
9 times transfer, extranet crazy grab: the prospect of technology children's cars and "money scene"

Recently, the news that a product in the automotive industry has been sold out has attracted the attention of many people. Tesla's children's four-wheeled all-terrain vehicle sold out within a day of launch, and sales were extremely hot, and there were two replenishments during this period.

This children's car is only sold in the United States. Many people who have not grabbed it have turned to some second-hand trading websites to look for opportunities, and the painting style that began in the second-hand trading website is quite normal, and there are one or two times the transfer price, but in the later period, under the shortage of supply, there are also nine times the price of the hanging, which can be described as the automotive industry version of "Chuansha Daji" Lingna Bell.

How did children's cars suddenly become so popular? For foreign netizens, the recent Christmas and New Year is coming, Tesla brand "hardcore" children's car can be described as the best gift choice, the price of 1900 US dollars, not only the appearance of punk cool, and for parents who meet the requirements of the body conditions, there are also opportunities to participate in the trial. Buying by one person, enjoying the whole family, and becoming a popular choice is only natural.

Seeing the market ignited by Tesla, the author can't help but think, is there a lot of room for development in the children's car industry? After all, in our eyes, it has always been regarded as a special niche toy car, will it occupy a certain weight in the sales of new energy vehicles in the future? What are the trends in the future? With these questions, follow the brain polar body to see the development and possibilities of this industry.

Drive the possibility of consumption and layout of industries

For parents, there are many toys to choose from, and children's cars are relatively expensive choices. The factors that drive parents to choose children's cars are related to consumption concepts and consumption levels. The new generation of post-90s parents pursue personalized, high-quality products, and many children's cars will imitate the appearance of high-end cars, such as classic cars, convertibles, etc. Exquisite appearance and rich functions, which is also an opportunity for the children's automotive industry, the gradual increase in the consumption investment of novice parents with children is one of the important reasons why enterprises choose to enter and layout the children's automotive industry.

9 times transfer, extranet crazy grab: the prospect of technology children's cars and "money scene"

(Tesla Kids Car)

In addition to changes at the consumer level, the layout of children's cars by enterprises also has factors that increase the effect of brand communication. For example, Tesla and Nezha Automobile, after both announced children's cars, there were pictures of consumers talking and crazy. Tesla's children's cars were ordered and snatched up as soon as they were launched, but the discussion on social networking sites did not stop with the sale, and there has been a hot discussion among netizens. Among the three cars released by Nezha Automobile at the new product launch in June this year, the Nezha Co-kids magic child version of the child car was the most hotly discussed. At that time, Daniel Zhang, co-founder of Nezha Automobile, revealed that the order for the children's electric vehicle had exceeded 50,000 units. We see that the products that are launched as peripherals have brought greater exposure and dissemination to enterprises, and this picture is also unexpected for enterprises.

In fact, children's cars have gone beyond the scope of toys, and in some countries, there are already special children's car shops. Volvo, McLaren, Mercedes-Benz and Audi have also launched strollers and sold well. These car brands attach importance to the cultivation of children's car culture, plant grass to parents and children, not only lay out the current children's market, increase the viscosity and loyalty of the brand, and hear that the future children's car consumption choices will be born in these brands.

The layout of children's cars, for enterprises, especially car companies, how to see is a cost-effective deal, but in so many car brands, the number of companies that choose to lay out children's cars is not much, in fact, there are many risks in the children's automotive industry.

Safety is an eternal topic with limitations

The core element of all children-related products, such as drugs, food, toys, etc., is strict consideration of safety, and for children's cars, it is no exception, which is also the first test to be faced in the children's automotive industry.

1. The first priority of children's cars is safety, and the quality control of materials is the first line of defense. The safety of materials includes the quality of car interiors and external materials, which requires enterprises to strictly control and ensure their safety, and consumers and regulatory bureaus zero tolerate the emergence of any material safety problems. In February this year, the Hebei Market Supervision and Administration Bureau recalled a number of children's electric vehicles, the main reason for the recall is that the packaging of children's electric vehicles and the quality of plastic film in the car are unqualified, and the plasticizers in plastic products may interfere with the endocrine system, resulting in weakened male reproductive ability, causing female precocious puberty and other issues. It is not only a threat to children's lives and health, but also has great lethality to their own brands.

9 times transfer, extranet crazy grab: the prospect of technology children's cars and "money scene"

2. For electric vehicles, whether it is the adult version or the children's version, the safety of the power battery is difficult to control. News about spontaneous battery combustion occurs from time to time, and the safety of the battery is a black box, which cannot ensure 100% safety. Any business or parent stall is a very serious accident. The potential risk factor of flammable batteries currently has no solution to the root causes.

3. The size of the model is difficult to balance with the safety of the design. The right choice can relatively ensure that toy products are appropriate and safe at different stages of the child's body and mind. For children's cars, the variation in the shape of children at each age stage is large. For example, children in the 2-13-year-old range are completely two orders of magnitude changes, it is not enough to distinguish the range of use by age, and it is necessary to consider the level of children's intelligence by using body size, the situation is more complicated, and more detailed age division standards and industry standard guidance are needed, and in terms of policy, there is a lack of norms for the formulation of industry standards and the norms that guide healthy and orderly development.

Children's cars want to have a broad market prospects, from the design, materials, performance, safety, etc. need to be deeply studied and controlled, not just a simple reproduction of the appearance of the adult version of the car. It needs to be based on the average ability and interest of children of different age groups and the safety of the toy itself. The layout of the children's product market is much more difficult than imagined, and the problems that need to be considered and faced behind the choices of enterprises are not easy.

The future development space is greater than imagined

With the opening of the two-child and three-child policy, regardless of whether the number of young children has increased, the visible trend is that under the general trend of consumption upgrading, there is a broad space for development for such relatively high-end toy cars.

9 times transfer, extranet crazy grab: the prospect of technology children's cars and "money scene"

In the market, we have seen a variety of children's toy cars, a wide range of products, there are remote control, remote control and self-driving dual mode; the style also imitates the classic brand car series, cartoon animation, animals and other kinds, each has its own unique advantages, the price ranges from hundreds to thousands. For consumers, the key to attracting attention is the design and function-related, novel and unique, interesting and creative puzzles and other elements, which are the favorite of parents.

We see this frenzied trend in Tesla and other car brands. Whether it is the recognition of the car company brand or the interest in the design and function of the children's car itself, the market response to such relatively high-end children's cars is far higher than the expectations of the company. Originally as the development of peripheral products, used as a marketing momentum, did not expect to inadvertently plant willows, as a non-main business, for enterprises to bring more exposure than advertising, not only save marketing costs but also bring a part of the income.

This time Tesla's marketing play also gives other car companies some ideas for reference. We may also see that some car companies in the future in the promotion of some flagship models, the design of similar children's versions of the car, whether as marketing or brand culture of the leading implantation, are of great benefit to car companies, and even may change from non-main business to main business.

For some car brands, the adult version of the car often costs hundreds of thousands of millions of dollars, making people with limited conditions prohibitive, but the children's version of the car is more likely to pay for parents with spending power. Not only can it bring a good high-end toy for children, but also carry and satisfy their own ideas about the brand.

How big the automotive industry is, relatively speaking, there will be a certain children's car market, parents with the ability to consume cars, and also have the ability to pay for the consumption level of children's cars. In the hot drones of previous years, we have seen this consumption power and boom, and many parents will consume thousands of products to play with their children.

In the market ignited by Tesla, we also see the consumer enthusiasm of such children's cars. Compared with drones, children's cars are also safer and more practical, if car companies participate in the manufacture of children's cars, consumers will have more desire and trust for consumption, and the derivative "money scene" is unlimited. The judgment of the minority of children's cars may be our narrow cognition of them, and perhaps more and more car companies will participate in the future, and there will be children's cars in the new energy passenger car sales rankings.

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