
The change from the site of the Santai Normal School traces the grandeur of the Tongchuan Provincial Confucian Temple

Author: Wang Ruiqi

The change from the site of the Santai Normal School traces the grandeur of the Tongchuan Provincial Confucian Temple

(Santai Chunguang)

The site of the first and third normal schools has changed

Founded in August 1945 and closed in 2002, the school has trained nearly 10,000 qualified teachers for 57 years, which has played a huge role in promoting the development of education in Santai and surrounding counties and cities, and even in political, economic, cultural and social development. In these 57 years, the school has changed its site three times, and the school site has experienced everywhere.

At the beginning of the establishment of the school in 1945, the school site was located in Fujiang Primary School (now Luxi Primary School) in Sandai County. In the autumn, there is a class for the middle and junior teachers, with a three-year study system, a total of 101 students and 11 teaching staff.

In 1946, the school was relocated to the Dragon King Temple on the former Xiaowan Street in Santai County (that is, the County People's Armed Forces Department, which was later renamed the Primary School Street), using the temple houses as school buildings.

In the spring of 1948, it was moved to the site of the former National Eighteenth Middle School in Huoyaogou on the western outskirts of the county, and the school building consisted of several bungalows.

In the autumn of 1956, The Santai Normal School moved to the former site of the original temple in the county seat (now No. 30 Xiadong Street). It was located here for 46 years until it was discontinued in 2002. The original school building in Huoyaogou was handed over to three tai and one middle school as the school doctor's office and staff dormitory.

According to the records of the "Tongchuan FuZhi" (Qianlong Edition) and the "Santai County Chronicle" (Jiaqing Edition) treasured by the Harvard University Library, the author will sort out and introduce the site of the Santai Normal School at this stage and the origin of the original temple site.

The change from the site of the Santai Normal School traces the grandeur of the Tongchuan Provincial Confucian Temple

(Santai Temple Fair)

2. Tongchuan Temple of Literature

The Temple of Literature, also known as the Temple of Confucius or the Temple of Confucius, is a temple building commemorating Confucius; it is also often the center of ancient school education, and the place of "temple learning" in ancient China, that is, the government or county school (also collectively known as Confucianism) is set up here.

The change from the site of the Santai Normal School traces the grandeur of the Tongchuan Provincial Confucian Temple

According to the Jiaqing edition of the "Records of Santai County", Volume II, "School Chronicles":

"The school was in the southeast of the county, the Song Daguan was first built, Jiatai was rebuilt in four years, and the Ming Xuande, Chenghua, and Chongzhen were successively added, and only the Dacheng Hall remained after the burning of the soldiers." "The Guo Dynasty (referring to the Qing Dynasty) was completely renovated, and the Kangxi Dynasty awarded the 'Wanshi Master Table' plaque in the twenty-third year. In the first year of Yongzheng, he was ordered to create the 'Chongsheng Ancestral Hall', set up five generations of aces, and awarded the 'Living People' in four years, without a plaque. Qianlong awarded the plaque of 'Ginseng with Heaven and Earth' in the fifth year, and the plaque of 'Shengji Dacheng' was awarded in the fourth year of Jiaqing. First of all, qianlong two years ago, the county shou wu Hongxu built and repaired six 'Zun Jing Pavilion', forty-three years, the former county shou Shen Qingren rebuilt the 'Ming Lun Hall' three rooms, all of which have inscriptions, detailing the county chronicle. ”

It can be seen that the Tongchuan Confucian Temple was built during the Song Dynasty (1107-1110) during the Song Dynasty (Song Huizong Zhao Tuo), and has been 900 years old. During the Ming Dynasty, Xuande, Chenghua, and Chongzhen were successively added or rebuilt, but after the war was destroyed, only the Dacheng Hall remained. At the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, the "Temple of Literature" was added. Kangxi, Yongzheng, and Qianlong successively issued inscriptions (the Qing Dynasty not only erected monuments of jigong in the battlefield, but also erected monuments in the Temple of Literature to let the world remember the orthodoxy and glory of the Qing Dynasty), and plaques (which were the court's way of praising officials and readers). It is not difficult to see that the Temple of Literature has played an important role in all generations.

The Temple of Literature, located on Lower East Street, why is it said that "learning is in the southeast of the county"?

Let's take a look at the map of the urban areas of Santai County in the 1930s:

The change from the site of the Santai Normal School traces the grandeur of the Tongchuan Provincial Confucian Temple

All the temple buildings in the country are facing north and south, and the pattern of the Tongchuan Confucian Temple is the same, and the wall of The Wanling Palace is facing the "Temple Street" in the south (the name of the street at that time, located at the eastern end of Xuejie Street). The Temple of Literature is surrounded by walls, with Temple Street to the south, Xiadong Street to the north, Fucheng Huangmiao Lane (now known as Dongsheng Lane) to the west, and Zhongxin Alley to the east (now no longer existing). Therefore, the location of the entire Temple of Literature is indeed in the southeast of the city.

Let's take a look at the "Temple of Literature Map" in the Jiaqing version of the "Santai County Chronicle":

In this picture, it can be seen that the layout of the Temple of Literature is centered on the Dacheng Hall, and the buildings are distributed from north to south, with a clear central axis and symmetry left and right. From south to north, there are the Wanling Palace Wall, the Lingxing Gate, the PanchiPan Bridge, the Ji Gate (Dacheng Gate), the Dacheng Hall, the Minglun Hall, the Qisheng Palace, and the Zunjing Pavilion. From the wall of the Wanling Palace to the Zunjing Pavilion, it is composed of three courtyards, which is imposing. On the east side of the Temple of Literature, there are also some outbuildings, including Wenchang Palace and Kuixing Pavilion. During the Jiaqing period, there was also an institution in the northeast corner that managed the school, the "Provincial Education Bureau".

The wall of the Wanling Palace in the south of the Temple of Literature is a metaphor for the height of the wall, which is used to praise Confucius's profound knowledge, and ordinary people cannot understand the mystery of it. On the east and west sides of the wall of the Wanling Palace are the gates into the Temple of Literature, called the "Limen Yilu", which means that only gentlemen can walk from this road and enter and exit through this door. The "dismount monument" next to the door is equivalent to the current parking lot for horses to rest. There is also an entrance to the "Prefectural School" next to it.

After entering from the "Limen YiLu", what you see is the archway-style building on the central axis- the Lingxing Gate. As can be seen from the picture, it is three six-column pillar-type stone arches. Ancient legend has it that the star is the heavenly Wenqu Star, and this name means that Confucius is a celestial star, symbolizing that Confucius can be compared with the Wenqu Star that practices enlightenment and cultivates talents.

Entering the first courtyard, you will be greeted by Panchi pond and the three single-span stone arch bridges above it, Panqiao, which are in the shape of a step arch. In the middle, the one is called the Zhuangyuan Bridge, and at that time, only the best people in the Toad Palace folding the gui and the fish leaping dragon gate could enter the Dacheng Hall through the Zhuangyuan Bridge to worship the sage of Kong.

To the north of Panchi and Panqiao is the Gate of Halberd, also known as the Gate of Dacheng, which is the gate that guards the Hall of Dacheng. The East Gate Is jointly named the Eun Seol Shrine, and the West Islean Township Ancestral Hall.

The Dacheng Hall of the second courtyard is the main building of the Temple of Literature, and its rank is the highest in the entire complex. In the middle of the hall is a statue of Confucius enshrined in the "Dacheng Most Holy Ancestor Wenxuan King", and the east and west of the hall are dedicated to the four pairs (Yasheng Mencius, Fusheng Yanzi, Shushengzi Sizi, Zongsheng Zengzi) and the tablets of the Twelve Philosophers for officials and readers to sacrifice. According to the "Records of Sandai County", the plaques above the hall include the "Table of The Master of The Ten Thousand Worlds" inscribed by Kangxi, the "With Heaven and Earth Ginseng" of Qianlong's "Imperial Book of Qin", and the Jiaqing "Qin Awarding 'Sacred Collection'". Kangxi "Qin awarded the 'Pingding Shuo Mo' Han monument on the left side of the temple", and Yongzheng "built the 'Pingding Qinghai' stele on the right side of the hall". The hall is surrounded by sacrificial vessels, ceremonial vessels, and musical instruments.

In the square in front of the Dacheng Hall, the platform surrounded by stone fences is called the "Worship Platform". Every year, on the ding day of mid-spring and mid-autumn (that is, the first "Ding" day of the second and eighth months of the lunar calendar), large-scale hole festivals are held here. The "priests" are sacrificed by the prefect, accompanied by other officials and prominent people in the province. The sacrifices before Confucius's throne were cattle, sheep, pigs, etc.

In front of the square, the East Temple and the West Temple are each dedicated to many ancestors and Confucian tablets.

In the third courtyard behind the Dacheng Hall, there is the Minglun Hall, the Qisheng Palace, and the Zunjing Pavilion.

Minglun Hall is a place of reading, lecturing, propagating, and research. It is a cultural and educational brand that has been passed down for thousands of years, a place where social elites with a certain social status give lectures and discourses, and also assume the function of disseminating culture and academic research. It was a solemn and sacred lecture hall for the social elite who participated in the imperial examination at that time to acquire knowledge and wisdom.

Qisheng Palace is a temple dedicated to Confucius's parents, and in the first year of Yongzheng (1723), Sejong posthumously crowned Confucius as the fifth generation of kings, and ordered that the Qisheng Palace be renamed chongsheng ancestral hall to honor the five generations of Confucius's ancestors.

Located at the end of the central axis of the Temple of Literature complex, Zunjing Pavilion is a double-eaves pavilion-style building with a total of six rooms. It is the place where Confucian classics are stored, and its function is equivalent to that of a modern library.

Tongchuan Province and Sandai County successively opened "Fuxue" and "County Studies" in the Temple of Literature, and hired famous teachers to teach and teach in Minglun Hall and Dongyu Xiyu. The number of students recruited each year is generally maintained at about 20, and those with excellent grades can be exempted from taxation and can also receive living allowances from the prefectural or county governments.

The change from the site of the Santai Normal School traces the grandeur of the Tongchuan Provincial Confucian Temple

(Santai Yijiang Temple Fair)

3. Spring and Autumn at the Temple of Literature

The wheel of history rolls forward, and the Spring and Autumn of the Temple of Literature continues to be staged.

After the Xinhai Revolution, the Temple of Literature changed.

During the Republic of China, in 1927, the buildings of Minglun Hall, Chongsheng Ancestral Hall and County School Office in the Temple of Literature were transformed into schools, and The Santai County Boys' Junior High School (hereinafter referred to as "County Boys' Junior High School") was established. In 1930, the Santai County Girls' Elementary School was upgraded to the Santai County Girls' Junior High School (referred to as the "County Girls' Junior High School"; in 1943, the high school was added and renamed the Santai County Girls' High School), and the school was located in the western part of the Temple of Literature. Students mostly enter and exit through the small school gate on Lower East Street. The original building that exists independently in the Temple of Literature still exists in the Dacheng Hall.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the eastern part of the Temple of Literature, including the area of The Original Changgong and Kuixing Pavilion, was transformed into a warehouse of the Santai County Grain Station (after the reform and opening up, it was opened into a farmers' market in the 1990s). In the autumn of 1950, the "County Boys' Middle School" was merged into the "Santai Middle School", and the middle school of the Santai Middle School was all in the lower East Street School Headquarters, and the high school was located in the area west of the Original Temple until 1956.

In the summer and autumn of 1956, the high school of Santai Middle School moved back to the headquarters of XiadongJie School, and the Santai Normal School moved from Huoyaogou to the west of the original temple until the end of the school in 2002.

For the people of Santai, the Tongchuan Confucian Temple is a holy place for traditional education and a cradle for modern education.

Santai Normal School chose the Temple of Literature as the site of the school, inheriting the deep roots of traditional Chinese culture. In the past half century, with the leadership of the party, the support of governments at all levels and the support of the people of the three Taiwan, the school has developed rapidly and its scale has been continuously expanded. In order to meet the needs of teaching, a new experimental building and a magnificent teaching building have been built successively, and the overall appearance of the school has undergone tremendous and fundamental changes.

Teachers and students of the Three Taiwan Normal Schools should abide by the teacher-training spirit of "learning from a high school as a teacher and being a model of integrity", the professional ethics of rigorous and tireless teaching, and the concept of governing the study with morality as the first and all-round development, and strive to govern with vigor and courage to innovate. The teachers' teachings have been passed on, the students have worked diligently and sharpened, and the school has shown a vigorous new atmosphere; it has not only carried forward and expanded the fine qualities and long-standing cultural heritage of the Chinese nation, but also further created a vivid and lively new situation, composed a magnificent chapter in the new era of nurturing the people's teachers, played a magnificent music for cultivating soul engineers, cultivated a large number of fresh forces with both political integrity and ability for the education front, and made indelible contributions to the educational cause of the three Taiwans.

As one of the highest schools in Santai County, Santai Normal School is well-deserved.

The change from the site of the Santai Normal School traces the grandeur of the Tongchuan Provincial Confucian Temple

(Santai scenery)

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