
The truth of "Xinjiang" is carried out to the end: culture is passed on from generation to generation

Urumqi, 14 Dec (Xinhua) -- In urumqi, Xinjiang, in western China, there is a company that is very special, and the courtyard of the company is piled with fine sand transported from the Taklamakan Desert.

In September this year, Xinjiang Mohuying Culture Media Co., Ltd., where Lu Bingjian is located, launched a time blind box with an earthenware pot, cotton seeds and an empty hourglass bottle.

"The Uyghur molding method of clay pottery firing technique is one of the intangible cultural heritage projects in Xinjiang, the clay pot is sealed with cotton and linen cloth, and it is filled with fine sand, and the fine sand is buried with different items, including tiger striped gold medals, grassland stone people, HanGui Yiqiang long seals, Pisces jade pendants, etc." After the excavation is completed, fine sand can be put into the hourglass, which is also a reminder to cherish the present, and the clay pot can be planted with cotton seeds, implying that the future can be expected. Lu Bing Sword said.

"This is our unique culture in Xinjiang, and customers can feel the charm of culture and our ingenuity in the process of opening and discovering." He said that such creative products related to intangible cultural heritage and traditional culture have been deeply liked by young people in recent years, and many customers on the website have received cultural packages from Xinjiang, which is full of mystery.

The truth of "Xinjiang" is carried out to the end: culture is passed on from generation to generation

On October 14, 2021, the actor performed an excerpt from "Twelve Mukam". On the same day, the "Xinjiang is a Good Place - Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition of 19 Provinces and Cities in Xinjiang" sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the People's Government of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, undertaken by the Department of Culture and Tourism of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, and co-organized by the Department of Culture and Tourism (Bureau) of 19 provinces and cities in Xinjiang was opened at the Xinjiang Art Museum. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Fei

Lu Bingjian graduated from Xinjiang University majoring in design, and his team is full of talents cultivated in Xinjiang. "There are 16 illustrators, designers and copywriters in our company, basically 'post-90s', and many young people have their own unique understanding and feelings about Xinjiang culture, which is an important support force for Xinjiang's future cultural and creative industry."

Xinjiang has more than 4,600 representative intangible cultural heritage projects, among which Uyghur Muqam art is dazzling.

Xinjiang Uyghur Muqam is a large-scale comprehensive art form that integrates song, dance and music, and was included in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List in 2005. In 2010, the Xinjiang People's Congress passed the Regulations on the Protection of Uygur Muqam Art in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, which is China's first provincial-level local legislation specifically for the protection of "masterpieces of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity".

Shache County, located in southern Xinjiang, is known as the "hometown of the Twelve Muqams". There is a national-level inheritor, an autonomous region-level inheritor and 23 county-level inheritors. Morakadir Yaya, 40, is a county-level twelve-muqam inheritor in Shache County.

"I began to learn to play The Bull in 1991, participated in a competition organized by the county in 2005, was selected as a non-hereditary heir of the county-level Twelve Muqam, and began to enjoy a subsidy of 800 yuan per month in 2008." Morakadir Tooth said.

With the support of many parties, Shache built the Twelve Muqam Heritage Center for the Twelve Muqam Heritage, exchange and performance. In addition to performing in the county seat, the people of the Twelve Muqam Heritage Center will also perform in various places inside and outside Xinjiang.

In addition to the Uighurs, this traditional art also attracts young people from other ethnic groups.

The truth of "Xinjiang" is carried out to the end: culture is passed on from generation to generation

On the evening of August 3, 2017, the large-scale music and dance poetry and painting drama "Impression of Muqam" was unveiled at the 5th China Xinjiang International Ethnic Dance Festival. "Impressions of Muqam" takes the ancient "Twelve Muqam" music as the carrier, on top of the original artistic expression that integrates music, dance, literature and drama, and integrates modern multimedia design, image creation, lighting and dance and other forms, bringing the audience a cross-border, integrated and innovative stage feast. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Fei

Wang Jiangjiang, a 37-year-old native of Hebei, has studied Muqam. He studied opera performance and composition at the University of Milan in Italy, came to Xinjiang in 2010, and has interviewed and recorded more than 3,000 Muqam artists.

"Muqam's tune has ups and downs, the drum beats are fancy and changeable, and can only be passed down by ear to ear. At the same time, its system is huge, the words are profound, the song is long, and it is very difficult to memorize it in its entirety, and few people can sing all the excerpts of it today, and I think this is one of the meanings of my recording of them. Wang Jiangjiang said.

Wang Jiangjiang began recording individual inheritors in 2016. "In this way, it will form a system of intangible cultural heritage folk musicians database." It is a very meaningful thing from the protection and inheritance of the twelve mukams, and it can also provide better materials for young inheritors to learn and study, and even bring materials for music creation to many creators. ”

"I'm not worried at all that the Twelve Muqams will be lost, because I was also trained by the master, and now I have become someone else's master, and I have also trained the disciples." I believe Muqam will be passed down from generation to generation. Morakadir Yaya said.

It is understood that the governments at all levels in Xinjiang have announced a total of 4640 representative projects of intangible cultural heritage, 94 of which are representative of national intangible cultural heritage, 81 units of national intangible cultural heritage protection, 112 national non-genetic inheritors, and 17 representative projects of intangible cultural heritage are included in the first batch of national traditional craft revitalization directory.

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