
Tesla Cyberruck does not offer colors, and owners can paint themselves

According to foreign media reports, Tesla CEO Elon Musk has confirmed that Tesla does not intend to provide any official color matching or outer film for its Cybertoruck truck, at least "in the beginning". Musk claimed, "As long as Cybertruck is not any color, it can have any color you want." ”

Tesla Cyberruck does not offer colors, and owners can paint themselves

In fact, the most unique thing about Cybertruck is its stainless steel casing, as Musk put it, "Cybertruck's casing is designed for ultimate durability and passenger protection, from the super-hard 30X cold-rolled stainless steel construction shell to Tesla armored glass, each component is designed for greater strength and durability." ”

This is a very interesting design that will make the electric pickup very sturdy, but also limit the color options for the appearance. Although the outside of the stainless steel can be sprayed with different colors, it also has limitations, and the spray paint is easily uneven.

Musk has previously revealed that owners need to coat Cyberruck with an outer film before they can spray the color they want. Musk has also suggested providing factory outer membranes for Cyberteruck. But yesterday the new Tesla Cybercruck prototype was exposed, and some netizens asked Musk Tesla on Twitter whether he would provide an outer film for Cybertruck, and Musk replied, "At first, it won't, but consumers have a lot of third-party outsourcing options." ”

Tesla Cyberruck does not offer colors, and owners can paint themselves

This suggests that Tesla may eventually offer an outer membrane to Cybertruck, but the company doesn't prioritize it, and buyers have to turn to a third party first.

Musk also added, "As long as Cyberruck is not any color, it can have any color you want." Musk's quote seems to quote Henry Ford, "Customers can spray a car in any desired color, as long as its original color is black." ”

Xiaoxiang Morning News reporter Hu Xiong

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