autumn

Walk the Grand Canal

With his family in the birthplace of Confucian culture, Qufu Nishan Holy Land.

Walk the Grand Canal

One of the two specialties of the Spring and Autumn Xiaolu Banquet of the Canal: fried fish

Walk the Grand Canal

Exterior view of the canal in spring and autumn

Walk the Grand Canal