
He should also take Temujin to court, why was he poisoned on the way?

How did Temujin's father die?

According to traditional historical records, He should take the nine-year-old Temujin through the territory of the Tatar Department and go to the Hongjirabu to woo Temujin. On the way home, a Tatar man poisoned himself in wine and poisoned him to death.

The credibility of this account is very low, and the words reveal a strong smell of folklore.

He should also take Temujin to court, why was he poisoned on the way?

Both the Mongol and Tatar tribes were large tribes on the steppe, and at the time they were called "Ulus", which was similar to the meaning of "state", because their territory was roughly fixed.

Before Yasuko's death, the Mongols and the Tatar clan had been fighting for nearly a hundred years, and it was not until Yasugi's son Temujin was in his forties that the Tatar clan was cleared out of the historical stage.

As long as we know this basic historical fact, we should draw a conclusion: as the chief military and political leader of the Mongol Ministry, we will never take the risk of crossing the territory of the sworn enemy Tata'er, which is irresponsible to the entire tribe.

At the end of the Warring States period, King Huai of Chu allied with the Qin State in Wuguan, but was detained by King Zhaoxiang of Qin, and eventually died in Qin.

Later Sima Qian, when he wrote a biography for the king of the State of Chu, said that King Huai of Chu was a narrow-minded, unasserted, loyal and unscrupulous man, and lacking strategy.

If he really did such a thing as "taking the initiative to send him to the door to find death", how would future historians and readers evaluate him?

How can a tribal territory be equivalent to the domain of a prince? How could it allow outsiders to come and go as they pleased?

We take a step back and say that even if the Mongol and Tatar ministries had not developed to the point of rattling swords, it would not have been right to do so quickly. As the leader of a hostile force, you go directly through the other side's territory without greeting, what is this for?

If the relationship between the two sides is not too tense, and it is time to say hello to enter each other's territory, and the Tatar ministry has agreed, then all the trips that should also be in the Tatar tribe's territory will naturally be protected by the Tatar tribe, and in the event of an accident, the Mongolian ministry can completely take revenge in the name of the right.

However, if he should have sneaked into the territory of the Tatar tribe without saying hello, the Tatar tribe could have claimed that he was plotting to sneak into his own territory after the assassination, and was engaged in secret service activities and sabotage activities, what reason did the Mongolian ministry have to take revenge?

Of course, the excuse for this thing must have the corresponding strength to endorse. But if you don't even have an excuse to raise troops, the international community will inevitably think that your Mongolian ministry is taking advantage of the opportunity to do things.

In the face of absolute strength that does not crush everything, the international image is very important. Even the German-Italian-Japanese Axis powers paid great attention to their external image, and when anyone said that they were slaughtering, they always tried to deny it, or to put it in their opinion.

He should also take Temujin to court, why was he poisoned on the way?

Some people may say that the Mongols and the Tatars have a vendetta, and even if their relations are not too tense, they will not be able to pass through the territory of the Tatars through normal channels. In this case, it is also necessary to make this decision.

We don't know how deep the hatred between the Mongols and the Tatars is, because there are too many historical sources. But if we deduce from the records between the Qing Dynasty and the Japanese, we can naturally draw some conclusions.

After the Battle of Jia-Wu, Japan beat daqing to the ground and paid compensation, and the two sides formed a sworn vendetta. But after that? Are there no contacts between the two sides? Of course not.

After the end of the war, the diplomatic relations between The Qing and Japan proceeded normally: after Japanese Prime Minister Ito Hirobumi came to the Qing Dynasty, he was immediately warmly welcomed by all walks of life. Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao admired and admired Itō Hirobumi very much, and even hoped that he could serve as an adviser to Daqing and lead the whole change of law.

After the end of the war, Li Hongzhang went to Japan to discuss the indemnity for the cession of land, but he was injured by angry youth on Japanese territory. Japan was furious: Which unknown thing assassinated Li Zhongtang? Did he think there was no king's law in this world?

The result? While apologizing, the Japanese government appeased Li Hongzhang well, and the land was cut without discussion, and the compensation could be reduced. Li Hongzhang also said self-deprecatingly: How come I didn't find out before, it turns out that my old Li is so valuable?

The relationship between people is relatively simple, two people say that they will break off diplomatic relations, and it is completely possible to achieve "old and dead without contact"; but countries are different from country to country, and geography determines that it is difficult for both sides to "die and not communicate with each other".

Based on this objective factor, the two sides can fight wars, negotiate and negotiate, exchange and exchange, and cooperate and cooperate. As long as we don't break off diplomatic relations, then it's business as usual.

Is this the relationship between the Mongol ministry and the Tatar ministry? There is no historical support, but judging by the relationship between countries, it should be the same.

He should also take Temujin to court, why was he poisoned on the way?

If the relevant incident is extremely urgent, forcing him to take this risk quickly, then his behavior is understandable.

But the problem is that it is also quick to take such a big risk, even without permission to travel through the enemy territory, but only to ask for his son. If he is really this kind of person who does not have a score, what will others think of him?

I once gave an example: you can cut your nails with a nail clipper, you don't have to use a kitchen cutting knife. In other words, it's just a nail cut, so why risk cutting your finger out and cutting your nails with a kitchen knife?

Some people may say that Yasuke's father-in-law is in the Hongjirabu, and to get there he must pass through the territory of the Tatar department. Could it be that the relationship with the Tatar ministry is not normal, and the Mongolian ministry and the Hongjira department cannot have normal contacts?

Here's the problem: in the steppe world, the beauties of the Hongjirabu are famous, and the Mongols are proud to marry the beauties of the Hongjirabu.

If this record is true, then before Temujin, there must have been quite a few members of the Mongol clan who were related to the Hongjira clan by marriage. Everyone always has to go to relatives, right? Is it all done so sneakily?

Theoretically, there should be more than one way from the Mongols to the Hongjira, and even if they really want to cross the territory of the Tata'er, the relevant members will definitely report in advance.

If they don't report it, and everyone walks through it as casually as the history books do, won't the border checkpoints of the Tatar Department be useless?

In summary, I think that the death of Yasuke is far more complicated than what is written in the history books.

He should also take Temujin to court, why was he poisoned on the way?

According to my deduction, there are some similarities between the death of Yasso and the death of Baba.

He was one of the most famous Great Khans of the Mongols. Later, when Temujin raised an army to attack the Jin Kingdom, it was carried out under the banner of avenging the Baba Child.

During the Period of Hebul before the Baba Dynasty, the Mongols briefly fought against the Jin Dynasty (or resolutely resisted in the face of the Jin State's suppression and unequal treaties). Therefore, the Tatars, with the support of the Jin Dynasty, have always been enemies of the Mongols.

After The Death of Hebul, in order to ease this relationship, Baba Tried to reconcile with the Tatars and personally sent his daughter over. As a result, the Tatars took advantage of this opportunity to directly capture The Baba Child alive and send him to the Golden Kingdom, where Jin Hee-jong executed the Baba Child in an extremely cruel way (nailing a wooden donkey).

It is said that The Baba Boy hated betraying his Tatar Tribe very much, and also hated the Golden Kingdom that had been suppressing the steppe world, so before he died, he threatened the Golden Kingdom and the Tatar Clan: "My descendants are five fingernails worn out, and ten fingers are broken, and they will avenge me!" ”

In the face of this threat from The Baba Child, Tatar and Jin Guo naturally lost and did not lose: "Don't scare people with big words, you have the ability to let the horse come!" ”

With this layer of blood and deep hatred, Kutula, who succeeded to the throne of Baba Ya Khan, immediately began a large-scale military operation against the Tatars and the Jin Kingdom. After the death of Kutula, he also quickly ended up with the mission of fighting with the Tatars and the Jin Dynasty.

The result? After decades of three-way fighting, the Mongols were clearly in a weak position, but the Tatars and the Jin Dynasty were also weakened in the war, and naturally they felt a little overwhelmed.

The war cannot be fought, and there can only be a tacit truce. It is also quick to think that this matter has come to an end, so the prevention psychology is not too strong.

It should be a fact that he should have taken Temujin to court, but instead of sneaking in, he informed the relevant person in charge of the Tatar Department, but the Tatar Ministry was forced by the pressure of jinguo, so he found an opportunity to assassinate Yasuo.

The background of the killing is roughly like this, but I believe many people still have doubts. For example, I said before: as long as he should have said hello to the relevant person in charge of the Tata'er Department, his safety should be the responsibility of the Tata'er Department.

Now, also deserve to die in the territory of the Tatar Ministry, can the Mongol Ministry not be held accountable in the light? But why did the Mongolian Ministry disappear later?

He should also take Temujin to court, why was he poisoned on the way?

There are two main reasons for this.

Although the three sides held peace talks, the Jinguo and Tatar departments were strong, and the Mongolian departments were weak, which was an objective fact.

I think that at the beginning, Jin Guo directly tortured and killed Li Ba bao in broad daylight, and this arrogance represented Jin Guo's attitude: "I just see that you barbarians in the grassland are not happy and do not obey to fight!" ”

The result? Kutula and Kutuya should have fought successive wars with jinguo and tatar, so that jinguo felt that they would lose money if they continued to fight like this, so they had to end the war.

But as long as there is a chance, they will still kill it quickly, so that the Mongolian Ministry can realize the gap in strength. However, because jinguo and tatar did not want to continue to provoke war, they adopted this method of assassination.

If the Mongol Ministry is held accountable, they can be said to be because the entourage around them is not in place to protect them, so they are poisoned by the angry Youth of the Tata'er Ministry, and then find a scapegoat for them to come out, and this matter will be solved.

After all, the Mongols are weak, as long as they can be killed without provoking war, this deal will not be lost.

Second, although the Mongol Ministry hurt the Tatar Ministry and lowered the arrogance of the Jin Dynasty, there were people in Mongolia who coveted the status of the fast-overdue, and he was not the nominal Mongol Khan.

In yesterday's and the day before yesterday's article, I detailed the composition of the power of Yasuki, believing that he was a very strong tribal leader. But it was precisely because of his strength that the other tribes of the Mongol tribe united to resist him.

I can't give a specific answer to how many people resisted him, because the historical data is scattered. However, he should also be able to kill the Tatar chief Temujin Wuge, and his strength was definitely stronger than that of the previous Baba Bao and Kutula.

After Yasuo's death, the Tari Kutai of the Taichi Wubu immediately shouted for power, with the purpose of robbing Yesuo of the power vacuum left behind.

A glimpse of the whole leopard, like the Tari Kutai coveting the power of the speed, there should be many people in Mongolia. After the death of Yasuke, the fragmentation of the Mongol ministries is also evident.

He should also take Temujin to court, why was he poisoned on the way?

It is also a case of murder that is very typical of political murders, and then turns political cases into criminal cases.

On the surface, this is also too quick to make enemies, so it was found by the angry youth of the Tatar Department. But in fact, it is really difficult to convince the public to say that there is no shadow of Tata'erbu and Jinguo behind this.

For the political bloc, it's very simple to do: just reveal the itinerary to someone who wants him dead, and then sit back and wait for the net to be closed.

If they should also be killed quickly, everyone is happy, and if the Mongol Ministry wants to kill the murderer, after some negotiations, it can also put the real murderer to death and hand it over to them.

During the Republic of China period, great warlords such as Sun Chuanfang and Zhang Zongchang encountered assassinations, and in the end they all failed, and the crux of the matter lies in this. This is not a mere criminal case or ethnic hatred, but a concrete manifestation of the struggle of political groups.

When Tatar and Jin Guo were doing this, they must have analyzed all the possible endings, and maybe they listed them one by two or three like me, carefully calculated, and thought that there was no problem before they started.

The productivity of the steppe world has always been inferior to that of the Central Plains Dynasty, but the history of the steppe world has never been simple. Also quickly deserved to die, it was by no means an inexplicable criminal case, although he looked like a criminal case.

Do the people of the Mongolian Ministry know all this? Absolutely. But what if they knew? What real society needs to consider is always strength and interest, not love and hate.

Temujin's father was killed by the Tatar and Jin kingdoms, but when Temujin unified the Mongol tribes, especially when Temujin was competing with the Tarikon, he took the initiative to surrender to the Jinguo in exchange for the relevant support of the Jinguo.

After Temujin became Genghis Khan, he used the excuse that the newly ascended emperor was an idiot and did not want to kneel to the idiot, and later even sent troops to attack the Jin Kingdom, but was this really the case?

As long as Temujin could unify Mongolia, he would definitely find a way to get rid of the rule of the Jin Dynasty. If the emperor of the Golden Kingdom were weaker, Temujin would definitely find a way to take a few bites of flesh from the Golden Kingdom.

In the face of practical interests, all words are pale and powerless.

He should also take Temujin to court, why was he poisoned on the way?

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