
A new round of heavy rain is coming, and from tonight to June 30, the weather will be as follows

author:Kozuki Fangyuan

Weather system analysis and forecasting

Recently, the weather system of the mainland has shown significant regional differences, with many places in the south affected by the rainy season, while the north continues to be affected by high temperatures. Here's a scientific breakdown of current weather conditions and future trends:

A new round of heavy rain is coming, and from tonight to June 30, the weather will be as follows

1. Heavy rainfall and plum rain belt in the south

A new round of heavy rain is coming, and from tonight to June 30, the weather will be as follows

Precipitation characteristics: The middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and its surrounding provinces, including Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Anhui, Jiangsu, Guizhou and other places, have recently experienced frequent heavy rainfall. Since mid-to-late June, these areas have entered the typical rainy season, the period of continuous precipitation in the monsoon climate.

A new round of heavy rain is coming, and from tonight to June 30, the weather will be as follows

Weather system: Heavy rainfall is attributed to the stable position of the subtropical high system, which causes a large amount of moist air to accumulate in the Yangtze River basin, forming continuous precipitation. According to the forecast of the Central Meteorological Observatory, the intensity and frequency of rainfall in this region will not slow down significantly in the short term.

A new round of heavy rain is coming, and from tonight to June 30, the weather will be as follows

2. Sunny and hot weather in the north

Temperature distribution: In stark contrast to the abundant rainfall in the south, the northern regions, especially Xinjiang, are experiencing extreme heat. Meteorological data shows that the temperature in many places in Xinjiang is approaching or even exceeding 43°C, showing a clear heat wave effect.

A new round of heavy rain is coming, and from tonight to June 30, the weather will be as follows

Future trend: The high temperature weather in the north is expected to continue, and in some regions, such as the southern part of Hebei, the western part of Shandong and the northern part of Henan, the high temperature above 40°C will reappear. It is worth noting that the north will experience two major precipitation processes in the coming period, indicating that the subtropical high may move northward, thus changing the current weather pattern of "flooding in the south and drought in the north".

A new round of heavy rain is coming, and from tonight to June 30, the weather will be as follows

3. Future weather outlook

Precipitation forecast: In the next three days, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, Guangxi, Guizhou and other places will still face heavy rainfall. Among them, central Anhui, eastern Hubei, northwest Jiangxi, northeast and central and western Hunan, eastern Guizhou and other places may have heavy rain or even extremely heavy rain (more than 260 mm), and the Central Meteorological Observatory has issued a red warning for heavy rain.

A new round of heavy rain is coming, and from tonight to June 30, the weather will be as follows

Temperature change: Although the hot weather in Xinjiang continues, the high temperature forces in North China and the Huanghuai region will re-intensify on June 30 after a brief easing, forming a new high temperature area.

A new round of heavy rain is coming, and from tonight to June 30, the weather will be as follows

In the face of the current complex weather situation, the public should pay close attention to the latest forecast issued by the meteorological department, especially in the heavy rainfall area in the south, and be alert to the potential risks caused by waterlogging and road waterlogging. At the same time, people in the north should take measures to prevent heatstroke and cool down to cope with the continuous high temperature weather. With the change of the weather system, the trend of increasing rainfall in the north also suggests that the weather pattern is undergoing adjustment, and disaster prevention and mitigation strategies need to be adjusted in a timely manner to adapt to changing climatic conditions.