
Why did Liu Bang regret killing Han Xin in his later years and said eight words, telling the endless sorrow of being an emperor

Liu Bang was able to become emperor in large part because he was able to listen to opinions and attracted a wide variety of talents. In this way, Liu Bang has more and more talents around him, laying the foundation for him to lay the foundation for the country. One of them, Han Xin, made great contributions to Liu Bang's claim to the throne. However, after Liu Bang became emperor, Han Xin became a major threat.

Why did Liu Bang regret killing Han Xin in his later years and said eight words, telling the endless sorrow of being an emperor

When the Qin state was on the verge of extinction, Han Xin went to xiang yu, but Xiang Yu was not good at applying talents. He was somewhat arrogant, did not listen much to the opinions of his subordinates, and was reluctant to give up gold and silver treasures, and was reluctant to treat those who had made great contributions to him. Even a powerful military expert like Han Xin was not reused by Xiang Yu.

Han Xinkong has ambitions, but he can't get reused, so he wants to leave. Later, he met Xiao He, and after Xiao He defected to Liu Bang, Xiao He recommended Han Xin to Liu Bang. When Han Xin first arrived at Liu Bang's camp, Liu Bang was washing his feet, and Han Xin felt slighted and left. Xiao He went after him, and Liu Bang discovered that Han Xin had real skills, and Han Xin was reused.

But Han Xin, when Liu Bang was under siege, actually asked Liu Bang to give him a title first, and then Han Xin sent someone to rescue Liu Bang after Liu Bang agreed. Later, when Liu Bang became emperor, some people said: Han Xin, you are also very powerful, why do you have to grievance yourself under Liu Bang's hands, you can also be the King of God. Although Han Xin hesitated, at this time he had become a threat in Liu Bang's eyes.

Why did Liu Bang regret killing Han Xin in his later years and said eight words, telling the endless sorrow of being an emperor

Before Liu Bang became emperor, he gave his subordinates the title of King of a Different Surname. Later, some of these kings with different surnames became people who could be trusted, and some became people who posed the same threat as Han Xin. Liu Bang felt that these people, like Han Xin, could not stay, and they had to find a suitable time to deter them. Liu Bang thought of Han Xin's coercion of him, and regardless of his past feelings, he killed Han Xin with all his heart, wanting to kill chickens and monkeys.

However, Liu Bang did not expect that he would treat Han Xin, who had made great contributions to the establishment of the Han Dynasty, so that more people who submitted to him began to feel that Liu Bang was not a reliable emperor. One day Liu Bang would use other excuses to treat them like Han Xin, so more people had the idea of not following him.

Why did Liu Bang regret killing Han Xin in his later years and said eight words, telling the endless sorrow of being an emperor

This constituted a very unfortunate situation, and the Han Room he had just established had not yet stabilized, and it was threatened by many parties. Liu Bang could only go outside to suppress these people and could not enjoy the life of the emperor. He began to regret the time he killed Han Xin in his heart, he should not have killed Han Xin when he first established the Han Room, he should have waited more, and it was not too late to kill him after stabilization.

However, Liu Bang had no room for remorse, and he claimed that after the emperor spent most of his time outside to calm down the wars on all sides. He began to doubt everyone, did not listen to the opinions of others, and was full of thoughts that others wanted to take his place. As a result, no one under his command dared to give him advice later, and even if he did, he would not take it, and perhaps it would lead to the disaster of killing himself.

Why did Liu Bang regret killing Han Xin in his later years and said eight words, telling the endless sorrow of being an emperor

Later, when Liu Bang learned that Han Xin did not have the heart to rebel, he had a regretful mind. Especially when he was older and still running outside for the war, he regretted that he had killed Han Xin in the first place, and the sentence he said in his later years was actually eight words: "Anderson guards the four sides?" "It is also a manifestation of the endless sadness of being an emperor."

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