
Neutrality is not what you want to stand, you can stand if you want to? Why is Mongolia, which is caught between China and Russia, neutral?

Mongolia, a restless country.

Neutrality is not what you want to stand, you can stand if you want to? Why is Mongolia, which is caught between China and Russia, neutral?

In 1988, Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev officially announced that he would renounce interference in the "satellite countries" and demanded that the ruling parties show the determination and will to reform and win the support of the people with practical actions instead of relying on the Soviet Union's military protection.

As a "loving father" in the new era, the "young" Gorbachev was really "kind" a little too much, so that the vast number of satellite countries that were deeply controlled by the Soviet Union could not help but feel abandoned by the Soviet Union in the face of the sudden "loosening", and a deep confusion could not help but spread, making the vast number of Soviet satellite countries at a loss, especially Mongolia.

As the world's largest landlocked country, although Mongolia is comparable in size to the Soviet satellite countries in Eastern Europe, its economic development has always been difficult to describe. What is even more embarrassing is that compared with the Eastern European countries that "the East is not bright and the West is bright", the Eastern European countries that simply turn to the West and set off "eastern European drastic changes" without self-reliance, Mongolia's location between China and Russia has been doomed from the beginning to the embarrassing situation of "no way to the heavens and no door to the earth".

Compared with the situation that Eastern European countries often worry about how to achieve common prosperity after changing their flags and changing their banners and throwing themselves into the arms of Western countries, Mongolia is most worried about how to survive in the gap between the two big countries, the so-called "warehouse is realistic and knows etiquette, and food and clothing are sufficient and know honor and disgrace".

Theoretically, because of its unworthy size and strength, in the face of the law of the jungle, if you want to survive, you must be well versed in the spirit of "wall-riding grass falling with the wind", so in 1991, when the Soviet Union collapsed and Russia's comprehensive national strength was weakened for a long time or even half-dead, the southern neighbors seemed to be able to become a new choice for Mongolia.

Neutrality is not what you want to stand, you can stand if you want to? Why is Mongolia, which is caught between China and Russia, neutral?

But the problem is that although Mongolia and its southern neighbors have a long history, and for most of the thousands of years, they have even been under the same roof, but decades of tearing have long made Mongolia and its southern neighbors drift apart and look like strangers.

In addition, on the eve of the victory in World War II in 1945, when Stalin forced the Nanjing Nationalist Government to sign the Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Alliance, forcing the Nanjing Nationalist Government to maintain the status quo of Mongolia, he bluntly pointed out that Mongolia should be used as a buffer state between China and the Soviet Union, so Mongolia's strategic value was doomed to choose "one-sided" and doomed to gain more than it was.

More importantly, both China and Russia are veritable nuclear powers, and a cough and sneeze can keep Mongolia bedridden for three months. Therefore, although after decades of construction, Mongolia has the most powerful navy in the world, and even the US Navy cannot be close to 2,000 kilometers, but there is still no egg, after all, China and Russia and Mongolia are connected by mountains and rivers on land, and the navy has no place to use.

Then, in the case of such a disparity in strength and the inability to choose a side, "permanent neutrality" seems so fascinating to Mongolia.

To date, there are seven permanent neutral States declared permanently neutral and widely recognized by the international community, namely Switzerland, Austria, Sweden, Finland, Ireland, Costa Rica and Turkmenistan.

As sovereign states with special status, permanently neutral countries enjoy the right not to be involved in war and their national security is guaranteed in their foreign relations, and bear the obligation of neutrality to recuse and prevent. Among them, the obligation of avoidance and the obligation of prevention are the obligations of permanently neutral countries to avoid involvement in war and to maintain fairness, which are collectively referred to as fairness obligations.

Neutrality is not what you want to stand, you can stand if you want to? Why is Mongolia, which is caught between China and Russia, neutral?

In other words, as long as permanent neutral countries do not have any unsent's thoughts, then the aggression of other countries is wishful thinking. Looking at Switzerland's "left alone" treatment in the two world wars, the trembling Mongolia has long been salivating.

Yes, that's what Mongolia wants to live. Theoretically, mongolia could go through permanent neutrality as soon as it was willing, as soon as the international community recognized it.

However, the two neighboring countries in the north and south have been nicknamed "brothers of the international community".

As permanent members of the UN Security Council, China and Russia are both important forces in the international community and play a pivotal and huge role in the international community, and neither China nor Russia will be a supporter of Mongolia's permanent neutrality, because Mongolia's significance to both powers is too unusual.

As the closest plate to the Central Plains, the Mongolian Plateau has been a stage for various nomadic peoples to go east and west since ancient times, and after the rise of Mongolia in the 13th century, a super empire with an area of more than 30 million square kilometers was established, which profoundly affected the historical development process of Eurasia.

However, even the most powerful Mongolia still cannot escape the embarrassing fate of "Hu Yu without a hundred years of national fortune". After the fall of the Yuan Dynasty, Mongolia continued to be active in the Mongolian Plateau, Central Asia and even the vast area of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and after experiencing the ephemeral flashes of the Wallachia, Tatars became the undisputed master of the Mongolian plateau.

Neutrality is not what you want to stand, you can stand if you want to? Why is Mongolia, which is caught between China and Russia, neutral?

At the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, Tatars were partially divided into two major parts, The Desert South and The Desert North Mongolia, which is the predecessor of today's Mongolia. After the rise of the Later Jin, it successively conquered and formed political and military alliances with the various tribes of Southern Mongolia, and the Chahar Department of Southern Mongolia has always been recognized as a direct descendant of the Golden Family, so the conquest of Southern Mongolia by later Jin also means that it has become the co-lord of Mongolia from then on.

At the historical juncture of the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty, Tsarist Russia from Eastern Europe had already swallowed most of Siberia in more than half a century, and in 1643, it invaded the Heilongjiang River Basin with its claws, committing countless crimes.

After the Qing Dynasty entered the customs to eliminate the Southern Ming dynasty, it completed a series of operations such as quelling the Rebellion of the Three Domains and recovering treasure islands. The Kangxi Emperor then began to use troops against Tsarist Russia in 1685, and after two fierce battles at the Battle of Yaksa, forced Tsarist Russia to sign the Treaty of Nebuchu in 1689 and withdraw from the Heilongjiang River Valley.

After encountering a head-on attack from the Qing Dynasty, Tsarist Russia continued to advance north all the way to Alaska, while the other way continued to retreat westward, colluding with the Dzungar Khanate of Western Mongolia in an attempt to fish in muddy waters on the Mongolian issue. After solving the problem of Tsarist Russia, the Qing Dynasty also immediately began to conquer Mongolia, such as the "Duolun Alliance" held in 1691 to incorporate Northern Mongolia into the territory of the Qing Dynasty, and it took nearly 70 years to completely eliminate the Dzungar Khanate, and after 1000 years, it once again pushed the Central Plains Dynasty forces to the western region.

After Northern Mongolia became an inseparable part of the territory of the Qing Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty carried out a series of fruitful rules, such as transplanting the alliance flag system of Southern Mongolia, which completely changed the Mongolian way of life of "living by water and grass", which not only led to the marriage of close relatives and the epidemic of epidemics, but also greatly reduced the ability of the Mongolian people to resist natural disasters.

Neutrality is not what you want to stand, you can stand if you want to? Why is Mongolia, which is caught between China and Russia, neutral?

The Daxing Huangjiao and the operation of requiring Mongolian family labor to become a Qing dynasty version of family planning, coupled with acquiescence to the economic plundering of the Mongolian plateau by the Central Plains Merchant Gang, directly led to the population of northern Mongolia on the eve of the Xinhai Revolution, which was only more than 500,000 people.

Not only that, in order to enhance the centripetal force of Northern Mongolia, the Qing Dynasty "deliberately" made a big compromise when delineating the border between Qing and Russia, ceding the Buryat Mongol sphere of influence around Lake Baikal to Tsarist Russia, making Tsarist Russia the sword of Damocles hanging above the head of Northern Mongolia, and the Mobei Mongolia with its heart toward the Qing Dynasty also became the "Great Wall" of the Qing Dynasty, and the Kangxi Emperor left behind "the work of building the Great Wall in the past Qin Dynasty." I give grace to Khalkha, so that it is guarded against the Shuofang, and the longer city is stronger" famously said.

However, Tsarist Russia's aggressive ambitions never stopped, and the Qing Dynasty, after more than 200 years of strength and prosperity, eventually inevitably flourished and declined, which directly led to the smoke on the border between Qing and Russia.

After the outbreak of the Second Opium War in 1856, the Qing Dynasty, which was already plagued by the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement, was gradually defeated by the invasion of the British and French forces, and the Tsarist Russia took advantage of the fire in northern Xinjiang, successively taking away more than 1.5 million square kilometers of vast land in the outer northeast and the outer northwest.

According to the research of guo Moruo and other historians, the northern boundary of the nomadic peoples in Ancient China is roughly near the 58th parallel north, which is roughly similar to the Daxing'anling-Baikal-Sayanling line determined by the Early Qing Dynasty and Russia.

Neutrality is not what you want to stand, you can stand if you want to? Why is Mongolia, which is caught between China and Russia, neutral?

At this time, the border between Qing and Russia is also the natural dividing line between the East Asian Plate and Siberia, and to the north of this line, the terrain as a whole slopes to the north, so the Qing Dynasty occupied almost all the commanding heights of the Qing-Russia border, overlooking Siberia like the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau overlooking the South Asian subcontinent.

However, when Tsarist Russia took away the outer northeast and the outer northwest, the Qing Dynasty had no danger in the northeast and northwest in an instant, especially the northeast was surrounded on three sides while losing the northern sea outlet, and the strategic situation was extremely passive.

Subsequently, Tsarist Russia extended its claws to the Mongolian plateau and began a frenzied infiltration, and after the outbreak of the Xinhai Revolution in 1911, Tsarist Russia instigated the Mongolian high-level self-reliance portal, thus opening the Pandora's box of Mongolia's "degeneration".

Compared with the strategic passivity in the northeast and northwest, the "drastic changes" on the Mongolian plateau have completely lost the depth of the northeast, north China and the vast areas in the northwest, especially north China is facing the oppression of the Mongolian plateau from above, which is a more terrible passive situation than "the son of heaven guarding the country's gate".

Therefore, the security situation in the north is more suffocating than ding wei's depiction in the excellent film and television drama "Bright Sword".

For Russia, Mongolia is also a "wolf with a hemp rod - two heads are afraid" existence. After all, although Siberia is vast, it can only operate on the southern edge, which is also the route of the Trans-Siberian Railway, Russia's east-west artery. In order to protect this Eurasian land bridge from the danger of being cut off by its southern neighbors, Tsarist Russia vigorously promoted the independence of northern Mongolia, and even if it missed the wave of world division, it also tried to maintain control over Mongolia.

Neutrality is not what you want to stand, you can stand if you want to? Why is Mongolia, which is caught between China and Russia, neutral?

In 1921, after the Russian Red Army entered Mongolia in the name of pursuing the White Army, it successively supported the constitutional monarchy and the puppet regime of the republic, and Mongolia became a state within a state under the Soviet Union.

In order to strengthen its control over Mongolia, the Soviet Union completely excluded third-country capital economically, purged princes and lamas politically, stationed troops for a long time militarily, ideologically banned the worship of Genghis Khan, and culturally abolished the Uighur Mongolian language and promoted Cyrillic Mongolian with Slavic characteristics.

Not only that, but the Soviet Union also promoted the intermarriage of the Mongolian elite with the Soviets, and controlled the Mongolian elite.

Although under the arrangement of the Soviet Union, Mongolia's industrialization was rapidly completed, and it was fortunate to join the Soviet-led economic exchange meeting, which can be described as achieving common prosperity overnight. But the problem is that mongolia, which was designed by the Soviet Union, was subordinated to the overall situation of the development of the Soviet industrial system, and for a long time could only focus on light industry, and the economy was completely dependent on soviet relief. So when Gorbachev said that the Soviet Union should be the treasurer, Mongolia was indeed full of trepidation and reluctance.

Not only that, Mongolia, as a Sino-Soviet buffer state created by the Soviet Union, once again became the forefront of the confrontation between the two countries after the Sino-Soviet confrontation, with 150,000 Soviet troops stationed in Mongolia and a million troops on the Sino-Soviet border, and the Soviet Union was once the biggest threat to our neighbors.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, although Russia's national strength plummeted compared with the Soviet Union, and China and Russia chose to "embrace back to back" in response to the intensification of encirclement and blockade by Western countries, Mongolia's identity as a security buffer state of the Trans-Siberian Railway and even Siberia has not changed.

Neutrality is not what you want to stand, you can stand if you want to? Why is Mongolia, which is caught between China and Russia, neutral?

Therefore, to some extent, it seems that Mongolia is calm in the context of "hugging the group for warmth" between China and Russia, and at most it is a little northwest wind in the winter, but the structural contradictions that neither country can ignore this land are doomed to Mongolia's perpetual neutrality and thus lose all variables and possibilities.

Judging from the situation that Switzerland and other permanent neutral countries have been "alone" for many years, permanent neutrality must first have a certain strength, such as Switzerland since ancient times, the mountains are dense and the whole people are soldiers, it is a fierce role that is not too hard but easy to collapse, coupled with the highly developed Swiss financial system, it is useful to both sides of the war, so even if the war is raging, both sides are happy to see Switzerland "relict and independent".

However, as a country that has been squeezed by the Qing Dynasty for more than 200 years and wrapped up by Russia for more than 60 years, although there are more cattle and sheep than people, they cannot go to the battlefield and spend money, regardless of their strength or status.

Therefore, relying solely on Mongolia's own energy, even if it is combined with the navy, it is useless, and if there is no support from extraterritorial forces outside China and Russia, Mongolia's permanent neutrality can only be a impossible thing to hope for.

But what makes Mongolia desperate is that even the United States, the common enemy of China and Russia, is a staunch opponent of Mongolia's permanent neutrality. As a country that has been "fighting" in the anti-China and Russian front line for many years, the United States has jumped up and down in all corners of the world day and night, and a role like Mongolia that can blossom between China and Russia is truly unattainable.

Neutrality is not what you want to stand, you can stand if you want to? Why is Mongolia, which is caught between China and Russia, neutral?

Therefore, in the face of the dangerous idea that Mongolia wants to be permanently neutral to bid farewell to the "troubles of the world", the United States first expressed its firm opposition, and repeatedly said in its heart that I bought a big watch last year.

But the United States soon found itself wrong and outrageously wrong, because as a descendant of the Mongol Empire and the heir of Genghis Khan, Mongolia quickly embarked on the road to cultural revival after escaping the external influence of the Soviet Union.

To this day, although Mongolia's efforts to restore the Cyrillic Mongolian language have been thunderous due to financial problems, it is a well-known fact that Genghis Khan was invited back and fiercely competed with his neighbors for so-called orthodoxy, which also means that Mongolia's restless genes gradually awakened after the collapse of the Soviet Union, especially the withdrawal of Russia's troops, and soon became the biggest driving force for "active action" in Mongolia's domestic and foreign affairs.

Therefore, in order to improve the passive international environment, and even more to survive the Soviet Union's relief grain shortage, Mongolia sang the "third neighbor" strategy and fought with the United States, Japan, India and other foreign countries. In particular, the United States, not only has the annual "Khan Search" joint military exercise been held one after another, but Mongolia has responded to NATO's call, that is, the United States, to send elite troops to the joint forces of Afghanistan and Iraq to see the gates.

Neutrality is not what you want to stand, you can stand if you want to? Why is Mongolia, which is caught between China and Russia, neutral?

Internally, although Mongolia abandoned the socialist road in 1992, Soviet influence remained ubiquitous. Although the elite has changed from batch to batch, Mongolia's vigilance and hatred for its southern neighbor, the former suzerain, has always been difficult to return. Today, most of the elite armed forces of Mongolia and more than 10,000 dogs are placed on the Border between China and Mongolia.

Therefore, whether Mongolia can be permanently neutral is no longer a question of the international community's disagreement, first of all, Mongolia itself can deny its own problem.

From the perspective of reality, Mongolia hundreds of years ago could not recognize itself, and today's Mongolia seems to be no less than enough. Unrealistic and self-inflicted ambitions have long since led Mongolia to ignore the reality that it will live a dashing life as long as it has no desires or desires.

Although there is a blockade between China and Russia, the encircled Mongolia will not become the next Ukraine, but Mongolia's own death caused by the cocoon of self-binding, but no force can stop and change.

Therefore, permanent neutrality is not the best choice for Mongolia's future, and Mongolia still has a long way to go to recognize its own path.

Neutrality is not what you want to stand, you can stand if you want to? Why is Mongolia, which is caught between China and Russia, neutral?

There are many omissions, please axe correction.

I am The History of Quiet Night and look forward to your attention.

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