
For national security, Taishan 3 foreign aid went into battle, small motorcycles were urgently recruited, and Cui Kangxi redeemed himself

author:Heartbreak little watermelon

The smell of burnt paste wafts all over the streets and alleys of Beijing, this is not who fried the pot, but the four King Kongs of Mount Tai are taking a selfie with barbecue! The smiling faces in the photo, hey, hey, are even more fragrant than barbecue! Cressanwako Judson plus "little motorcycle", this lineup is no worse than the buffet in a rotisserie!

Cui Kangxi is determined to stage a "barbecue redemption" in Gongti this time. The last time he played Guoan, he played the Dafa of "digging pits", and even the Guoan coach was dumbfounded, "What kind of lineup is this?" Except for Wang Dalei and Judson, who are the other nine? "It's a pity, I was unlucky that day, and I almost "baked" Guoan.

For national security, Taishan 3 foreign aid went into battle, small motorcycles were urgently recruited, and Cui Kangxi redeemed himself

This time it's different, Cui Kangxi has hollowed out all his family resources. Three foreign aid plus one naturalization, this lineup is put out, isn't it just for the five foreign aid of national security? "Can you eat barbecue? Look at us here, it's so hot! ”

Cui Kangxi has been in a lot of trouble lately. "Share the warmth" along the way, whoever needs relegation points, will give points. This old Cui, I'm afraid that he thinks of himself as the Santa Claus of football. The fans and the media were about to freeze to death by his "warmth", and they wanted to throw him on the grill and roast him.

For national security, Taishan 3 foreign aid went into battle, small motorcycles were urgently recruited, and Cui Kangxi redeemed himself

The head coach of Guoan is also holding back his strength. was put on a stand by Cui Kangxi last time, and this time he can't be planted again. If you lose at home, it will really become a "roast duck".

Look at these two teams, one is fourth and the other is fifth, and the difference in points is a little bit. What kind of kicking is this, it's clearly bungee jumping! If anyone is not careful, they will have to "jump" off the standings.

For national security, Taishan 3 foreign aid went into battle, small motorcycles were urgently recruited, and Cui Kangxi redeemed himself

So, this game is a "barbecue cup"! The one who loses, I'm afraid that he will be "roasted" by the fans to be charred on the outside and tender on the inside. If you win, that's a new world of "baking"!

Having said that, looking at the photos of those four people eating barbecue, I, as an editor, are hungry. No, I have to hurry up and make skewers, and by the way, I wonder if it is the barbecue of Taishan or the roast duck of Guoan is more flavorful?

For national security, Taishan 3 foreign aid went into battle, small motorcycles were urgently recruited, and Cui Kangxi redeemed himself

Xiaobian wants to ask this "barbecue cup", who do you bet on? Is it Taishan's "barbecue redemption", or Guoan's "roast duck revenge"? What do you think about this?

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