
Share 丨Teng Chong Confucian Temple

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1. The historical evolution of Tengchong Confucian Temple

Tengchong Confucian Temple is also called Confucius Temple, Xuegong, and Huangxue. Speaking of the Tengchong Confucian Temple, we should thank Chen Jian, who is so far away that he can no longer see the shadow. In the 5th year of Ming Chenghua (1469), Chen Jian was transferred from the Golden Tooth Division to the Tengchong Division as the commander of Tongzhi, he witnessed the increasing population of Tengchong, the continuous development of the economy, the whole of Tengchong but there is no government-run school, so after two years of investigation, he believed that Tengchong at that time, whether from the economic and cultural development, or the stability of the frontier, must build a school. In the seventh year of Ming Chenghua (1471), Chen Jian wrote to the imperial court requesting the establishment of a sixue in Tengchong, which was approved. In the sixteenth year of Ming Chenghua (1480), Inspector Fan Ying inspected Tengchong and began to organize the Sixue.

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Two years later (1482), the eunuch Wang Ju and Tengchong continued to improve Mu Cheng, and finally completed in the twenty-first year of Chenghua (1485). The school's address is in the former Gunpowder Bureau. In the sixth year of Zhengde (1512), the overseer Zhu Feng and the general Mu Song rebuilt. In the third year of Jiajing (1524), Zhusheng Hu Quan discussed moving to the old office of command envoys. In the forty-fourth year of the Qing Kangxi Dynasty (1705), Tang Hanbi of Zhizhou and Duan Quanzhang of Xuezheng were moved to build in the location of the present Temple of Literature. In the fifth year of Guangxu (1879), Tengyue Tongzhi Chen Zonghai took office, raised donations, and continued to repair the Dacheng Hall, the Qisheng Palace, the East Temple, the West Temple, the Dacheng Gate, the Minglun Hall, the Xiangxian Ancestral Hall, the Famous Eunuch Ancestral Hall, the Lingxing Gate and other buildings, and the scale was complete.

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Tengchong Confucian Temple to today has a history of 541 years, in the long history of the river, Tengchong Confucian Temple has undergone migration, expansion, earthquake, war and other uses, many times destroyed, many repairs. What is preserved is the basic situation preserved after the restoration of Tengchong in September 1944. It is the most complete ancient building complex in Tengchong City after the end of the Tengchong War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and is the only surviving temple of literature west of the Nu River. Now it belongs to the provincial key cultural relics protection unit, tengchong city chinese excellent traditional culture education base, tengchong city new era civilization practice base.

2. Architectural regulations and main buildings of Tengchong Confucian Temple

The architecture of the Temple of Literature has a relatively fixed regulation, and the architectural layout reflects the ideas of "Zhongzheng" and "Zhongyong", which is divided into the pre-cited part and the post-leading part. The front parts of the Tengchong Confucian Temple are: Civilization Square, Wanling Palace Wall, Panchi and Panqiao, Jinsheng Yuzhenfang, Jianghan Qiuyangfang, Tengjiaofang, qifengfang. The latter quotations are: Lingxing Gate, Dacheng Gate, Dacheng Hall, Qishengguan, Ming eunuch ancestral hall, Xiangxian Ancestral Hall, Dong yu, Xi Yu. The ancillary buildings are: Minglun Hall, Xundao Temple, Xuezheng Temple, surrounded by Xiufeng Academy, Xiufeng Pavilion, Wenchang Palace, and Wu Temple. Two temples and one palace, accompanied by colleges, form a unique cultural complex in the history of Tengchong.

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The site selection of the Temple of Literature is skillfully combined with various factors such as the unique regulations of the Temple of Literature architecture, the characteristics of ancient buildings and the local geographical conditions. Tengchong Confucian Temple is located in the most central position of Tengchong City, accompanied by three mountains, two rivers and one pagoda, the three mountains are: Laifeng Mountain in the south, Feifeng Mountain in the north, and Xiufeng Mountain in the west. Two waters: The side pond, centered on the Panqiao, is divided into two pools of equal size and naturally out of the pool. One Pagoda: The Pen Pagoda on Laifeng Mountain. Generally, the Wenbi Pagoda is built in front of the Temple of Literature, while Tengchong is behind the Dacheng Hall of the Temple of Literature, which is the influence of factors of geographical conditions. The courtyard is planted with many tall, tenacious evergreen trees in all seasons, cypress, cypress, ziwei, osmanthus flower, plum tree and other trees containing Confucian thought, the entire environment is organically combined in form and function, forming a good ecological environment, and strive to achieve the "unity of nature and man" realm of humanity and nature integration.

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△ Lingxing Gate: The Lingxing Gate is the first gate of the Temple of Literature, which is a stone building in the archway style, with five bays. This name means that Confucius is a celestial star, symbolizing that the sacrifice of Confucius is like honoring the heavens. In the Song Dynasty, the Lingxing Gate was also known as the "Aconitum Gate."

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△ Dacheng Gate: It is a five-bay wooden single-eaves hard hilltop building, which is the last gate of the Temple of Literature. In order to show respect for the Holy Temple, all the doors of the Temple of Literature are only opened in the event of major ceremonies, and they enter and exit in two armpits on weekdays, and pay attention to the east in and out of the west. The horizontal and vertical rows of milk nails on the door are nine, because nine is the pole of the yang number, which indicates the height of the Confucius Temple's architectural regulations. The threshold of Dacheng Gate is very high, which is intended to be careful and correct for those who enter Dacheng Gate to worship the Holy Temple, which is in line with the solemn atmosphere of the Holy Temple.

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△ Qisheng Palace: Named after the father of Confucius as the "King of Qisheng" in the first year of the Yuan to Shun (1330), it is used as an ancestral hall dedicated to Confucius's parents.

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△ Jinsheng Yuzhenfang: From "Mencius Wanzhangxia": "The set of Dacheng also, the golden sound and the jade zhenzhi also." "Sound with a bell, rhyme with a chime, and play music from beginning to end." The metaphor rhymes loud and harmonious, and it also compares people's profound knowledge to learn.

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△ Xia Ma Stone: There will be a stone stele in front of the gate of the Temple of Literature. The Temple of Literature is the highest symbol of culture and education and the spiritual place of a nation. Therefore, in order to show respect for culture and education, and to admire the great personality of Confucius, the ancients erected a stone outside the gate of the Temple of Literature. The contents include "civilian officials get off their horses," "officials wait to get off their horses," "civilian and military officials get off their horses here," "civilian and military officials get off their horses here," and "civilian and military officials and military personnel wait to get off their horses here." Tell us: All civil and military officials must walk here.

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△ Courtyard: The courtyards of the Temple of Literature are all sunken, and the courtyard in front of the Dacheng Hall is the largest of the seven courtyards, which is the place where the participants in the ceremony gather. It shows that Confucius's talent is profound, and his character is tolerant and benevolent, and it also shows people's admiration for Confucius. When participating in the ceremony, the civilian official stands on the left and the military attaché stands on the right.

Third, the Temple of Literature has played a major role in history

(1) Sacrifice

Confucius was a great thinker, educator and statesman during the Spring and Autumn Period of China. In order to honor and commemorate this ancestor, people have long erected temple sacrifices, and formed different scales of sacrifice activities and ritual dances, forming a comprehensive art of "ceremony, music, song and dance". This kind of Confucius sacrifice activity, which finally forms a fixed ritual system, is a unique traditional Confucian temple ancient music ritual culture, which preserves the unique cultural memory of the Chinese nation.

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(2) The function of school education

Tengchong Confucian Temple, study houses, scriptures, sacrificial utensils, learning fields, teachers, etc. are all available. The Confucian education carried out every year by local officials in the Spring and Autumn Festivals and The Confucian education is not only attended by students, but also the Tengchong scholars, no matter how rich or poor, can enter the Temple of Literature to listen, read, read, pass through the scriptures, learn The Meaning, and learn Han culture.

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Fourth, the value and significance of the Temple of Literature in the New Era

In the new historical period, the function of the Temple of Literature also far exceeds the meaning of the monumental architecture itself, and it has changed from a hall of sacrifice and a government-run school to a cultural position with the main role of inheriting and carrying forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture. Today we understand the value and significance of the Temple of Literature as follows:

(1) The Temple of Literature has a very high value for the study of cultural relics, providing valuable physical materials for the study of the development and dissemination of Chinese Confucianism and the development of the temple of literature and the construction of the temple of worship.

(2) The Temple of Literature is a precious cultural heritage of the Chinese nation and the carrier of the cultural spirit of the Chinese nation.

(3) Since ancient times, the Temple of Literature has been a symbol of the political and cultural center of feudal society. Through the history of the Temple of Literature, we can understand the development trajectory of a city's own social economy, culture and education, and is a valuable resource and wealth of local history and cultural tourism.

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Author: Long Jicun

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