
Why did the military genius Han Xin finally die at the hands of Lü Hou

In a feudal society that was good at life by force, those with excellent military ability would always be valued by the king. Over the past thousand years, the temptation of the Nine-Five Emperor has triggered countless wars of kings and kings. A large number of military talents followed the camp they followed, competing with others on the stage of history.

Why did the military genius Han Xin finally die at the hands of Lü Hou

Counting the military experts of ancient China, there are not many who can leave their names in the annals of history. Among them, Han Xin, the founding hero of the Western Han Dynasty, one of the four saints of the Bing family, one of the three masters of the early Han Dynasty, and the representative figure of the Chinese military ideology "Military Power Strategist", can be counted as one. He was a rare military geek, and was praised by later generations as a "soldier immortal" and "divine marshal".

Han Xin can get such high achievements and praise, inseparable from his own hard work.

Why did the military genius Han Xin finally die at the hands of Lü Hou

Han Xin, when his parents died when he was young, he had no ability to survive, so he had to rely on others to survive every day. Without parental teaching, Han Xin's personality gradually became indulgent and unpretentious, and the people around him hated him very much. Fed up with the blank eyes of others, Han Xin learned the art of war and practiced swordplay, and embarked on the road of self-improvement.

Once, a well-known gangster among the butchers in Huaiyin insulted Han Xin on the street and said to him, "Although you are tall and practice martial arts, you are actually a coward." If you have the ability, you will stab me to death with a sword, or you will crawl under my crotch." After han xin carefully considered it, he leaned down and crawled under his crotch without a word. His ears were filled with the laughter of people in the street. He knew he had the ability to kill the bastard, but afterwards there was no room for him on the whole street. So, he chose to compromise, and this compromise forced him to accelerate his strength, so that the history of crotch humiliation would not reappear.

Why did the military genius Han Xin finally die at the hands of Lü Hou

After the rise of the anti-Qin movement, Han Xin defected to xiangliang troops with his full ambition. Unexpectedly, Han Xin survived in the army until Xiang Liang died, and Xiang Yu was in power, but he did not get the opportunity to show his skills. Han Xin turned to Liu Bang, but still got only a small official position in charge of the warehouse. After Han Xin was almost beheaded for the crime of lianfa, he said: "Doesn't the King of Han intend to win the world?" Why kill the mighty man"? Let Xiahou Yuan save him from the execution ground.

True courage cannot be buried in history. In many conversations with Xiao He, Han Xin's talent was appreciated by Xiao He. At the recommendation of Xiao He, Liu Bang appointed him as a general in charge of the entire army. After a room conversation, Liu Bang was impressed by Han Xin's talent and delegated his power to let him do his career. Han Xin adopted the military strategy of "Cultivating the Path of Ming And Darkening Chen Cang" to pacify the land of the Three Qins with the momentum of lightning and lightning, and his prestige spread far and wide.

In the Battle of Xiaxia, he used a ten-sided ambush and embattled strategy to force Xiang Yu Wujiang to kill himself. Liu Bang, the ancestor of Han Gaozu, said that the empress dowager commented on him: "Even if there are millions of people, the battle will be won, the attack will be won, and I am not as good as Han Xin." ”

Why did the military genius Han Xin finally die at the hands of Lü Hou

When fighting in the country, the ability of the general is a great fortune for the monarch; however, after the establishment of the dynasty, the general's merit is high, which is the monarch's taboo. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Liu Bang always had a knot in his heart for Han Xin. It turned out that during the dispute between Liu and Xiang, Once Liu Bang was besieged by Xiang Yu in Guangwu, he ordered Han Xin to come to his aid. Unexpectedly, in the face of Liu Bang's request, Han Xin put forward the conditions for the crowning of the king. Therefore, since then, Liu Bang has always suspected that Han Xin has two hearts.

Once, Liu Bang tempted Han Xin and asked, "How many soldiers can I bring?" Who knew that he had a straightforward personality, he did not understand the twists and turns inside, nor did he think of flattering Liu Bang twice. Han Xin said bluntly: "No more than 100,000." Liu Bang asked again, "How many soldiers do you think you can bring?" Han Xin said: "The more the merrier."

Why did the military genius Han Xin finally die at the hands of Lü Hou

In order to dispel his own concerns, Liu Bang borrowed Lü Hou and later removed Han Xin. Before dying, Han Xin shouted, "I should not regret not listening to Pu Tong's words."

Pu Tong was Han Xin's adviser. The reason why Han Xin issued this cry was as early as the end of Liu Xiang's dispute. Pu Tong persuaded Han Xin to support the army and stand on its own, forming a three-legged stand. In this regard, Han Xin was furious and insisted on his loyalty to Liu Bang. I didn't think that I would finally die at the hands of Liu Bang.

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