
Taken as a benchmark for intelligent manufacturing by CCTV, what did Xiaopeng Automobile do right?

[News-Oxcart Network]

In CCTV, in the latest issue of the "New Era of the Internet of Things, Tribute to the Gamebreakers - Walking with the Times", Xiaopeng Automobile was regarded as a representative enterprise of intelligent manufacturing in the transformation of the automobile industry, helping carbon neutrality and green travel, and carried out a 7-minute in-depth report.

Taken as a benchmark for intelligent manufacturing by CCTV, what did Xiaopeng Automobile do right?

In the video, He Tao, co-founder and senior vice president of Xiaopeng Motors, said, "As one of the earliest technicians in China to do autonomous driving, Xiaopeng Motors is a game-breaker and will do its best to change the existing automotive industry pattern."

He Tao judged that the next 5-10 years must be the era of intelligent manufacturing, for which Xiaopeng Automobile has been laid out in advance.

In the video program, CCTV's praise for Xiaopeng Automobile is not stingy, saying that it has written the scientific and technological attributes of courage to explore into its DNA at the beginning of its creation, and step by step turned the dream into reality, from Made in China to Intelligent Manufacturing in China, every attempt of Xiaopeng Automobile is opening up a new era.

In the face of such high praise, many readers are very curious, what did Xiaopeng Motors do right? So much so that it has been used as a benchmark for CCTV to report intelligent manufacturing.

One. Technology-based, layout software and hardware full stack self-development

He Tao said that in the past, it was difficult for us to imagine that Qualcomm and Intel would enter the automotive industry, in fact, with the change in the form of smart car products, the entire automotive industry began a century of change.

From the perspective of the industry, intelligence and electrification have become the future direction. In terms of intelligence, with the accelerated iteration of high-computing chips and the rapid development of deep learning technology, traditional intelligent cars are accelerating the transformation to software-defined cars and hardware-defined software.

To this end, some industry experts believe that the core capabilities of future smart cars will be the same as today's mobile phones, and the most important thing is to have a powerful software system.

In this regard, Xiaopeng Motors' strategic vision is extremely forward-looking. In 2015, Xiaopeng Motors was established to determine the mission of "using technology to create a more convenient and pleasant way of travel for mankind", and since then, Xiaopeng Motors has been adhering to saturation research and development and building the core capabilities of full-stack self-developed software systems.

Taken as a benchmark for intelligent manufacturing by CCTV, what did Xiaopeng Automobile do right?

In terms of underlying hardware, at present, Xiaopeng Automobile has completed the underlying hardware layout of the X-EEA 3.0 integrated electrical and electronic architecture, and a full-stack self-developed software system covering the system software platform, the basic software platform and the intelligent application platform.

Taken as a benchmark for intelligent manufacturing by CCTV, what did Xiaopeng Automobile do right?

According to industry standards: the development industry of electrical and electronic architecture is usually divided into 3 stages, phase 1.0 is distributed architecture, phase 2.0 is domain centralized architecture, and stage 3.0 is centralized architecture. Xiaopeng Automobile's latest introduction of X-EEA 3.0 electrical and electronic architecture is the most advanced 3.0 stage.

Taken as a benchmark for intelligent manufacturing by CCTV, what did Xiaopeng Automobile do right?

From a technical point of view, the advantage of creating the ultimate architecture is that the hardware and software can be classified according to the needs of users, forming a standard interface for intelligent function calls.

After completing the infrastructure, manufacturers only need to focus on the development and iteration of intelligent functions to achieve continuous evolution of vehicle functions and performance. This is also the hardware basis for Xiaopeng Motors to use long-term new and rapid iteration OTA.

From the application level, at present, Xiaopeng Automobile based on the integrated architecture, has developed the intelligent driving assistance system XPILOT3.5 and intelligent cockpit system Xmart OS 3.0, according to the plan, in 2022, Xiaopeng G9 will be equipped with the latest generation of XPILOT 4.0 version and more powerful intelligent cockpit listing, when it will take the lead in realizing point-to-point, all-scenario intelligent assisted driving.

Taken as a benchmark for intelligent manufacturing by CCTV, what did Xiaopeng Automobile do right?

Facing the future, Xiaopeng Automobile has also laid out the XPILOT 5.0 version to achieve a fully redundant automatic driving software and hardware architecture and evolve to automatic driving.

From the perspective of the industry, under the years of saturation research and development, Xiaopeng Motors has become the only automobile company in China to independently develop full-stack autonomous driving technology including positioning and high-precision map fusion, perception algorithm and sensor fusion and behavior planning, motion planning and control, and apply the software to mass production cars.

In contrast, until 2021, many traditional OEMs realized that "autonomous driving and intelligent cockpit" is the soul of future cars. At this time, Xiaopeng Automobile, which has a very strategic vision, has completed the research and development layout.

From the product point of view, Xiaopeng Automobile has launched four smart cars: G3, P7, P5 and G9.

Among them, the Xiaopeng G9 unveiled at the 2021 Guangzhou Auto Show is a smart flagship SUV that is truly based on internationalization.

Xiaopeng Automobile said: G9 is the first model of Xiaopeng Automobile at the beginning of its development, that is, for the domestic and international markets, shouldering the mission of brand upward and sales growth, and the determination to move towards internationalization.

From the perspective of product strength, Xiaopeng G9 does have the strength to stand tall with global competitors.

In terms of shape design, the first model under the latest global design language of Xiaopeng Motors shows the aesthetic philosophy of Xiaopeng with pure, extreme and pioneering design concepts.

Taken as a benchmark for intelligent manufacturing by CCTV, what did Xiaopeng Automobile do right?

Xiaopeng G9 is equipped with the latest generation of X-EEA 3.0 electronic and electrical architecture of Xiaopeng Automobile, X-EEA 3.0 electronic and electrical architecture adopts a high-fusion hardware architecture of central supercomputing + regional control, which can be equipped with a higher performance chip, supporting higher-level intelligent auxiliary driving and more powerful intelligent cockpit, Xiaopeng G9 will also become the first mass production vehicle to support the XPILOT 4.0 intelligent auxiliary driving system.

In addition, Xiaopeng G9 is also the first mass production car based on the 800V high-voltage SiC platform in China, which will achieve overcharging for 5min and the ability to replenish energy of more than 200km in the future, and at the same time, the maximum efficiency of the electric drive system can reach more than 95%.

Taken as a benchmark for intelligent manufacturing by CCTV, what did Xiaopeng Automobile do right?

Xiaopeng Automobile said that under the multiple advantages of high-computing chip + full-stack self-developed software system + high-performance battery cell + high-speed energy replenishment + high-efficiency energy saving, Xiaopeng G9 will break the charging anxiety and provide users with a smart and worry-free travel experience.

Taken as a benchmark for intelligent manufacturing by CCTV, what did Xiaopeng Automobile do right?

Two. Intelligent manufacturing contributes to carbon neutrality and carbon peaking

Achieving carbon peaking and carbon neutrality is an inherent requirement for China to achieve sustainable development and high-quality development, and has important guiding significance for promoting new energy substitution and optimizing industrial structure in many fields. China has made it clear that carbon dioxide emissions strive to peak by 2030 and strive to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060.

How to contribute to carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, layout in advance, preemptive strike? In the view of Xiaopeng Motors, it will advance from in-depth self-research, improve the industrial chain system, and accelerate the release of production capacity, thereby promoting the sustainable development of new energy vehicles.

To this end, He Xiaopeng once said in a media interview: "We have set up a special group internally, and we will spend a lot of effort in the future to do a better job in the research and development, production, use and recycling system." ”

Taken as a benchmark for intelligent manufacturing by CCTV, what did Xiaopeng Automobile do right?

From the landing level, Xiaopeng Automobile Intelligent Network Technology Industrial Park in Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, the painting workshop from the beginning of the design in line with the concept of sustainable development of environmental protection, the use of advanced pretreatment film technology, so that waste paint slag slag production by 94%, energy consumption reduced by more than 25%.

In addition, Xiaopeng Automobile's Zhaoqing plant has also laid out a solar power generation system.

According to statistics, the total power generation capacity of photovoltaic power generation projects in Zhaoqing base will reach about 20 million kWh in 2021, and it is expected to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by about 11,000 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent. Photovoltaic power generation projects in Guangzhou and Wuhan will also be connected to the grid in 2023 and 2025, respectively.

Taken as a benchmark for intelligent manufacturing by CCTV, what did Xiaopeng Automobile do right?

Some people in the industry believe that in addition to intelligent manufacturing, intelligence itself will also be the driving force for technological innovation to promote carbon reduction and emission reduction of automobiles.

It is reported that at present, the market penetration rate of L2-level intelligent networked passenger cars in China has exceeded 15%, L3-level autonomous driving models have been tested and verified, and the vehicle networking standard system has been basically established. With the iterative landing of vehicle-grade chips, vehicle operating systems and domain controllers, it can greatly improve vehicle energy utilization and is an important technology to reduce carbon emissions.

It is understood that as of the end of March 2021, Xiaopeng Motors has 759 patents and 504 registered trademarks in China and several other jurisdictions. At the end of June 2021, there were 3,091 R&D personnel in Xiaopeng Automobile, accounting for 39.0%. In terms of R&D expenses, Xiaopeng Automobile insisted on investing when saturated, and its R&D expenses in the third quarter of 2021 were 1.264 billion yuan, an increase of 46.4% month-on-month and 99.0% year-on-year.

Taken as a benchmark for intelligent manufacturing by CCTV, what did Xiaopeng Automobile do right?

Xiaopeng Automobile's NGP driver assistance system has been installed on various mass production models, serving more than 100,000 consumers.

In the long run, accelerating the popularity of electric vehicles is the main trend to reduce carbon emissions from travel.

To this end, Xiaopeng Motors plans to reach more than 10% of the market share of smart electric vehicles by 2025. This means that according to the existing market development speed, the production and sales of Xiaopeng Automobile will reach the scale level of 400,000 units in 5 years.

Xiaopeng Automobile's accelerated production capacity release is also slowly moving closer to the target scale. In November this year, Xiaopeng Automobile delivered 15,613 vehicles, an increase of 270% year-on-year, on this basis, the cumulative delivery volume from January to November has reached 82,177 units, which is about 3 times that of the same period last year.

The next 5-10 years must be the era of intelligent manufacturing, He Tao said. To this end, Xiaopeng Automobile has made preparations from many aspects such as innovative research and development, terminal intelligent manufacturing, etc., and contributed to the country's goal of carbon neutrality and carbon peaking.

Three. Have the courage to explore, science and technology first

Being a person is not only down-to-earth, but also looking up at the stars, and doing business is the same. Xiaopeng Motors is using scientific and technological innovation to explore new ways of human mobility.

From the perspective of industrial layout, in addition to intelligent cars, Xiaopeng Automobile currently has also laid out intelligent robots and low-altitude manned flight, two major areas.

In terms of intelligent robots, Xiaopeng Automobile believes that we are experiencing the technological transformation of "Internet - passive mobile Internet - active mobile Internet", and intelligent robots will be the products that open the era of active mobile Internet.

To this end, Xiaopeng Automobile has invested in the layout of the "Pengxing Intelligent" robot enterprise, and the layout has developed the first intelligent machine horse, which will be equipped with a 360-degree body camera module + lidar perception scheme, with hearing, vision, touch, bionic smell and other core technologies, can achieve riding in a complex environment, elegant posture, low weight consumption, and exquisite motion control.

Taken as a benchmark for intelligent manufacturing by CCTV, what did Xiaopeng Automobile do right?

In terms of low-altitude flight, Xiaopeng Automobile invested in the establishment of "Xiaopeng Huitian" aviation high-tech innovation enterprise. Its power modules, motors, ESCos, propellers, flight controllers and key machinery are all designed in-house.

The exploration goal given by Xiaopeng Huitian is that the product has the basic attributes of a car, can drive freely on most public roads, and it is easy to be used by users.

Taken as a benchmark for intelligent manufacturing by CCTV, what did Xiaopeng Automobile do right?

However, from the perspective of the industry, xiaopenghuitian mass production of low-altitude aircraft also needs to solve a series of problems such as safety issues, combined travel mode of flight and land travel, control and interaction mode, material lightweight, and large-scale mass production.

Xiaopeng Huitian plans to achieve mass production in 2024, becoming the world's number one manufacturer of low-altitude manned flight equipment.


Back to the beginning of the question, named by CCTV, what did Xiaopeng Automobile do right?

I think the most important thing is that it has the great mission of "having the courage to explore the no-man's land of science and technology, realize the upgrading of intelligent manufacturing industry, and help the country achieve carbon neutrality".

At the time of the unprecedented major changes in the automobile in a hundred years, Xiaopeng Automobile has devoted itself to the automotive industry, mastered the core technology of the industry with a leading research and development layout, and created a luxury flagship SUV with world-class standards - Xiaopeng G9. On this basis, Xiaopeng Automobile does not forget its original intention, has the courage to explore the no-man's land of science and technology, and lays out and develops high-tech travel fields such as automatic driving, robotic horses, and low-altitude aircraft.

Nowadays, the commercial territory of Xiaopeng Automobile is like its logo, growing freely from the center to the four directions, breaking through the border and daring to explore. So much so that it was praised by CCTV as "at the beginning of the creation of the world, the scientific and technological attributes of the courage to explore were written into their DNA, and the dream was turned into reality step by step."

Finally, as a global enterprise of new energy travel, Xiaopeng Automobile has been committed to making the world develop in a more low-carbon and sustainable direction. Xiaopeng Motors once said: "We will strive to use science and technology to help carbon neutrality, and be a firm pioneer and practitioner of sustainable development." ”

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