
How much commercial imagination will the blockbuster signing of Uzi bring to BLG?

How much commercial imagination will the blockbuster signing of Uzi bring to BLG?

Uzi's comeback rejoices as the test continues.

Text / Han Rongdi

"The whole transfer period is a mess!"

This sentence is used to describe this virtual and real transfer period is not exaggerated, before there are several major LCK clubs for the transfer of players publicly apologized on the social media, and then there are LPL world champions free people. Yesterday's crazy "official announcement" just came to an end, and today, finally ushered in the highest tide of this transfer period: Uzi's comeback and join BRG!

In fact, as early as the beginning of the transfer period, the news about "God is about to come back" has been boiling over, and for a time Uzi's comeback first stop in the BRG has also become the consensus of many followers, and with the rumors that the S9 champion assistant Crisp is about to join, it has added a little authenticity.

How much commercial imagination will the blockbuster signing of Uzi bring to BLG?

Now, the BLG Ping An Bank team 2022 LPL spring tournament big list announced, in addition to the next Uzi full comeback, Crisp strong attack such a heavy news, the addition of the single Breathe, is also seen as a reinforcement. From Uzi's comeback to other transfers, it is not difficult to see the ambition of BPG this season.

Especially the warm-up before the lineup announcement, on December 9, BLG announced a new brand upgrade, and the LOGO was replaced again with the ambition of starting from scratch in the new season, and what is the purpose behind this series of moves?

How much commercial imagination will the blockbuster signing of Uzi bring to BLG?


Uzi brings more than just traffic

The huge official announcement of the live broadcast is enough to see the importance of BLG, and it also fully reflects the confidence of BLG.

Uzi's popularity needs no further elaboration, and speculation about his comeback has not stopped since june 3, 2020, when he announced his retirement on his personal Weibo. At that time, he retired due to physical health reasons, and the fans who supported him regretted this, and now Uzi's "re-emergence" is naturally to fully support it.

Although Uzi was restricted by the live broadcast platform and could not come to the scene, through the appearance of VCR, the number of people in the live broadcast room of Station B exceeded 6.188 million, and it instantly landed on the first hot search on Weibo... The conversationality brought about by Uzi's comeback continues. The ensuing popularity has gradually extended from Uzi personally to the entire BPG team, and the number of Weibo super-talk users is also increasing.

How much commercial imagination will the blockbuster signing of Uzi bring to BLG?

What's more, auxiliary Crisp is also a popular player in the league. Coupled with the fact that BLG originally came with its own fan base plate, it can be said that this round of official announcements caused such a big sensation can be said to be expected. I have to say that the most intuitive traffic harvesting signed by BLG and Uzi can be described as immediate.

BLG's transfer period is constantly moving, and the first element to consider is of course the training results. The reinforcement of the lineup is obvious, but Uzi is not the only ADC in the team, and the next Doggo has recently doubled with Crisp from the ranking situation announced by the The competitive status after Uzi's comeback is still unknown, and the "double insurance" on the BLG is also a kind of protection for the players.

In addition to the results of the competition, how BLG uses this round of attention to continue its own brand building is the focus. All along, behind the BLG, there is Bilibili e-sports, which has the backing of young trend culture genes, and has made many attempts at the moment when the club team IP is refined.

When the BLG custom plate blue root granules were launched in cooperation with Baiyun Mountain, the video caused a hot discussion on the B station and Weibo, and it is still impressive in the e-sports world of playing "Terrier". It's just traffic monetization, which has been a long-standing problem for most clubs at present.

Previously, based on the harmonic stem of the "poster (leopard) team", Bilibili E-sports created the company's mascot image IP - little seal, and developed different types of derivatives, after these effective attempts. In the face of this wave of traffic outbreaks, the follow-up brand output and commercial development of Bilibili E-sports have made the outside world look forward to much.

Of course, the arrival of Uzi can not only bring the blessing of the business operation of the team club itself, but more importantly, external commercial cooperation. As we all know, Uzi, as a domestic e-sports top player, has super high commercial value, which does not need to be repeated, and even people who do not know much about e-sports remember his ID, which can be glimpsed.

Previously, Uzi had many personal endorsements, and now that he has come back to join BRG, many brands will naturally look at Uzi's golden signboard and become interested in BLP. It should be known that BLG itself has a good business cooperation achievement, involving finance, automobiles and other fields, if you can seize the opportunity, you may have new gains.

However, at present, Uzi's brokerage contract is still small like a goose, and in the case of no change in its brokerage contract, BLG can only be displayed in the image of the whole team at present, and it is temporarily unable to rely on Uzi's personal image to carry out activities.

However, from the past BRG investment situation, as well as the overall huge business resource system of Station B, even if the pure event contract has a lot of room to play. With appropriate commercial adjustments, it will even become a unique and cost-effective target when the brand invests Uzi-related resources.

Overall, around Uzi's comeback, there is still a lot of key information to watch after joining BRG.


major changes in the transfer period,

Teams and clubs are on the battlefield

Throughout the transfer period, in addition to the attention paid to the contracts of the players, the transfer of teams or clubs also caused an uproar. The SN team that reached the final on S10 last year was transferred to Weibo Esports along with its other branches, in addition to the RW that previously backed as ASUS, which has also been renamed AL Team.

How much commercial imagination will the blockbuster signing of Uzi bring to BLG?

These companies that have spent high prices to enter the league have successively changed their league seats, which has caused a lot of speculation from the outside world. One is the runner-up of last year's S10, and the other team was also a "Galaxy Battleship" at the beginning, such a team will be transferred, is the retreat of large enterprises a sign of anything?

But in fact, after studying the situation of the two teams, it is not difficult to find that the situation cannot be compared together.

The SN team has reported the news that it is about to change hands since last year, and the main reason is the problem of its parent company Suning Group behind it. Even Jiangsu Suning Football Club, which won the championship in the Chinese Super League for the first time, could not escape the fate of disbandment, and the rumors about Suning's plans to change hands with Inter Milan have not been interrupted, so it is not surprising that the e-sports team found the right funds to sell after achieving results.

The LPL seat at RW was transferred to the AG Esports Club, which is more like a choice made by the AG Esports Club for its own business expansion. And the rest of the RW is still there, and it is natural to see that this is not a harbinger of the parent company's desire to exit the esports training field.

How much commercial imagination will the blockbuster signing of Uzi bring to BLG?

In a way, being able to change hands so quickly rather than disband or return the quota to the alliance proves the attractiveness of LPL for capital and brand. Of course, the smooth and long-term operation of the team also plays an important role in the good circulation of the overall ecology of the alliance.

Many of the well-known "top- and"top-notch" players in this year's transfer period have "changed their doors", and the team clubs want to pursue results without reproach, which also shows their determination. However, under the competition of high salaries, it is very likely to cause the operational collapse of some relatively weak teams, and the situation of "superstar grouping" has also been learned in traditional sports.

How much commercial imagination will the blockbuster signing of Uzi bring to BLG?

Previously, the LPL League had proposed to gradually implement the financial fairness rules of clubs and players, and to a certain extent, limit the vicious circle of high salaries and imbalances in income and expenditure. However, in addition to the "interception" at the league level, clubs and teams should learn to "open source".

At present, most of the club income is still obtained by investment or financing, bonuses and commercial sponsorship, while the brand operation of the club outside is still in its infancy, compared with the mature brand development of European and American e-sports clubs, such as creating independent brands, co-branding with big brands, cultivating the consumption habits of fans, etc., domestic teams and clubs still have a long way to go.

However, action is a good start, in addition to ensuring good training results, we also look forward to more team brands belonging to the LPL and even Chinese e-sports.


Now, Uzi's comeback has been nailed down, after the hilarity dissipated, Uzi still faces more tests, for the veterans who return to the field, the competitive status still needs to be verified on the field, not to mention Uzi, who is already being observed with a magnifying glass.

It's just that compared with when he first stepped onto the field, today's e-sports environment has long been different from the past, and the changes in public opinion and ecological changes have long been turned upside down. We look forward to Uzi's new season and the continuous evolution of the esports world!

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