
Tears of the times! "Fairy Tale King" will be discontinued in January next year

author:Legal Reading Library
Tears of the times! "Fairy Tale King" will be discontinued in January next year
Author: Tian Wenchang, Yang Damin

Editor's note: Recently, Zheng Yuanjie announced on her Weibo that "Fairy Tale King", which has accompanied generations of growth, will be discontinued in January 2022.

Founded in 1985, "Fairy Tale King" was launched, for 36 years, Zheng Yuanjie was the only contributor to the magazine, the magazine has a total print of more than 200 million copies, in the era without the Internet, he received more than 100,000 letters from small readers, and now hides them in a 100-square-meter house. Once, Zheng Yuanjie was also the writer with the highest royalty income for Chinese writers.

Just this push to pay tribute to Teacher Zheng.

Tears of the times! "Fairy Tale King" will be discontinued in January next year

66 Letters to Zheng Yuanjie, Preface I

Another Power of Fairy Tales

Tian Wenchang

Throughout the ages, the enlightening effect of books on people has been known to everyone. However, few people's works can have such a significant impact as Zheng Yuanjie's fairy tales!

The fairy tale king Zheng Yuanjie was born on June 15, 1955, and on June 15, 2021, it coincided with Mr. Zheng's 66th birthday. Taking this opportunity, under the organization and planning of lawyer Yang Damin, 66 readers from all over the country, including the post-60s, post-70s, post-80s, post-90s, post-00s, post-10s, people born in six generations, people of different occupations, different ages, and different regions, recalled the childhood and adolescence of reading Zheng Yuanjie's fairy tales in the form of letters. Summarize and think about the impact of Zheng Yuanjie's fairy tales on the growth of everyone. Express your respect, gratitude and gratitude to Teacher Zheng Yuanjie.

Zheng Yuanjie single-handedly insisted on creating "Fairy Tale King" for forty years, shaping fairy tale characters such as Shuk, Beta, Pipilu, Lusisi and other fairy tale characters, becoming a household star. Mr. Zheng tells the simple principles of life with imaginative fairy tales, telling children that justice, kindness, equality, dignity and love will always transcend and overcome evil, selfishness, narrow-mindedness, greed and injustice.

Zheng Yuanjie's fairy tales focus on human nature, pay attention to the dignity of children, criticize test-taking education, and advocate personality development. These contents have impacted the traditional educational concepts that China has adhered to for thousands of years, opened up the minds of generations of young people in a popular and vivid way, played a role that ordinary education is difficult to work, and also challenged some erroneous trends in the current educational concepts. Its significance for the reform of the education system and even the guidance of life values cannot be underestimated. In particular, it is worth mentioning that the dissemination of law in the form of fairy tales is a major creation of Mr. Zheng. In accordance with the provisions of the criminal law and combined with the growth of children, he created "Pipilu and the 419 Deadly Sins", through a vivid and interesting story, turning boredom into fun, bringing children into a world of rule of law in a edutainment, telling parents and children in a simple and simple way to stay away from crimes and learn to protect themselves according to law. This effect is far superior to those preachy propaganda.

I have worked as a middle school teacher and a law teacher at China University of Political Science and Law, and I am well aware of some of the shortcomings in the education system and the hardships of educational reform, and I have a better understanding of the significance of legal popularization education. Mr. Zheng Yuanjie's fairy tales have the same effect on both general education and legal education, and it is education that starts from dolls and sows the seeds of positive energy in the hearts of young people. It is precisely in this way that the touching "Heart Book" of "Sixty-six Letters to Zheng Yuanjie" was introduced by sixty-six readers.

Mr. Zheng Yuanjie's fairy tales have a huge circulation and have influenced and educated generations. The characters in fairy tales, like himself, have a strong sense of social responsibility. Fighting against the evil forces, shouting for the weak, and fighting for the truth are the prominent themes of Zheng Yuanjie's fairy tales, and it is also the enduring vitality of the book!

Today, as Chinese society moves towards the rule of law, the book "Sixty-six Letters to Zheng Yuanjie" is planned and edited by legal people, which is enough to show the legal people's recognition and respect for Mr. Zheng Yuanjie's values.

It is believed that Mr. Zheng Yuanjie's fairy tale will also become a booster to accelerate the process of legalization of Chinese society.

March 23, 2021 in Qingshuiwan, Hainan

Editor's Epilogue

Tribute to the "Fairy Tale King",

A tribute to the glory and dreams of fairy tales

In 1982, I first read Zheng Yuanjie's work " The Little Mouse Who Drove a Helicopter " , in the 12th issue of Children's Literature , and met the pilot Shuk, who was eight years old. In 1983, he met beta, a tanker. Later, I began to read Zheng Yuanjie's fairy tale special issue "Fairy Tale King", and successively got to know Pipilu, Lusisi, and the big bad wolf Roque.

In my childhood, adolescence, and youth, I have been wandering in the fairy tale kingdom created by Teacher Zheng Yuanjie, because I believe that the sentence printed on the back cover of "Fairy Tale King" is "Zheng Yuanjie's fairy tale is suitable for people aged 8 to 88 years old to read", and I believe that Teacher Zheng Yuanjie said in the fairy tale that "the real brain gold is not in the fish, but in the book". I was not only attracted by the imaginative Cheng fairy tales, but also inspired by the wise and transparent Zheng's thinking and quotations, which had a positive impact on my growth, and in the subtle, moisturizing things silently.

Teacher Zheng Yuanjie told me in the fairy tale: "The trick to struggling in life is to manage your own strengths, and managing your own strengths will increase your life; operating your own shortcomings will inevitably devalue your life." "Find your best talent zone." So I followed Teacher Zheng's teachings, no longer insisting on "fighting" with mathematics, physics, and chemistry that I was not good at, but focusing on the study of literature and history, and looking for my own "brain gold" in the book.

When I became a practicing lawyer, I paid more attention to Ms. Zheng Yuanjie, because I found that he was also doing law-related things, not only studying criminal law, but also creating a legal version of the family textbook "Pipilu and the 419 Deadly Sins" for his son Zheng Yaqi. After the book was published and released, it also allowed more children to know the law and understand the law in fairy tales, learn to respect the law, abide by the law, and know how to use legal weapons to protect themselves, spreading the Zheng education concept of "the greatest love for parents is to protect themselves and not cause trouble".

Not only that, Teacher Zheng Yuanjie has also been using legal weapons to protect several of his other "children". In the past ten years, he has defended the trademarks and trade names of Shuk, Beta, Pipilu and Rusisi countless times. One lawsuit after another, one battle after another, has really promoted the process of intellectual property protection in China.

From the fairy tale kingdom to the real world, the charm of teacher Zheng Yuanjie attracted me. In June 2020, the "Study" column of the Supreme People's Procuratorate's "Fangyuan" magazine interviewed me about reading, and I told reporters that I had a wish to meet Teacher Zheng Yuanjie. Brother Zhao Zhigang, then president of the Supreme People's Procuratorate's Procuratorial Daily, forwarded the interview article to Teacher Zheng Yuanjie. A miracle occurred, teacher Zheng actually wanted to see me.

On September 19, 2020, under the arrangement of Brother Zhigang, I and Teacher Zheng Yuanjie finally met, realizing the "reunion" of writers and readers, idols and fans spanning 38 years. I took out the 12th issue of Children's Literature in 1982, which I had treasured for thirty-eight years, and asked Teacher Zheng to sign the article "The Little Mouse Who Drives the Helicopter", which the paper has been yellowed. This is not a fairy tale, it was a beautiful moment when I met Teacher Zheng Yuanjie for the first time.

After getting acquainted with Teacher Zheng Yuanjie, we often interacted on WeChat, chatting about some legal-related matters and defending Shuk's rights. For the sake of relaxation and pleasure, I usually call Teacher Zheng the "Great King" of the "Great King" of the "Fairy Tale King". The king would often tell me some of his stories, and I found that the real Zheng Yuanjie had the same style as the Shuk and Beta he portrayed in fairy tales, love and hate, helpful, and always came forward when encountering unfair things; his speech and demeanor were also pippiru-like naughty, and he had a strong curiosity about anything, and could always find details and knots that ordinary people could not find. Although Zheng Yuanjie in real life is maverick, he is very affectionate, filial to his parents, grateful to his teachers, and is a person with profound thoughts, extraordinary thinking, self-discipline in life, and witty conversations - in short, he is a very cute and interesting person.

One day, I suddenly found that Teacher Zheng Yuanjie was almost sixty-six years old, and I wanted to have a happy and meaningful birthday for him. So a wonderful idea came up, looking for sixty-six readers of "Fairy Tale King" across the country, asking each of them to write a letter to Teacher Zheng to express the love and gratitude of readers for him, and then formed a collection as a birthday gift to send a special surprise to Teacher Zheng.

What I didn't expect was that these people who were invited to write letters responded positively, and within a few days, letters came from all over the country, including in Hong Kong, Taiwan and overseas. I read these letters over and over again, and was moved again and again. Whether it is government officials, enterprise presidents, grassland herders, freelance workers; whether it is rational and rigorous discipline inspection cadres, procurators, lawyers, or naïve primary school students, middle school students; as well as teachers, doctors, writers, journalists and other readers from all walks of life, each of them writes so sincerely, sincerely, full of affection, looking back at childhood, feeling growth, and recalling the influence and enlightenment given to them by Zheng Yuanjie's fairy tales.

These sixty-six readers include "post-60s", "post-70s", "post-80s", "post-90s", "post-00s" and "post-10s", and the age groups span six generations. Although they have different ages, different professional identities, and different regions, their moods and intentions are the same as mine, and we thank Teacher Zheng Yuanjie and his works for accompanying us to grow up and bring us endless happiness, positive encouragement and profound enlightenment. As Teacher Bai Yansong said in his recommendation: "Each of the author's works is just a fairy tale, but they are linked to the growth of generations and become a myth!" "These sixty-six letters, representing the voices of millions of readers, are the best praise and the best gift for a writer.

The secret from fairy tales to myths is actually that Teacher Zheng Yuanjie alone wrote the monthly magazine "Fairy Tale King" for thirty-six years, published 486 issues, with a total of 200 million copies printed, creating a world record; it was he who alone wrote from 4:30 a.m. to 6:30 a.m. every day for thirty-six years, without a day of intermittent persistence; it was he who respected life, paid attention to education, used fairy tales to awaken children's self-confidence and dignity, encouraged children to find the best talent area, and realized their self-worth by giving full play to their strengths and avoiding weaknesses...

I am a lover, reader and beneficiary of Zheng Yuanjie's fairy tales. From my own reading experience, Zheng Yuanjie's fairy tales, not only fairy tales, eight-year-old I read the wonderful and interesting adventure story of Shuk Beta; at the age of eighteen, I read a "poor student" Pipilu to overcome himself and change his own counterattack youth; twenty-eight years old I read the Zheng's educational philosophy - good children are exaggerated; thirty-eight years old I read and understood that one of the driving forces of Zheng Yuanjie's insistence on writing is filial piety to parents; forty-eight years old I saw China's "fairy tale king" go abroad. Spreading Chinese stories and Chinese culture to the world... From childhood, adolescence, youth to the present middle age, I have been reading in joy and thinking, and I have also shared it with my friends and my children, so that they, like me, believe in reality because of fairy tales, and look forward to the future because of reading. Teacher Zheng Yuanjie's fairy tale has influenced generations of people and will continue to influence.

I believe that thousands of readers, like me, have found the shadow of their childhood, the footprints of their youth, and the dreams of youth in Zheng Yuanjie's fairy tales, and also in his fairy tales and educational concepts, they have found one golden key after another about growth, about education, about struggle, about love, about family, and about the future, opening up all kinds of confusion we encounter on the road of life. This is not a fairy tale, but it is all in the fairy tales of teacher Zheng Yuanjie. Therefore, this book collection of letters is not only dedicated to Teacher Zheng Yuanjie, but also a gift of years for each of us; it is not only a tribute to Teacher Zheng Yuanjie, but also a tribute to those of us who read fairy tales in those years, and a tribute to the glory and dreams given to us by fairy tales.

Thanks to the authors of these sixty-six letters, you and I have written this fairy tale of the real world for Teacher Zheng Yuanjie.

Thanks to Mr. Zheng Yuanjie's Bole, the famous social educator and writer, the 84-year-old teacher Yang Zong, and my mentor, Barrister Tian Wenchang, for jointly giving the preface to this book, which made me feel the warmth and support of the teacher.

Thanks to the famous educator and calligrapher Mr. Pang Zhonghua for writing the title of the book, and at the same time, with the famous Hollywood director Wu Yusen and the famous host of CCTV, Mr. Bai Yansong, who wrote a recommendation for this book, the words are like gold, so that these sixty-six letters can be inserted with shining wings.

Thanks to my friends Chen Chen, president of Times Literature and Art Publishing House, poets Ma Zhigang, Yan Jiaqi, Niu Yichen, editors Liu Xi and Meng Yuting, they have devoted their time, energy and wisdom to the publication of this book, so that these sixty-six letters have become a reality from fairy tales.

Finally, I would like to give special thanks to Mr. Zheng Hongsheng, the father of Teacher Zheng Yuanjie, and my mother, Ms. Liu Xiaokun, for cultivating an excellent son with love and wisdom, courage and responsibility, so that the world has more stories and beauty.

Yang Damin

April 21, 2021 in Beijing

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