
More than 1,800 counties have taken over the houses, how to choose the farmer's homestead and the county's house?

author:A bright future


In recent years, the real estate market in the eastern countries has been the focus of attention, and various policies and measures related to real estate have emerged one after another, which has aroused widespread heated discussions from all walks of life. Recently, two more major events closely related to the real estate market have become hot topics, namely the rural homestead policy and the county stock housing acquisition policy.

The introduction of the rural homestead policy is intended to encourage farmers to buy houses in the city, guide farmers to give up their homesteads in an orderly manner through appropriate policy inclination, further promote the transfer of rural population to urban areas, and promote the integrated development of urban and rural areas. In the county's stock housing acquisition policy, more than 1,800 counties want to sell houses and change them to affordable housing, which is considered to be the bottom signal of the real estate market and has an important impact on the current real estate market.

The introduction of these two policies will undoubtedly have a far-reaching impact on related fields and will also affect the interests of thousands of households. In this context, it is necessary for us to conduct in-depth analysis and conjecture of these two policies, explore the deeper meanings behind them, and their impact on all aspects of society, so as to provide the public with more comprehensive and objective information and guide everyone to look at and actively respond to the current hot issues.

More than 1,800 counties have taken over the houses, how to choose the farmer's homestead and the county's house?

1. Rural homestead policy: a dilemma faced by farmers

More than 1,800 counties have taken over the houses, how to choose the farmer's homestead and the county's house?

1.1 Background

Homestead land refers to the land other than the farmland land allocated by the rural collective economic organization to the individual peasant households for contracted operation in accordance with the law, and is the land where the peasants build houses and live. In recent years, with the deepening of the reform of the rural land system, the homestead system has gradually become an important part of the reform of the rural land system, and it is also a key move to promote rural revitalization.

More than 1,800 counties have taken over the houses, how to choose the farmer's homestead and the county's house?

1.2 Consequential policy adjustments

In order to better promote the rural revitalization strategy, some places have begun to try to adjust the homestead policy, encourage farmers to buy houses in the city with conditions, and guide farmers to take the initiative to give up their homesteads through appropriate policy inclination, so as to realize the organic integration of "primary, secondary and tertiary industries" and promote the transfer of rural population to urban areas.

Specifically, the first is to give certain economic compensation to the peasants who have the conditions to go to the city to buy houses, the second is to support the rational use of the land after the peasants give up their homesteads, and the third is to provide corresponding convenient conditions for the children of the peasants to go to the cities to buy houses and find employment.

1.3 The dilemma faced by farmers

Under such policy adjustments, peasants are faced with an obvious dilemma: on the one hand, they should stay in the rural areas and continue their development, and rely on the transfer of homestead land and rural entrepreneurship and employment to increase their incomes and become rich, and on the other hand, they should abandon their homesteads and buy houses in the cities to seek better development opportunities and living conditions.

For some farmers with a clear development orientation and employment intentions, urban development is undoubtedly a more attractive choice, which can better integrate into the urban development environment, enjoy more public resources and social welfare, and provide better protection for children's education and their own pension problems.

However, relatively speaking, the elderly and children left behind in rural areas, and farmers who lack certain entrepreneurial ability and social resources may not be willing to give up their homesteads easily, and it is difficult for them to adapt to the rhythm of urban life and social environment for a while, and they cannot effectively solve the employment and living problems after moving to the city.

2. The actual impact of the rural homestead policy and the motivation behind it

2.1 Practical Impact

Although the original intention of the rural homestead policy is to better promote rural revitalization and realize the transfer of rural population to urban areas, in the specific implementation process, such policy adjustment may face some practical difficulties and obstacles.

On the one hand, farmers need to pay huge economic costs to buy houses in the city, especially in some first- and second-tier cities, high housing prices have undoubtedly become a major "roadblock" for farmers to buy houses in the city, even if there is economic compensation for homesteads, it is difficult to easily bear such huge economic pressure.

On the other hand, the elderly and children left behind in rural areas, and farmers who lack certain entrepreneurial ability and social resources may not be willing to give up their homesteads easily, which requires the authorities to take into account the actual needs and interests of different farmers more comprehensively in the implementation of policies, give them more room for choice and support policies, and avoid one-size-fits-all coercive policy measures, resulting in farmers' dissatisfaction and resistance.

2.2 The motivation behind it

In addition to the rural homestead policy, some places are currently actively exploring and promoting the relevant measures of rural land system reform, such as the reform of the "separation of three rights" of homesteads, the circulation and operation of homesteads, etc., the introduction of these measures will undoubtedly have a far-reaching impact on rural land use and farmers' income increase.

From a deeper point of view, the adjustment of the rural homestead policy is essentially to promote the rational flow and allocation of rural land elements, and is also to provide farmers with more development opportunities and choices.

In the process of implementing the policy, it is necessary to fully respect the peasants' right to know and the right to participate, listen to their opinions and suggestions, ensure the fairness and sustainability of the policy, and avoid some local authorities from rushing for quick success and quick profit in the project of political achievements and image projects, distorting and misinterpreting the original intention and intention of the rural homestead policy, and bringing unnecessary economic pressure and loss of interests to the peasants.

3. The county's stock housing acquisition policy: the source of funds and pricing

3.1 Background

In addition to the rural homestead policy, another hot topic that has attracted much attention recently is the introduction of the county stock housing acquisition policy, according to the relevant policy provisions, the current nationwide more than 1,800 counties to sell the house, these stock housing will be acquired after the change to affordable housing, this policy initiative is considered to be the bottom of the real estate market signal, has an important impact on the current real estate market.

3.2 Source of Funding

In the face of such a huge stock of housing acquisition tasks, a huge amount of capital investment is inevitably required, and how should these funds come from? According to the introduction of relevant departments, at present, local authorities can raise funds through a variety of ways when carrying out the acquisition of stock housing, such as through land transfer income, state-owned land income, state-owned construction land use right transfer fees, etc.

In addition, it is also possible to issue government bonds to the public through bond financing to raise funds for the acquisition of stock housing, and in this process, local authorities can reasonably arrange the term and interest rate level of bonds according to actual needs and financial conditions, and choose appropriate bond financing tools to ensure the safe, controllable and rational use of funds.

3.3 Pricing Issues

In addition to the source of funds, another key issue in the acquisition of stock housing is how to determine the price of the purchased house, which is directly related to the actual effect of the policy and the public interest of society, and is also an important node in the interest game of all parties.

At present, the price pricing system for the acquisition of stock housing can be divided into two types, one is based on the developer's profit margin and market expectations, according to a certain premium ratio to determine the purchase price, such a pricing system is relatively simple and clear, can better protect the legitimate rights and interests of the developer, but also conducive to stimulating its subsequent market vitality.

The other is to refer to the market price or cost price, according to the actual quality of the stock of housing and location and other factors, to reasonably determine the purchase price, such a pricing system is relatively more fair and reasonable, can better protect the legitimate rights and interests of the public, but also conducive to the long-term implementation of the policy and the stable development of society.

4. Extended conjecture: how to better deal with the current hot issues

4.1 Rural homestead policy

In the specific implementation process of the rural homestead policy, we should pay more attention to the actual needs and interests of farmers, avoid one-size-fits-all mandatory policy measures, bring unnecessary economic pressure and psychological distress to farmers, and can guide farmers to look at and actively participate in policy adjustment through various forms, such as carrying out policy publicity and interpretation, establishing policy consultation and guidance platforms, etc., to ensure the benign implementation and effective implementation of the policy.

4.2 Acquisition policy of stock housing

In the county's stock housing acquisition policy, we should pay more attention to the authorities' use of funds and price pricing mechanism, encourage local authorities to fully consider the interests of all parties in the use of funds, so as to achieve openness and transparency and social supervision, in the price pricing mechanism, we can fully listen to the opinions and suggestions of all parties, ensure the fairness and rationality of the policy, give the public more rights to know and participate, and jointly promote the smooth implementation of the county's stock housing acquisition policy.

4.3 Real estate market regulation

In addition to specific policy measures, behind the current hot issues, in fact, it also reflects that we need to take into account economic, social, environmental and other factors more comprehensively in the regulation of the real estate market to achieve long-term stability and sustainable development, which also requires the public to have more rational conjectures and active participation, through various forms, such as carrying out thematic education and special seminars, participating in social surveys and comments, etc., to provide more constructive opinions and advocacy for the regulation and control of the real estate market, and jointly promote the harmonious development of society.


In the current discussion of various hot issues, we should understand and guess the deep-seated meaning behind these issues with an objective and rational attitude, and also have a positive and enterprising attitude to explore and advocate effective ways and methods to solve problems, and believe that through joint efforts and wisdom, we will be able to better cope with various challenges and difficulties and achieve high-quality economic and social development.