
The gap is not generally large! Modi was originally a widow for 45 years, and Ivana married her boyfriend of 23 years younger

author:The little scholar eats melons

These two days Modi has made headlines again.

The gap is not generally large! Modi was originally a widow for 45 years, and Ivana married her boyfriend of 23 years younger

It turned out that he was dressed in red and had deliberately gone to the Ganges to pray for blessings. Many people admire that Modi is really bold and dares to stay in the Ganges for so long for the sake of faith.

The gap is not generally large! Modi was originally a widow for 45 years, and Ivana married her boyfriend of 23 years younger

However, Modi, who seems so worried about the country and the people, is actually very cold-blooded in private.

For example, he married at the age of 17 and ran away from home after less than 3 months with his wife; for many years, Modi never admitted to being married.

The gap is not generally large! Modi was originally a widow for 45 years, and Ivana married her boyfriend of 23 years younger

It wasn't until, when Modi was running, that he confessed that he was married. But by this time, 45 years had passed since he had married. In other words, he left his wife widowed for 45 years!

However, after Modi came to power, his wife still lived a poor life in her hometown.

The gap is not generally large! Modi was originally a widow for 45 years, and Ivana married her boyfriend of 23 years younger

Later, Modi went to visit Trump. After mentioning that Modi did not travel with his wife, Trump also laughed and said: Oh, I can match you!

No wonder Trump was surprised, mainly compared to his original match, Modi's wife was too miserable.

The gap is not generally large! Modi was originally a widow for 45 years, and Ivana married her boyfriend of 23 years younger

You know, Trump's original partner divorced him shortly after, he remarried. Even at the age of 59, she married her little boyfriend again as a fourth marriage. When he got married, Trump also personally went to send blessings.

Also married to the president, why are their fates so different?

The gap is not generally large! Modi was originally a widow for 45 years, and Ivana married her boyfriend of 23 years younger

Ivana is 3 years older than Modi's wife

Modi was born in 1950 in Wad Nagar, Gujarat, India.

Modi is the third oldest in the family, with two older brothers in front of him; his father is a small drink vendor at the train station, and his mother is a typical Indian housewife.

The gap is not generally large! Modi was originally a widow for 45 years, and Ivana married her boyfriend of 23 years younger

He grew up in such a family environment, but Modi is not an ordinary person.

While children of the same age were still playing in the mud, Modi followed the righteous men to do big things. He joined the National Volunteer League Youth League, inspiring him to change the fate of the poor.

The gap is not generally large! Modi was originally a widow for 45 years, and Ivana married her boyfriend of 23 years younger

But there's a little bit of a bad thing about this team, which is that members have to abstain from sex. But for Modi, who was only 10 years old at the time, it wasn't a problem. He was happy so that he had the opportunity to change his destiny.

However, Modi's ambition is seen by his father, that is, the small children make trouble. So, when Modi was 13 years old, his father set him a fiancée, who was Jasuda from the same village.

Faced with his father's brutality and unreasonableness, Modi jumped to his feet in anger. But despite his objections, he married Jasuda into the door at the age of 17.

The gap is not generally large! Modi was originally a widow for 45 years, and Ivana married her boyfriend of 23 years younger

Unable to resist his father, Modi had to vent his resentment on Jasuda.

He angrily told Jasuda that he would never accept her in his lifetime. Looking at Modi's face full of anger, Jasuda, who has been taught to "take her husband as a god" since childhood, has no other way but to endure.

After the anger dissipated, the young Modi began to talk to Jasuda about his ideals.

The gap is not generally large! Modi was originally a widow for 45 years, and Ivana married her boyfriend of 23 years younger

Although she did not understand her husband's career very well, Jasuda thought that she should still support her husband. In the face of such a knowledgeable wife, Modi is also a little ashamed.

So he comforted Jasuda and said: You should also read more books so that you can have insight.

Under the persuasion of Modi, Jasuda, who had never entered the school, also began to borrow other people's books to study. After all, she wanted to be close to her husband's world too much.

The gap is not generally large! Modi was originally a widow for 45 years, and Ivana married her boyfriend of 23 years younger

Just when Jasuda thought things were going to get better, Modi shattered her dreams.

Three months later, Modi told Jasuda that he was going to go out and let her live at home and honor her parents. In this way, the young couple who have been married for three months began to live a separate life.

The gap is not generally large! Modi was originally a widow for 45 years, and Ivana married her boyfriend of 23 years younger

In the years that followed, Modi's career continued to rise, but he set up a single person for the people. Because he often said to his supporters: I am alone, what can I do but serve the people?

How admirable is such a person who does not even marry for the sake of his ideals! As a result, his supporters have increased.

The gap is not generally large! Modi was originally a widow for 45 years, and Ivana married her boyfriend of 23 years younger

Until, in 2013, Modi ran for office. When he filled out his personal information, he announced his marital status. By this time, Jasuda had been widowed in his hometown for 45 years.

During this time, Jasuda didn't even receive a call from Modi! Everything she knows about her husband is seen on TV or on the Internet. But even this did not affect her support for Modi.

The gap is not generally large! Modi was originally a widow for 45 years, and Ivana married her boyfriend of 23 years younger

After Modi began campaigning, Jasuda went to the temple in silence for three months; during which time she ate very few vegetables. In her opinion, only if she is religious enough can she ask for the blessing of the gods and Buddhas.

The gap is not generally large! Modi was originally a widow for 45 years, and Ivana married her boyfriend of 23 years younger

After Modi took office, Jasuda's life did not change much. Although the media came to interview her, she rarely commented on her husband. After a long time, those who watched the hilarity also left.

The gap is not generally large! Modi was originally a widow for 45 years, and Ivana married her boyfriend of 23 years younger

Today, the 69-year-old Jasuda still lives a hard life in the village. Like all peasant women, she fed and labored barefoot.

The gap is not generally large! Modi was originally a widow for 45 years, and Ivana married her boyfriend of 23 years younger

Compare that to The plain Jasuda and look at modi, who is brightly dressed. Who would have thought that such a peasant woman would be a first lady?

I have to say that compared with Trump's original match, Jasuda's life is so hard.

The gap is not generally large! Modi was originally a widow for 45 years, and Ivana married her boyfriend of 23 years younger

Like Jasuda, Ivana is a girl who comes out of town. The difference is that under the influence of different environmental conditions, Ivana, who is already cheerful, is a very ambitious woman.

The gap is not generally large! Modi was originally a widow for 45 years, and Ivana married her boyfriend of 23 years younger

In order to get out of town, Ivana married a Canadian athlete. Within a few years of marriage, Ivana chose to divorce her husband on the grounds of emotional incompatibility.

After that, Ivana, who was tall and had great facial features, decided to debut as a model.

The gap is not generally large! Modi was originally a widow for 45 years, and Ivana married her boyfriend of 23 years younger

At the age of 27, Ivana came to New York with her team. It was also here that she met her second husband, Trump.

That day, Ivana was lining up with her friends at the entrance of the restaurant. At this time, the good-looking Trump came over and said to Ivana: Hey, need help? This conversation opened the curtain on the marriage of Ivana and Trump.

The gap is not generally large! Modi was originally a widow for 45 years, and Ivana married her boyfriend of 23 years younger

One is a real estate tycoon, and the other is a smart girl who wants to climb high. Within a few months of their acquaintance, they stepped into the palace of marriage.

The Development of the Grand Hyatt, the Taj Mahal Casino in Atlanta, and the Trump Tower in Manhattan are all inseparable from Ivana's assistance.

The gap is not generally large! Modi was originally a widow for 45 years, and Ivana married her boyfriend of 23 years younger

At that time, some media even commented that Trump's greatest achievement was to marry Ivana.

The gap is not generally large! Modi was originally a widow for 45 years, and Ivana married her boyfriend of 23 years younger

With Ivana's strong support, Trump's value has multiplied several times. But even so, Trump still has a flower intestine. In 1989, Trump cheated.

For his own derailment, Trump is sophistry with the media: Ivana is no longer my wife, but the chairman of the company! She forgot who she was and was too obsessed with her career.

The gap is not generally large! Modi was originally a widow for 45 years, and Ivana married her boyfriend of 23 years younger

The woman who runs the house, the husband will complain that she does not make money; when she goes out to make money, he says that you do not care about the family. I have to say that it is difficult to be a successful woman who has both a career and a family.

In the face of her husband's infidelity, Ivana, who has always been strong, will not get used to him.

The gap is not generally large! Modi was originally a widow for 45 years, and Ivana married her boyfriend of 23 years younger

Ivana said: When you divorce, take everything you can take

In court, Ivana shrugged off evidence of Trump's cheating while demanding that half of his family property be divided. At Ivana's strong request, Trump was beaten back.

In the end, it was Ivana who looked at the children's faces and gave Trump a way out.

The gap is not generally large! Modi was originally a widow for 45 years, and Ivana married her boyfriend of 23 years younger

Ivana, who is divorced, has lived no worse life than Trump. In 1996, Ivana married a wealthy Italian businessman. But after only two years, the two divorced.

In the next ten years, Ivana also had a blue face confidant, but she did not marry.

The gap is not generally large! Modi was originally a widow for 45 years, and Ivana married her boyfriend of 23 years younger

Until 2008, 59-year-old Ivana married her 23-year-old boyfriend as a 4-year-old.

The gap is not generally large! Modi was originally a widow for 45 years, and Ivana married her boyfriend of 23 years younger

By then, her relationship with Trump had become harmonious. In order to celebrate the marriage of his ex-wife, Trump also specially attended the wedding and sent blessings to the newlyweds.

The gap is not generally large! Modi was originally a widow for 45 years, and Ivana married her boyfriend of 23 years younger

Later, Trump became president, and when he encountered troubles, he would consult with Ivana; in the face of the media, Ivana would even generously comment: I am Trump's original match.

As the president's original match, why are Jasuda and Ivana's lives so different?

The gap is not generally large! Modi was originally a widow for 45 years, and Ivana married her boyfriend of 23 years younger

There are two main reasons: First, environmental impact. Jasuda was taught to listen to her husband from an early age, so no matter what Modi did to her, she would choose to forgive; and ivana? She had no such concerns.

Second, personal personality and pursuit are different. Jasuda works hard and complains, and her biggest dream is to make her husband happy; but Ivana is a "tiger wife": I am not happy, and you don't want to be comfortable.

The gap is not generally large! Modi was originally a widow for 45 years, and Ivana married her boyfriend of 23 years younger

Such a gap has created a different ending for the two. But perhaps for Jasuda, she thought it was a pleasant day. After all, she helped her husband in her own way.

Maybe this is "arsenic cream of A and honey of B"?

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