
In 1945, the company commander of the Anti-Japanese Expeditionary Force married a Japanese female prisoner of war, and more than 30 years later, the children inherited hundreds of millions of family property

author:Documentary in the shadow
In 1945, the company commander of the Anti-Japanese Expeditionary Force married a Japanese female prisoner of war, and more than 30 years later, the children inherited hundreds of millions of family property


In 1945, an expeditionary force to fight in Burma captured a Japanese field force and protected prisoners from being killed by the Burmese military. But what people did not expect was that after this, the company commander of the expeditionary force had a secret affair with one of the prisoners of war, and after the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan, the two became linked! What is even more incredible is that 30 years later, the children of the two went to Japan to inherit hundreds of millions of family property!

What was the story between them that brought together in that context? What kind of status does this woman have in Japan, and can leave such a huge amount of family property to her children?

In 1945, the company commander of the Anti-Japanese Expeditionary Force married a Japanese female prisoner of war, and more than 30 years later, the children inherited hundreds of millions of family property

First, the historical background

In 1937, after Japan launched a comprehensive war of aggression against China, it promulgated the "National General Mobilization Law", which showed that Japan had become a fully formed imperial military fascist dictatorship. Based on this, Japan began an 8-year-long brutal aggression against our country!

According to Japan's plan, the three-month occupation of China was only the first step, and the second step was to bribe the capitalist allies with interests to induce them to admit that China was extinct. He also took this as an opportunity to start a "relocation plan", that is, to use China as a base, to station a large number of Japanese residents and military forces in China, and to finally realize the ambition of completely annexing China by assimilating our people.

This is only the first half of the plan, and the second half is based on our country, marching westward, joining the German army, and then dividing the whole world!

Fortunately, the Chinese people were not as fragile as the Japanese thought, and they all fought back in the face of the invaders, and their righteousness was awe-inspiring! The revolutionary martyrs, relying on their strong national cohesion and their fighting attitude of treating death as a homecoming, completely broke the illusions of the Japanese people and plunged the Japanese fascist forces into the Battlefield of China and were in a dilemma.

In 1945, the company commander of the Anti-Japanese Expeditionary Force married a Japanese female prisoner of war, and more than 30 years later, the children inherited hundreds of millions of family property

This was something the Japanese did not expect until the war lasted for four years, when the Japanese began to plan to change their strategy.

In order to shorten the war and reduce losses, Japan decided to change its plan and advance westward. After merging with the German army, the intention was to use Burma and India bordering China as colonies, replenish supplies first, and then prepare for a protracted war. Moreover, the strategic significance of occupying these two places is extraordinary, not only can it cut off the important supply line of China's "Yunnan Burma Highway", but also form an encirclement trend against our country and cause internal and external difficulties!

Of course, our country is aware of Japan's wolf ambitions, and in order to stop their intrigues and tricks, in 1942, our country organized a group of expeditionary forces to go to Burma to carry out combat missions, and Liu Yunda was a member of the expeditionary force.

In 1945, the company commander of the Anti-Japanese Expeditionary Force married a Japanese female prisoner of war, and more than 30 years later, the children inherited hundreds of millions of family property

Protection of prisoners of war

After the expeditionary force entered Burma, although the conditions were difficult, it still lived up to the expectations of the people and achieved remarkable results, and by 1945, the battlefield situation was basically under the control of our army.

In March of the same year, the 1st Company of the 201st Regiment of the 50th Division of the New First Army led by Liu Yunda was ordered to cooperate in the clearance of the Burmese battlefield, and encountered a desperate counterattack by the Japanese army. In the end, after 8 days and 8 nights of continuous fighting, the remnants of the Japanese army who were stubbornly defending "La Ingong" were finally defeated. Not only did they succeed in taking the stronghold, but they also captured a group of Japanese soldiers and logisticians and held them separately.

However, the Burmese soldiers accompanying them had already killed the red eye, and there was no way to control their emotions in the face of Japanese prisoners of war, let alone humanitarianism and preferential treatment of prisoners, so they shot all Japanese soldiers without the permission of our army.

In 1945, the company commander of the Anti-Japanese Expeditionary Force married a Japanese female prisoner of war, and more than 30 years later, the children inherited hundreds of millions of family property

Liu Yunda, who heard the gunshots, immediately rushed over, saw that a large number of Japanese prisoners of war had fallen in a pool of blood, and immediately scolded the Burmese soldiers. But the Burmese soldiers who were already on top did not intend to give up, and they were completely unmoved by Liu Yunda's reprimand, and even the medical staff did not intend to let go.

Liu Yunda, seeing the situation, could only take out the provisions of the "Zhibewa Convention" to suppress the Burmese soldiers (there is a clear stipulation in the convention that prisoners of war must not be killed, let alone kill medical personnel), and inform them that if they violate the regulations, they may be sued to court-martial after the war!

In 1945, the company commander of the Anti-Japanese Expeditionary Force married a Japanese female prisoner of war, and more than 30 years later, the children inherited hundreds of millions of family property

Upon hearing that they were going to court-martial, the Burmese soldiers calmed down, put away their guns, and left indignantly.

In fact, Liu Yunda saved these Japanese prisoners of war not only because of the provisions of the "Treaty of Geneva" or the humanitarianism of our army's preferential treatment of prisoners, but also because of the simple kindness in his heart.

The enemy army has collapsed, there is no longer any will to fight, and if we can control the situation, we should not be exterminated, not to mention that most of these medical personnel accompanying the army, most of them are newly adult girls, most likely forced to join the war. The war has dragged on to this day, and too many people have paid for it, and there should be no more senseless sacrifices.

Taking 10,000 steps back, our army's medical resources are extremely scarce, and leaving these medical personnel and reforming their minds can also help our soldiers deal with their injuries, and perhaps save the lives of some soldiers.

In 1945, the company commander of the Anti-Japanese Expeditionary Force married a Japanese female prisoner of war, and more than 30 years later, the children inherited hundreds of millions of family property

In order to prevent the Japanese nurses from encountering an accident, Liu Yunda transferred them to his own troops and personally escorted them.

In fact, as Liu Yunda guessed, most of these girls were forced to join the war. Because the Japanese government at that time was determined to practice the militarist line, it was very hungry for the victory of the war! Not only is the people hyped up and brainwashed wildly, but they also deliberately distort the facts and vilify the image of the aggressor.

In addition to unifying its thinking, the Japanese government has always given priority to the handling of domestic material resources and supporting the front line with all its might. As for human resources, under the slogan of national prosperity, soldiers were forcibly recruited everywhere. After a simple training, men hurried to the battlefield, while women stayed in logistics, mainly as nurses.

In 1945, the company commander of the Anti-Japanese Expeditionary Force married a Japanese female prisoner of war, and more than 30 years later, the children inherited hundreds of millions of family property

The batch escorted by Liu Yunda belongs to this situation. In their hearts, they were already full of fear of war, and after witnessing so many casualties, they had long doubted the significance of war.

After the ideological education of the political commissars of our army, they did participate in the rescue and treatment of the disabled soldiers, as Liu Yunda expected.

In 1945, the company commander of the Anti-Japanese Expeditionary Force married a Japanese female prisoner of war, and more than 30 years later, the children inherited hundreds of millions of family property

But there is a girl named Shizuko Omiya who is an exception.

Third, battlefield love

Unlike most field nurses, Shizuko Omiya volunteered to go to the Burmese battlefield.

At that time, Omiya Shizuko was a 17-year-old medical student, and from an early age, she was kind-hearted and could not see others suffering. It is precisely because of this psychology that she chose to devote herself to medicine in order to help more people avoid pain.

In 1945, the company commander of the Anti-Japanese Expeditionary Force married a Japanese female prisoner of war, and more than 30 years later, the children inherited hundreds of millions of family property

Under the overwhelming propaganda of the Japanese government, Shizuko Omiya's "patriotic" feelings were fully stimulated. In order to contribute to the country, Omiya Shizuko wanted to go to the front line to treat wounded soldiers.

When she told her father Yoshio Omiya about such an idea, she not only received affirmation and support, but also was warned by Yoshio Omiya: "Even if you die in battle, you can't retreat."

In this situation, Omiya Shizuko stepped on a train to the Burmese battlefield and became a field nurse. And in her heart, she is also very determined that she is fighting for the country and fighting for justice!

It was precisely because of this sentiment that Shizuko Omiya resisted especially fiercely when she was arrested. It's not that she's not afraid of death, she's not willing to retreat!

In 1945, the company commander of the Anti-Japanese Expeditionary Force married a Japanese female prisoner of war, and more than 30 years later, the children inherited hundreds of millions of family property

While the other nurses were all touched by the expeditionary force's unhighetical grace, Shizuko Omiya found an opportunity to escape, and after being caught, she either went on a hunger strike in protest, smashed her rice bowl, and even injured the soldier who brought him food at one point.

But when she rescued the wounded, she showed great patience. Although the two sides did not understand each other's languages, Omiya Shizuko was always smiling, moving quickly and lightly, and the wounded seemed to be able to alleviate some of the pain under her care.

These bits and pieces, Liu Yunda looked at it.

After a long time together, Liu Yunda began to be curious about this Japanese girl who had a good face but treated him coldly; a kind heart but a strange personality.

Liu Yunda began to care for Shizuko Omiya consciously or unconsciously, and also took the initiative to take on the task of delivering food to him. At first, Shizuko Omiya did not have a good feeling for this Chinese soldier who had captured her, but when she saw that the Chinese soldiers could get along with the local people wherever they went, and absolutely did not take the mass materials, she thought of the actions of her own country's soldiers.

In 1945, the company commander of the Anti-Japanese Expeditionary Force married a Japanese female prisoner of war, and more than 30 years later, the children inherited hundreds of millions of family property

Slowly, she began to doubt her faith, the purpose of her country's war on this land. It was in this process that his hostility towards Liu Yunda gradually faded, and he slowly accepted the kindness from Liu Yunda.

Between this coming and going, the two looked at each other and secretly admired each other in their hearts.

Fourth, the marriage is connected

After a long time, everyone can see that Liu Yunda and Shizuko Omiya are happy with each other, but neither of them has broken through this layer of window paper, but silently takes care of each other in their daily work and life.

In fact, both people have some scruples in their hearts.

In 1945, the company commander of the Anti-Japanese Expeditionary Force married a Japanese female prisoner of war, and more than 30 years later, the children inherited hundreds of millions of family property

What Liu Yunda is worried about is the contradiction between China and Japan. After all, the wounds that Japan has inflicted on our country are difficult to repair, can the country allow him to be with Shizuko Omiya? And can The identity of Shizuko Omiya be accepted by her family? If they all disagree, how should he face this feeling? These problems have long plagued Liu Yunda.

And What Shizuko Omiya was thinking about was whether she would be repatriated to Japan after the war was over. If you return to China, you will have to say goodbye to the person you like forever! If you don't return to China, you will never see your family again... Whenever she thinks of this, Omiya Shizuko secretly sheds tears.

In 1945, the company commander of the Anti-Japanese Expeditionary Force married a Japanese female prisoner of war, and more than 30 years later, the children inherited hundreds of millions of family property

The two people have been dragging on like this, without taking the initiative to reveal their hearts to each other, and they have not thought about how to deal with the transnational love that sprang up in this chaotic world.

This upset Liu Yunda's division commander Qiao Minggu, who took the initiative to find Liu Yunda, and the splitting head covered his face was a few drops:

What's the matter with your little boy, you are very fierce in killing the enemy, and when it comes to marrying your daughter-in-law, why do you twist and pinch like a? Now that the war is over, what are you afraid of? Can this be harder than fighting a war? You don't marry, send her back to Japan if you don't marry, or I introduce her to other comrades! I think this girl is good, can't hang herself on your tree, right? ”

Qiao Minggu's words woke up Liu Yunda, only to see him pat his head vigorously and shout that he was confused. After thanking the division commander, Liu Yunda quickly ran to find Omiya Shizuko.

With the encouragement of the regiment leader, Liu Yunda strengthened his determination, put aside all his worries and revealed his heart to Omiya Shizuko, and Omiya Shizuko was also touched by his enthusiasm, and the two who were already happy with each other completely broke the shackles of the heart wall at this moment and hugged each other tightly.

In 1945, the company commander of the Anti-Japanese Expeditionary Force married a Japanese female prisoner of war, and more than 30 years later, the children inherited hundreds of millions of family property

Later, in the presence of comrades-in-arms, leaders and a group of Japanese nurses, Liu Yunda and Shizuko Omiya completed the wedding ceremony on the battlefield of Burma.

Later, Liu Yunda did not choose to stay in the army to continue to be promoted, and Omiya Shizuko also refused to be escorted back to China, and the two chose to return to Baisha, Sichuan province together to settle down, so that this marriage that began on the battlefield eventually returned to an ordinary life. Shizuko Omiya also took a Chinese name: Mo Yuanhui, and added Chinese nationality.

5. Life after marriage

When he first came to China, Mo Yuanhui inevitably suffered some criticism because of his Japanese identity. After all, in the memory of ordinary people, it is difficult to forget the crimes committed by the Japanese, and now the anti-Japanese hero has married a Japanese girl, and this family structure has also triggered many people's discussion at that time.

What's more, he pointed directly at Mo Yuanhui in front of him and spoke out. For such a situation, Mo Yuanhui has never complained, and she has a broad heart, just like when treating patients, with a smile. She also listened patiently to the number of people.

In 1945, the company commander of the Anti-Japanese Expeditionary Force married a Japanese female prisoner of war, and more than 30 years later, the children inherited hundreds of millions of family property
In 1945, the company commander of the Anti-Japanese Expeditionary Force married a Japanese female prisoner of war, and more than 30 years later, the children inherited hundreds of millions of family property

Because Mo Yuanhui knows that she can't change history, but in her heart, she still wants to complete her own redemption.

In the process of getting along with the villagers, Mo Yuanhui is always very enthusiastic, and she does not hesitate to contribute to anyone who needs help. After a long time together, everyone slowly felt the kindness and simplicity of Mo Yuanhui's heart, and over time, they were also touched by her enthusiasm and slowly accepted Mo Yuanhui.

Mo Yuanhui is also very adaptable, and after marrying in China for a few years, she will soon be able to speak fluent Chinese and sit in front of her home and chat briefly with neighbors and parents. There is no difference in dress from the local villagers, and if you don't mention it, no one can see that she is from Japan.

In 1945, the company commander of the Anti-Japanese Expeditionary Force married a Japanese female prisoner of war, and more than 30 years later, the children inherited hundreds of millions of family property

Of course, in this process, liu yunda's help and care are indispensable. Whether it is when the villagers are embarrassed by Mo Yuanhui, he comes forward to explain to the villagers, or protects Mo Yuanhui as soon as the conflict breaks out, as long as Liu Yunda is there, Mo Yuanhui will feel extremely at ease.

Although the married life of the two people is not rich, but it is very happy, with the three cute babies falling to the ground, Liu Yunda and Mo Yuanhui also from the world of two, to a family of five.

Both Liu Yunda and Mo Yuanhui thought that their lives would develop according to such a trajectory, not seeking great wealth and nobility, but only the peace of a family.

But in 1978, several village leaders approached their homes.

"Are you Shizuko Omiya?" The village leader asked very politely with a smile on his face.

In 1945, the company commander of the Anti-Japanese Expeditionary Force married a Japanese female prisoner of war, and more than 30 years later, the children inherited hundreds of millions of family property

Such a question really frightened Mo Yuanhui, and she thought that the village had pursued her Japanese identity and wanted to send her back to China!

The village leader saw that Mo Yuanhui was nervous and immediately laughed.

"Don't be nervous, we have no hostility, in fact, your father Omiya Yoshio entrusted the China-Japan Friendship Association to find you for a long time." He listened to a girl who was a nurse on the Burmese battlefield with you and said, You followed Liu Yunda to marry to China, the news came down layer by layer, I was happy as soon as I heard it, there is a Liu Yunda in our village, who has also been on the Burmese battlefield, and you happen to be Japanese, so the person you are looking for is not you! So I'm here to tell you the good news! ”

When she heard these four words of Omiya Yoshio, Mo Yuanhui was already shocked, hearing that her father was looking for her own news, and the feeling of missing her turned into a gushing river, rushing from her eyes.

Mo Yuanhui choked up and said, "I am Shizuko Omiya of Japan and Mo Yuanhui of China." ”

In 1945, the company commander of the Anti-Japanese Expeditionary Force married a Japanese female prisoner of war, and more than 30 years later, the children inherited hundreds of millions of family property

6. Travel to Japan

That night, when Liu Yunda returned home, Mo Yuanhui told him the news. In fact, Liu Yunda, who has a delicate mind, has long known that for so many years, Mo Yuanhui is not missing home, but has not had the opportunity to show it.

When on the battlefield, she was a nurse who saved lives and helped the wounded. In the sound of gunfire, fear encroached on the brain, and the wounded waited for treatment, leaving no time for homesickness. After the war, she was a daughter-in-law who was married to China and a mother of three children. Every time homesickness just started, the children cried, she had to hurry over to see the situation, and in the midst of the chaos, she forgot about homesickness.

In 1945, the company commander of the Anti-Japanese Expeditionary Force married a Japanese female prisoner of war, and more than 30 years later, the children inherited hundreds of millions of family property

Now that the war has stopped, the two countries have resumed friendship and established diplomatic relations, and the children are growing up, while her father is still looking for her, in this situation, Mo Yuanhui can no longer control her desire to go home to see.

So when Mo Yuanhui proposed that he wanted to go home to see, Liu Yunda directly agreed. Mo Yuanhui wanted Liu Yunda to go to Japan with her child, but due to the sudden incident, Liu Yunda had not yet said anything about it to his relatives on his side, and the crops in the field could not be wasted in vain, so he let Mo Yuanhui go back to see it first, and then go over after he had finished handling the matter.

Although Mo Yuanhui did not give up after listening, he remembered that his father, whom he had not seen for more than ten years, was still looking for her all over the world, and he still listened to her husband's advice.

In this way, Mo Yuanhui returned to Japan by train with the help of the staff.

In 1945, the company commander of the Anti-Japanese Expeditionary Force married a Japanese female prisoner of war, and more than 30 years later, the children inherited hundreds of millions of family property

However, she did not expect that this time and Liu Yunda were separated this time for two years.

It turned out that a few days after Mo Yuanhui left, Liu Yunda was hit by a slippery rock on the mountain while working, and he was seriously injured, although there was no danger to his life, but he left a very serious sequelae, and it was even more unfortunate that his eldest son was also killed in this accident. So between these two years, Liu Yunda's second son was pulling stones on the mountain to make money, taking care of his injured father and young brother.

In 1945, the company commander of the Anti-Japanese Expeditionary Force married a Japanese female prisoner of war, and more than 30 years later, the children inherited hundreds of millions of family property

At this time, Mo Yuanhui, who had been waiting in Japan for two years, began to become increasingly anxious. After explaining the reason to her father, she set off again for Sichuan, China, where she personally took her husband and son to Japan to enjoy the blessings.

But when she returned home to learn that in the two years since she was away, so many terrible things had happened, she couldn't help but cry bitterly, and Liu Yunda comforted him when she saw the situation:

"I didn't go to you because I didn't want to drag you down, you managed to get back to your parents, didn't I drag such a body to cause you trouble?"

In 1945, the company commander of the Anti-Japanese Expeditionary Force married a Japanese female prisoner of war, and more than 30 years later, the children inherited hundreds of millions of family property

But Mo Yuanhui did not agree with such a statement, she said that no matter what difficulties the family had to face together, they would definitely be able to carry it through! In the end, Liu Yunda still could not beat Mo Yuanhui and agreed to go to Japan with the family for a while.

At this time, Mo Yuanhui also hid a huge secret from Liu Yunda.

7. Fallen leaves return to the roots

Liu Yunda took the children to Kanazawa, Japan, but was shocked by Mo Yuanhui's family conditions!

It turned out that Mo Yuanhui's father was a well-known local rich man, worth more than 100 million, and the luxury cars under his name were innumerable, and there were dozens of servants and nannies in the family alone, which was the secret that Mo Yuanhui hid from Liu Yunda.

In 1945, the company commander of the Anti-Japanese Expeditionary Force married a Japanese female prisoner of war, and more than 30 years later, the children inherited hundreds of millions of family property

Omiya Yoshio is very happy to see Liu Yunda, after all, he is his daughter's savior, and he is the husband of his daughter, plus after Mo Yuanhui returned to Japan, he read Liu Yunda in his ear all day long, which made Omiya Yoshio have long been interested in Liu Yunda, so from seeing Liu Yunda is very enthusiastic.

But Liu Yunda's heart is very awkward, he was born in a peasant family since he was a child, after abandoning his pen from Rong, he was a whole day of wind and food and sleeping, after the end of the war, he also guarded his own acre and three points of self-sufficiency, facing the brocade in front of him, the life of stretching out his hands and food to open his mouth, he was very uncomfortable.

In 1945, the company commander of the Anti-Japanese Expeditionary Force married a Japanese female prisoner of war, and more than 30 years later, the children inherited hundreds of millions of family property

He also told Mo Yuanhui about his mentality, but what Liu Yunda did not expect was that Mo Yuanhui told him that if you want to go back, I will accompany you back!

This made Liu Yunda very moved, but Omiya Yoshio was old after all, and the family business needed to be inherited, so in the end, after obtaining the consent of Liu Yunda's younger son, they left him in Japan, and after professional study, began to take care of the family business!

Liu Yunda and Mo Yuanhui, on the other hand, returned to Baisha, Sichuan, and continued to live a poor but comfortable life.

In 1945, the company commander of the Anti-Japanese Expeditionary Force married a Japanese female prisoner of war, and more than 30 years later, the children inherited hundreds of millions of family property


Once upon a time, the carriage and horses were very slow, the letters were far away, and there was only enough to love one person in a lifetime.

War is merciless, but love is great, Liu Yunda and Mo Yuanhui met in the fire of war, and together they gave up prosperity, such love is simply through the world and not infected with accidents!

And now that we live in such a peaceful era and the means of communication are so convenient, should we communicate more with the people we cherish?

This subject is left to you!

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