
The reporter made more than 100 phone calls and found that the convenience of health and health care and medical insurance in many places was inconvenient for the people

(Text/Health Times reporter Xu Tingting, Xu Shiyu, Wang Aibing Video/Zhou Jingru Visual/Zhao Zeyu)

Recently, readers from Fuzhou, Fujian, Lanzhou, Gansu, Shenyang, Liaoning, Qingdao, Shandong and other places reported to The Health Times that the convenient hotlines of the local health and health care departments are inconvenient for the people. As of December 6, the Health Times reporter had called the above telephone numbers many times and found that the waiting time was too long, the call could not be reached, and it was difficult to communicate.

Why is the convenience hotline of some health and health care departments always "not hot"?

The reporter made more than 100 phone calls and found that the convenience of health and health care and medical insurance in many places was inconvenient for the people

"There are 35 people waiting in front of you" "The phone you are calling is temporarily unanswered, please dial it later"... Recently, readers from Fuzhou, Fujian, Lanzhou, Gansu, Shenyang, Liaoning, Qingdao, Shandong and other places reported to The Health Times that the convenient hotlines of the local health and health care departments are inconvenient for the people. As of December 6, the Health Times reporter had called the above telephone numbers many times and found that the waiting time was too long, the call could not be reached, and it was difficult to communicate.

Convenience hotlines are not always "hot"

Mr. Chen from Fuzhou City told the Health Times reporter that he suffers from high blood pressure and needs to take medicine for a long time, generally buying drugs at the medical insurance designated pharmacy near his home, because the recent upgrade of the medical insurance system in Fuzhou City, as of the end of November, there has been no money on the personal account, and he thought of calling the Fuzhou citizen hotline medical insurance hotline to ask.

Mr. Chen began to call the Fuzhou citizens' hotline medical insurance line on November 25, but as of December 7, the call had not been made. Mr. Chen told the Health Times reporter, "When I dialed, it always showed that there were people queuing in front of me, and I waited for more than 40 minutes or did not answer." Later, I inquired about the telephone number of the Medical Insurance Bureau from 114, and the call was either in the middle of the call or no one answered. ”

Similar cases are not unique.

Since June this year, many readers have complained to The Health Times about the difficulty of answering relevant calls from the Lanzhou Municipal Health Commission and the Medical Insurance Bureau in Gansu Province.

"We can finally transfer medical insurance to Lanzhou." For Mr. Wang, the transfer to social security and medical insurance means that he has officially settled in Lanzhou. Mr. Wang's joy of settling down and taking root was soon diluted by the busy line of the medical insurance bureau telephone prompt. After searching for the phone number of the Lanzhou Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau on the official website, Mr. Wang repeatedly called and no one answered.

"The phone you made is on the call", "The phone you made is temporarily unanswered"... For many consecutive days of dialing, the "the other party has ringed" prompt on the mobile phone display and the artificial intelligence reply of the busy line, Mr. Wang was very bored.

Many readers from different regions such as Qingdao City and Wenzhou Pingyang County have reported to The Health Times reporter that they have encountered similar situations. Ms. Zhang of Qingdao City said, "Because I encountered some problems in the medical insurance network reimbursement when I was discharged from the hospital, I did not get through the phone of the Qingdao North District Medical Insurance Center in the morning. ”

Readers of Pingyang County, Wenzhou City, also feedback: "Pingyang County medical insurance approval window consultation telephone has been busy, three consecutive days are busy, this kind of consultation telephone has been busy Can the problem be solved?" ”

Ms. Li of Shenyang City told the Health Times reporter, "Because of the problem of reimbursement for hospitalization with her parents, I have been on the phone for several days with the service hotline of the Shenyang Medical Insurance Bureau and no one has answered." Recently, the work is busy, there is no time to go to the scene for consultation, thinking that a phone call can be solved, but has not been able to get through. ”

Convenient telephone management is not in place

In response to the problem that the health and medical insurance departments in various places could not be reached by telephone, on December 6, the Health Times reporter called the health and medical insurance departments of Fuzhou City, Lanzhou City, Qingdao City and other places and found that it was generally faced with problems such as inability to get through and difficult to communicate.

Health Times reporter inquired, Fuzhou Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau official website shows that the convenience phone is 12345, so the Health Times reporter called fuzhou 12345 medical insurance line at 11 o'clock on November 26, for 20 minutes no one answered.

Subsequently, the Health Times reporter called the Fuzhou Medical Insurance Bureau several times at 15:30 on November 26, 10:00 to 15:00 on November 29, and 16:00 on December 1, but no one answered. At 16:00 on December 6, the Health Times reporter finally successfully connected the phone after making several calls, but then hung up, and no one answered since then.

From 15:13 to 16:22 on December 6, the Health Times reporter called the Zhejiang Pingyang County Medical Insurance Bureau more than 20 times, in addition to prompting "The phone you dialed is in the call", always in the same position, waiting for more than 20 minutes continuously, still in the same position state; and from 15:23 to 16:23 on the same day, the telephone of the Qingdao North District Medical Insurance Center in addition to automatic hanging up, after transferring the manual service, repeatedly reminded the manual service agent to be busy.

At the same time, in some regions, when dealing with some cross-departmental, cross-level or difficult and complex matters, functional departments have prevaricated. Health Times reporters called the Lanzhou Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau at 16:00 p.m. on December 2, 10:00 a.m. on December 3, and from 9:21 to 15:39 on December 6, respectively, trying to dial 17 times, always on the busy line. After the 18th dial, the staff member said that the problem of off-site medical insurance reported by the reader was consulted, and the staff member said that this issue was not under our control, and the relevant issues needed to be consulted by the Collection section. Subsequently, the reporter called the collection department more than 10 times, but none of them were dialed.

From 15:00 to 16:00 on December 6, the Health Times reporter called the 24-hour service phone on the official website of the Shenyang Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau, dialed a total of 4 times, each time showing more than 15 people in the same position, and waiting for more than 5 minutes for 2 times without success.

From January to August 2015, the Service Quality Professional Committee of the China Market Association conducted a secret investigation of the convenience service telephones of 317 government departments involving 21 urban counties and have close ties to the production and life of the people, and according to five standards such as "whether the telephone is answered in time, whether the business is skilled, whether the first question is responsible for implementation, whether the attitude is enthusiastic, and whether civilized language is used", the results of the survey report show that the service quality qualification rate of these convenience phones is only 36.9%. The problems exist are: invalid calls are not cleaned up in time; business is not familiar, answering questions is not comprehensive and irresponsible, the answer is mostly "should be"; the first question is responsible for not being implemented; convenient calls have not been answered for a long time; services are not standardized, no work number or surname is reported; some calls are not answered before the end of the work time.

Why are some health and health care department convenience hotlines always "not hot"? Health Times reporter consulted other provinces and cities related health, medical insurance units, a number of relevant staff told the Health Times reporter that the amount of consultation is an objective reason, because there are indeed too many problems involving medical security policies; and the problem of empty numbers may be due to institutional adjustments or changes in office addresses, the original number is abandoned, and the information on the relevant website is not updated in time, resulting in some citizens repeatedly making the wrong phone.

A staff member of the Medical Insurance Bureau of Yantai City, Shandong Province, once told the Health Times reporter that after the separation of the social security and medical insurance collection systems in August last year, the number of medical insurance bureaus every day, whether it is a window or a telephone reception, has soared, and the window staff has been in a state of 24/7, answering more than 300 calls a day. Many citizens are very dissatisfied with this, and they can only tell the citizens that they hope to understand.

Li Jingkai, executive vice president of the Service Quality Professional Committee of the China Market Association, believes that the reason why the quality of the hotline in some relevant departments has not met expectations for a long time is that on the one hand, the management is not in place, and there is a lack of institutionalization and standardization requirements; on the other hand, it is because some grass-roots departments only publish the hotline number, ignore the management and service after that, and do not study in depth how to really solve problems for the people through the hotline.

A number of readers told the Health Times reporter that these problems have not been solved for a long time, and the masses will lose confidence and patience in these hotlines.

The health of the masses is no small matter

"The daily health consultation of the masses is a 'routine small matter', which does not belong to the scope of any government performance appraisal indicator, and will not affect the final result of the performance appraisal of the relevant departments at the grass-roots level, so it is difficult to attract their attention and is outside the scope of attention distribution." Shang Huping, deputy secretary-general of the National Government Performance Management Research Association and professor of Nankai University, told the Health Times reporter.

In fact, the health of the masses is no small matter, and they often consult the problem of "urgency and anxiety".

On January 7, the State Council's "Guiding Opinions on Further Optimizing the Convenience Hotline for Local Government Services" pointed out that the government service convenience hotline is directly oriented to enterprises and the masses, and is an important channel for reflecting problem suggestions and promoting the solution of government service problems. The government service convenience hotline should be received faster, more accurately divided, and more practical. Departments handle relevant business according to the division of duties, implement supervision and law enforcement, and emergency response, etc., and form an efficient coordination mechanism. All localities should hold enterprises and the masses accountable and report in accordance with relevant provisions on situations such as poor quality in handling their appeals, prevarication, false reporting, and improper refunds.

Shang Huping suggested that, on the one hand, the education of government departments and public officials should be further strengthened, and on the other hand, the best way is to incorporate these basic livelihood issues into the performance evaluation or year-end appraisal of local governments. Hotlines should establish a traceability mechanism for registration and recording, and there should be regular inspections, supervision, and feedback, and the effectiveness of the hotline can be assessed through regular return visits to the public or the introduction of third-party assessments.

Shang Huping told the Health Times reporter that local health commissions and medical insurance bureaus can make full use of big data technology to establish a complaint and suggestion column on the basis of the official websites of local health commissions and medical insurance bureaus, or build a common health consultation and processing platform by several departments to achieve network "majority system" with the help of big data technology. On the one hand, through the third-party platform to assist in the collection and statistics of similar issues, and then feedback to the relevant government agencies. When the number of medical and health complaints and suggestions reaches a certain number, the mailbox and mobile phone of the relevant leaders can be lit up with yellow lights and red lights, prompting them to be dealt with as soon as possible. On the other hand, the relevant assessment should also pay more attention to practical results. Hotlines should establish a traceability mechanism for registration and recording, have regular inspections, supervision, and feedback, and can also evaluate the effectiveness of the hotline through regular return visits to the public or the introduction of third-party assessments.

"Listening to and solving medical security problems is a matter that really involves the people's perception of the warmth of the government, and only when it is handled well can it help build a better service-oriented government and a warm government." Shang Huping said.

The reporter made more than 100 phone calls and found that the convenience of health and health care and medical insurance in many places was inconvenient for the people

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