
Musk: SpaceX will convert carbon dioxide into rocket fuel, and the project has started

Elon Musk, founder of SpaceX, said he had launched a plan to use carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as rocket fuel.

He tweeted on Dec. 13: "SpaceX is launching a program to separate carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and convert it into rocket fuel. ”

He noted that the implementation of this plan may benefit flights to Mars. The Martian atmosphere is dominated by carbon dioxide.

Musk: SpaceX will convert carbon dioxide into rocket fuel, and the project has started

Previously, Musk has repeatedly mentioned plans to colonize Mars and is building a Starship rocket for this purpose.

At the end of November, it was revealed that Musk was angry at SpaceX's lack of progress in developing a Raptor engine to power its Starship rockets.

"The raptor engine production crisis is much more serious than it seemed a few weeks ago," Musk wrote. "If we don't achieve starship flights at least every two weeks next year, we're at real risk of bankruptcy."

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