
Will it also harm the birth rate? Ren Zeping: The metacosm will lead to a significant decline in the marriage rate and fertility rate

Universe means infinite space, and Zeus means infinite time. The two words of the universe are connected together to give people a sense of the vastness of space and the infinite vastness of time.

If you add another metaword and combine it to become a metacosm, it seems to become a concept that can encompass all things.

Coupled with recent times, whether at home or abroad, the capital market is pursuing the concept of metacosmology, and for a while the metacosm seems to have really become a basket that can be put into it.

And how can all the big coffee let go of this "emerging" concept full of traffic and heat. Recently, an expert scholar has linked the metacosmology and the birth rate, two highly discussed things.

Will the metacosm cause a drop in the birth rate?

On December 13, economist Ren Zeping posted on Weibo that "the metacosm will lead to a sharp decline in the marriage rate and fertility rate."

Will it also harm the birth rate? Ren Zeping: The metacosm will lead to a significant decline in the marriage rate and fertility rate

Regarding this view, Ren Zeping did not make further explanations and explanations. However, the logic of such a judgment, guess, is nothing more than the fear that people will indulge in the virtual metaverse and not carry out social activities in the real world.

As we all know, there are many factors that affect the marriage rate and birth rate, such as housing prices, education, economic development stages, social values and other aspects.

Although the topic of the metaverse is now very hot, there are still very few related projects that have really landed in China, and the application of the metaverse in foreign countries is mainly focused on the game.

Therefore, it can be said that the current capital market is carrying out irrational theme speculation, but it is still inappropriate to give the meta-universe a black cauldron that will affect the marriage rate and fertility rate.

In addition, it is worth noting that some netizens do not agree, Ren Zeping's comment with the most likes under this Weibo is "The pot of real estate should not be thrown to the meta-universe".

Will it also harm the birth rate? Ren Zeping: The metacosm will lead to a significant decline in the marriage rate and fertility rate

Views on the metacosm are diverse

However, regardless of whether Ren Zeping's views are extreme or not, regarding whether the development of the metaversity is pros or cons, the bigwigs of all sides have expressed their own views.

Critics such as Liu Cixin, author of "The Three-Body Problem", said in a public speech: "The future of mankind is either to go to interstellar civilization or to indulge in the virtual world of VR for many years." It would be a disaster if humanity achieved a highly realistic VR world before moving towards a space civilization. ”

Zhou Hongyi also believes that Facebook's vision of the "metacosm" is very good, but I think that the metacosm does not represent the future of mankind, but it represents the decline of mankind.

There are also those who are very optimistic about the metacosm, such as Zuckerberg, and even renamed Facebook meta, and the metacosm is written as Metavalse in English. Recently, Meta has also announced its most figurative metaverse project.

On December 9, local time, Meta announced that its VR world "Horizon Worlds" was officially opened to adult users over the age of 18 in the United States and Canada.

At present, the most mainstream view is that the metaverse itself is full of potential, but it takes time to land.

Shi Yuzhu believes that "there is no unified definition of the metacosmity, and 100 people have 100 definitions and descriptions." The metaverse era is bound to come but not now, its development is gradual, and there are still some basic problems that need to be solved, such as hardware problems such as VR vertigo, network latency, blockchain-based economic system compliance, cloud computing power and other issues. ”

Microsoft CEO Nadella said, "When we talk about metaverses, we're describing a new platform and a new type of application, similar to the way we talked about the web and websites in the early '90s." In a sense, the metacosm allows us to embed computations into the real world and embed the real world into computations, bringing real existence to any digital space. But at the same time I also think we should be down-to-earth, because physical existence is irreplaceable."

In addition, it is worth noting that Tencent CEO Ma Huateng has said that Tencent has a lot of technology and capabilities to explore and develop metaversities.

Why everyone is talking about the metacosm

I believe you have also noticed that the current metaverse landing project is still a game based on virtual reality and augmented reality technology, and VR/AR technology has long existed, why is the topic of metaverse so hot during this time?

The first is that after years of rapid development, the Internet has reached the time when a new breakthrough is needed.

CITIC Securities pointed out that the first is to achieve a high degree of coverage of the mobile Internet, as of 2020, China's Internet penetration rate has reached 70.4%, and the Internet giants represented by Tencent and Ali have begun to enter the investment period, lay out the future and explore new opportunities.

Second, the investment logic of the media Internet lies in grasping the dividends generated by the reform of the content consumption scene, and in the context of the gradual fading of the current mobile Internet dividend, the layout of new content and consumption scenario revolution is expected to open a new dividend period.

Third, the metacosm is considered to be the revolution of the next generation of Internet interactive forms, and giants such as Facebook (now renamed Meta) and Tencent have entered the market in order to take advantage of the industry.

Secondly, the media has an agenda setting function.

The agenda setting function is considered to be a function of the mass media to set the "agenda" for the public. Media coverage and messaging influence people's judgments about the "big events" and importance of the world around them in a way that gives different degrees of salience to various issues.

Simply put, the more emphasis the media give, the more attention the public attaches to the issue.

On the one hand, the concept of metacosmology is hotly speculated in the capital market, on the other hand, for the public, metacosm is a relatively new concept, and the media will naturally not let go of this traffic highland.

Finally, the concept of a metacosm is inconclusive.

An inconclusive topic and concept, naturally everyone can say a few words. This is the same as the most popular language essay questions in the college entrance examination every year, the more people say, the attention and heat will of course come.

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