
Chicks with defective boys

author:Tiger Qiwei

I was born in the Xinjiang Corps in China, and my home was in a grassroots company when I was a child.

Chicks with defective boys

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When school started in the fall of 1978, my younger brother was in first grade. A few days after the start of school, the younger brother was surprised to tell his father and mother that the boy in the company who had a problem with the chickens was in the same class as him.

I remembered that in the summer, the boy with wet trouser legs was running around in the company's quarters, playing around carefree, and while he was not looking, I looked closely at the boy's chicks and found that the chicks had only balls and no beaks. I understood that it was uncontrollable urination that kept dripping down. In winter, the boy's legs were wrapped in heavy cotton pads and frozen.

For the next two years, every year in the freezing winter, the boy had plastic sheets wrapped around both sides of his legs. The older the boy, the worse the smell becomes. I learned from a conversation between my mother and my neighbor's aunt that the boy and his brother were twins, the older brother was normal and the younger brother was defective.

Chicks with defective boys

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As a child, I remember twin brothers playing with each other all day, not at all like twin brothers. The elder brother's face was sunny, as if he knew that God had blessed him, and he was flattered; The younger brother's face was plain, as if he knew that doom was on the horizon and he was insensitive. The twin brothers already had four older brothers and sisters, and the family at that time had multiple children.

After more than a month, every family's stove burns coal all night long, and the stove is connected to the fire wall to dissipate heat and heat the cold winter for half a year.

In the classrooms of the company's primary school, there is a fire with the students on duty every morning, the windows of the classrooms are tightly sealed with plastic sheets, and the doors are closed at all times. During the day, there are teachers and classmates in the classroom, and the stove and the wall of fire are constantly dissipating heat. I remember that I still felt cold and frozen feet in the classroom at that time, and after school in the afternoon, the stove went out on its own, and the next morning it was lit.

One day, my younger brother came home from school and was shocked to tell his father and mother that the classmate who had a problem with the chick had not been to school for several days, and I heard from the classmates that the teacher did not agree to him coming to school; The reason is that the winter classroom has to be closed tightly, and the students with chicks emitted an unpleasant smell on their bodies, and the whole classroom is filled with the smell of urine like a toilet. At that time, there were no diapers, only cotton, cotton and plastic sheeting. Mom and Dad are at work, it is impossible to run to school all day, some of the older brothers and sisters are in high school, junior high school or upper elementary school, and they do not have the ability to take care of their younger brothers, and the little boys cannot take care of themselves, so they have to drop out of school.

About 2 years apart, I once heard a conversation between my father and mother at home, and in 1972, a boy with a defective chick and a twin brother (the same age as my brother) were born. Their father and mother discovered that one of the boys had a defect in their reproductive organs and immediately sent him to a well-known hospital in Urumqi for treatment. The hospital conducted multiple studies and replied: this case is peculiar, the hospital hopes to keep the child for experimental treatment, and if the child recovers, the hospital will waive the medical fee; If the child has a mistake, the hospital cannot be held responsible. The boy's father and mother refused to be treated in the hospital because they felt that the treatment was risky and that they might lose their child.

(Later, as the boy grew older, the boy's parents must have regretted that they didn't listen to the hospital at that time.) )

Chicks with defective boys

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I remember that the boy with the defective chick grew up year by year, and the person became more and more hidden, and his lively and active figure was rarely or not seen at all. Once, I heard my mother's sigh: the little boy was old and shy, and he quickly hid when he saw someone.

At some point, the twin brother who had a problem with the chick disappeared from the company. I don't know when, the aunts in the company passed to each other the explanation of the mother of the boy with a chicken problem: "I have returned to my hometown in rural Hubei and went to be his uncle as a son, his uncle (father's eldest brother) has never been married, seeing that he is young and healthy, he agreed to come to the Xinjiang Corps to pick him up. Among them, an aunt said: "No wonder some time ago, I found out that there was a 50-year-old rural old man in your house. ”

In the years before and after I went to junior high school, it became increasingly difficult to find boys with defective chicks in the company's residential area, as if the world had evaporated.

At the end of 1986, in the winter of thousands of miles of ice, my father and mother, with the approval of the leaders of the regiment headquarters and the division headquarters, ended their more than 20 years of career as a soldier in the Northwest Frontier Corps, returned to their hometown in Henan, and went to work in Pingdingshan City. My brother and I went with him.

In the summer of 1994, when my father returned to his second hometown, the Xinjiang Corps, to visit relatives and friends, he rode around on his relatives and friends' bicycles on a whim.

Chicks with defective boys

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Entering the area under the jurisdiction of the company, my father saw from a distance that several people in the company's cotton field were busy picking cotton, and my father quickly accelerated his feet and chose a closer position to park his bicycle on the edge of the cotton field. When I entered the cotton field, I saw my colleagues in the crowd who had reunited after a long absence, and they were pleasantly surprised, and they booed each other and greeted each other. To my father's surprise, a handsome guy with a tall and thin figure who introduced himself to my father appeared in the busy crowd, saying that he and my brother were classmates when they were young. My dad hurriedly told the strange guy about my brother's work in Pingdingshan City, inland Henan, and asked the strange guy who his dad was. When my dad heard this, it turned out to be a defective child with a small cock, and he didn't look different after many years. My father's colleague uncle bowed his head and muttered: Now that medical technology has improved, this boy had surgery in a well-known hospital in Urumqi a few years ago, and he controlled his urine every 30 minutes. My father's heart suddenly realized: no wonder the boy with the defective chick is clean and clean, and his daily life used to be alone, but now he has changed to absorb the group.

My father sighed: I was born at the wrong time, and in the past, medical technology was backward, which ruined a child's life.