
Musk: My family and I have been vaccinated against mandatory vaccinations

Musk: My family and I have been vaccinated against mandatory vaccinations

After downplaying the dangers of covid-19 and expressing doubts about the vaccine's effectiveness, Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk confirmed that he and his family had been vaccinated.

But Musk believes the government should not mandate anyone to be vaccinated. "Unvaccinated people are taking risks, but people are always doing dangerous things," he said. I think we must be vigilant against the erosion of American freedom. ”

Previously, the Biden administration mandated vaccinations for employees of large and medium-sized U.S. companies, but the order has been blocked by the courts. In New York City, employees of private companies are required to receive at least one vaccination by the end of December.

However, these measures have been strongly opposed, especially from unvaccinated populations. But polls show that a majority of Americans support these measures.

Musk also expressed skepticism about the vaccine's effectiveness and shared his opposition to vaccination online. In an interview in September 2020, Musk said he and his family did not plan to get it when the vaccine was launched.

After being attacked for doubting the vaccine's efficacy, Musk clarified his point in a tweet in April: "To be clear, I do support vaccinations in general, and COVID-19 vaccines in particular. Science brooks no ambiguity. ”

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