
From January 1 next year, new cars will be mandatorily installed with "black boxes"

author:China Economic Net

Source: Guangzhou Daily Deng Li

The "black box" of the car will become "data ironclad evidence" for the analysis of automobile accidents. A few days ago, the National Standard No. 2 amendment to the "Technical Conditions for the Safety of Motor Vehicle Operation" was issued, requiring that from January 1, 2022, newly produced passenger cars should be equipped with a "car black box" EDR system, that is, a driving event recorder.

The full name of EDR is Event Data Recorder, which is used to record the key operating data of the car in the three stages before, during and after the collision (including speed, ABS status, seat belt status, etc.). It is reported that EDR is equivalent to a "black box", which can completely and accurately record the relevant situation in the driving state of the car, and can completely record the driving trajectory of the car and reproduce it on the computer through special software. The information recorded by EDR can reproduce the accident process for automotive accident analysis and is obviously particularly important in future autonomous driving accidents.

The new regulations also mention that passenger cars should also be considered compliant if they are equipped with an on-board video driving record (DVR) device that meets the requirements of the standard. Compared with EDR, the dashcam only records the vehicle position, video data, and does not record the key data of the vehicle's operation at the time of the accident. It is reported that China's EDR standard was determined at the end of November 2019, and the participating units of the standard cover mainstream car companies such as SAIC, Geely, Dongfeng, FAW, Changan, and Weilai.

From the new car declaration released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, since the new car declaration released in September this year, there are car companies successively equipped with EDRs, such as BMW Brilliance i3, BYD Song PLUS DM-i, etc. The latest declaration of Model 3 and Model Y in December are equipped with a car event data recording system (EDR), and can optionally be equipped with ETC on-board devices. With the mandatory installation requirements of EDR, it is believed that major car companies will continue to accelerate matching.

At present, many countries have written passenger cars equipped with EDR into the bill or industry standard, of which the United States as early as 2014 made it clear that all new cars need to be mandatorily equipped with EDR, South Korea has been mandatory to install EDR since December 2015, Europe requires mandatory installation of new cars in March 2022, and plans to equip stock cars in 2024.

For personal privacy protection, many European countries, including Germany and Austria, are currently prohibited from using dashcams, and even if they are installed in violation of the law, it is difficult for video data to be used as court evidence.

【Car World Reviews】

The mandatory installation of EDR is good for users and car manufacturers, especially after the current many accidents, because whether it is human causes or product reasons that lead to accidents, it is difficult to make a clear judgment on the source, resulting in many disputes. When the vehicle is equipped with EDR, it is obviously easier to clarify the distinction of responsibility for the accident. (Guangzhou Daily, New Flower City reporter: Deng Li)

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