
The diverse, fun and pioneering Daliangshan "National Tide Drama Festival" is coming

Source: Daliangshan

The 3rd Daliangshan International Drama Festival in 2021 is about to open, and more than 30 participating plays and more than 220 various activities will bring an artistic carnival. "With the theme of national tide drama, this year's Daliangshan Drama Festival will focus on traditional Chinese opera, red classics and ethnic diverse elements to hold a cultural revival movement for a new look of traditional drama!" Talking about the third Liangshan International Drama Festival, one of its initiators, Pu Cunxin, vice chairman of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and chairman of the China Dramatists Association, enthusiastically introduced it.

During this year's drama festival, the performances of traditional Chinese culture, mainly based on national tide dramas and intangible cultural heritage exhibitions, attracted special attention. Not only is there the Chinese dance gemini Zhou Liya and Han Zhen's latest masterpiece of dance poetry drama dance poetry drama "Only This Green" - dance painting "Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains", but also the national premiere drama "Shuzhong Tangmen", and the original Liangshan Folk Intangible Cultural Heritage Audiovisual Feast "Catch the Collection"... All kinds of plays that show traditional Chinese culture will allow the audience to feel the great charm of Chinese culture at close range through innovative expression techniques.

Feel the beautiful visual feast on stage

A researcher of the Modern Forbidden City, from the perspective of the exhibition volume, leads the audience to wander in the legendary traditional Chinese aesthetics. It is no accident that the dance poetry drama "Only This Green" can become a hit. In addition to the fascinating plot, the play also puts a lot of effort into the stage, costumes and music, and vividly expresses the Chinese stage aesthetic. The stage of "Only This Green" has made a clever design of concentric circles, restoring the "exhibition volume" process of traditional Chinese paintings. The exquisite costume design in the play makes the audience can't help but sigh and be struck by the beauty of the Song Dynasty, "This is a feast of Chinese aesthetics" White silk, indigo seal carving, ochre brown stone, blue-gray pen, black-gray ink, plus the big red official uniform of female officials, men's pink hairpin flowers... A variety of charming and elegant Chinese classical colors make people wander in the Aesthetics of the Song Dynasty and the traditional Chinese meaning with distinct fluidity and rich cultural atmosphere.

The diverse, fun and pioneering Daliangshan "National Tide Drama Festival" is coming

"Only This Green"

The Song Dynasty music in the play is also very Chinese, the mode is slightly different from modern music, "both to reflect the temperament of the Song Dynasty, but also to penetrate the feelings of contemporary people", the composer with such a mission, back and forth, polished a song tailored for "Only This Green" soundtrack, so that the audience more immersive into Wang Ximeng's "Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains".

A generation of poetry immortals came and went, and Jiang Tian only saw the moon between the waves. During this year's drama festival, Beijing Renyi's drama "Li Bai" will be broadcast on the "Drama is Life_ Colorful Clouds" drama video website, which is a classic work based on the ups and downs and legendary life experience of the poet Li Bai, reshaping the depression and regret behind the romantic indulgence of a generation of poets, reproducing the spiritual picture of ancient Chinese intellectuals seeking up and down, and presenting the simple and timeless poetry of China's excellent traditional culture on the stage.

Playing with the national tide pays tribute to traditional Chinese culture

In recent years, the national tide has quietly emerged and quickly blown up a strong storm among the young group. Similarly, many dramatists have also taken the initiative to integrate the concept of national tide into the creation of the repertoire, and display the purest Chinese culture in the most fashionable way. During this year's theater festival, this kind of drama will make the fans of the national tide feast their eyes.

Produced by Chengdu Peking Opera Research Institute, the guofeng new martial arts hilarious stage play "Tangmen in Shuzhong" will open its national premiere at this year's drama festival. The drama integrates many elements such as Peking Opera, Sichuan Opera, Drama, Animation and Crossing, and the superposition of tricks will bring the audience a different viewing experience, making people experience the endless fun of the national tide in a smile.

The combination of drama and national tide not only revitalizes many traditional cultures that are not known to the Chinese people, but also shows the world a cultural business card with Chinese characteristics. Traditional operas such as the Kunqu opera "Peony Pavilion" and the Huangmei opera "Female Pony Horse" will make wonderful appearances, and the experimental pioneer body drama "Zhu Erdan" brought by xi'an Drama Theatre is also unique. Based on "Liaozhai Zhiyi's Land Judgment", the play combines many elements such as opera, puppet opera, drum, guqin, body movements, etc., to bring the audience into the fantasy world written by Pu Songling 400 years ago. In particular, the use of traditional Chinese national musical instruments and the use of opera elements, especially puppet opera, have formed a new national rhyme drama style with a pioneering experimental nature, all of which convey the artistic aesthetics of traditional Chinese drama and add a strong touch to the "National Chao Drama Festival".

The diverse, fun and pioneering Daliangshan "National Tide Drama Festival" is coming


It is the world that inherits the innovative nation

Through the drama creation and performance, the cultures of all ethnic groups can obtain more inheritance, manifestation and development in openness and exchanges. During the drama festival, in order to bring more authentic traditional cultural performances to the general public, the exhibition of traditional Chinese traditional opera and the exhibition of intangible cultural heritage will be staged in turn in the drama greenhouse and Xingmei Square of Fire Space.

During this year's drama festival, a group of original Yi singers from Daliangshan used their hearts to string together the chanting of an ancient national soul to bring the audience "Catch the Collection", a native song collection from the depths of Daliang Mountain. According to the production unit Liangshan Cultural Tourism Group, this native song is set in the depth of the native songs of the major dialect areas of the Liangshan Yi people, and has carefully selected nearly 20 little-known singing segments and melodies as the source of materials, aiming to protect and inherit the intangible cultural heritage of ethnic minorities, and is also committed to transmitting the voice of the Liangshan Yi people to every corner of the world, so that the world can hear the voice of Daliangshan.

Located in the hinterland of the southwest of the motherland, Liangshan Prefecture has large mountains and rivers, pleasant climate and splendid and diverse culture, literature, poetry, music, etc. are particularly prosperous, the spirit of literature and art has lasted for a long time, and the rich national soil has bloomed with flowers of art. With the mission and pursuit of "creating new coordinates of Chinese literature and art and new IP of western cultural tourism" and "building a sub-center of literature and art in Sichuan Province", the beautiful Daliangshan will display the "national tide" in a diversified way during the drama festival, show the charm of China's excellent traditional culture, and push Liangshan's unique history, culture and natural scenery to the stage of world cultural exchanges.

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