
In this battle, Xu Shiyou almost captured Tang Enbo alive with a large knife!

In January 1932, the Red Fourth Front decided to seize the Shangcheng at the junction of Eyu and Anhui, and won the first battle, encircling the enemy's 58th Division in the Shangcheng and isolating it for assistance.

In this battle, Xu Shiyou almost captured Tang Enbo alive with a large knife!

After the shangcheng defenders were besieged, the Kuomintang Henan provincial government desperately appealed to Nanjing and asked for reinforcements.

Liu Zhi, director of the Henan "Appeasement" Office, saw that Shangcheng was in danger, and urgently ordered Zhang Qi, commander-in-chief of the 20th Route Army, to lead the 76th Division from Xinyang to Huangchuan, and together with 19 regiments defending the enemy in Huangchuan, on January 31, the troops divided into two roads to aid Shangcheng, the right road was the 2nd Division (Tang Enbo's department) and the 76th Division, advancing along the Shanghuang Highway; the left road was the 12th Division and the Du 33rd Brigade, and the east was the Gaodian of Huanggu Avenue.

At this time, although the enemy's reinforcements were large, they had not yet figured out where the main force of the Red Army was, and it was snowing heavily and the roads were muddy, which was inconvenient for the enemy to maneuver and unfold. The Red Fourth Front decided to concentrate its forces on a fierce assault during the movement, annihilating one of them and destroying most of its troops, so the Red 12th Division served as a frontal blockade at the tofu shop; the Red 10th And 11th Division served as the left wing encirclement; the Red 73rd Division that encircled the city served as the right wing detour; and the Shangcheng defenders were surrounded and monitored by the local Red Guards and other armed forces.

Division commander Chen Geng led the Red 12th Division to the tofu shop immediately.

In this battle, Xu Shiyou almost captured Tang Enbo alive with a large knife!

Although the tofu shop has only a dozen households, the road here is tortuous and the ditches are undulating, which is an ideal battlefield for fighting and aiding. The Red 12th Division rushed to repair the fortifications that night and built several field fortifications.

In the early morning of February 1, the enemy troops on the right side squirmed towards the tofu shop. At nine o'clock in the morning, the 1st Battalion of the Red 34th Regiment fought with the enemy near Caigang. Regiment commander Xu Shiyou immediately rushed to the 1st Battalion with a messenger. At this time, the two sides were fiercely fighting. There was about one regiment of enemy in front of the position. This is Tomba's troops, all of which use Japanese-made Type 38 rifles, which make a crackling sound. Xu Shiyou immediately said to Liu Yingchang:

"The enemy's guns are good, and this time we must pay him a few more." Bring the enemy closer and fight! ”

When the enemy saw that the Red Army had stopped firing, it immediately swarmed. Just before reaching the position, the Red Army threw out a row of grenades, and under the cover of the smoke screen, Xu Shiyou shouted "Rush", and the soldiers jumped out of the trenches and threw themselves at the enemy with large knives.

Tang Enbo's troops were of the Concubine clan, putting together bayonets, advancing and retreating, and were quite methodical. However, after an hour of fierce fighting, it was still inferior to Xu Shiyou's big knife of the Red 34 Regiment and was defeated.

In this battle, Xu Shiyou almost captured Tang Enbo alive with a large knife!

The soldiers were very happy with the newly captured Type 38 rifles. Xu Shiyou was also surrounded by everyone. A small warrior came from the crowd to the front and said, "Commander, my bayonet is broken, give me your big knife!" ”

"That's the regimental commander's baby bump, how can it be given to you?" Commander Liu stopped.

Xu Shiyou said, "Well, first lend it to you, but you can't lose it!"

"Rest assured!" The little warrior happily took the large knife and casually swept it up, "Oh, so heavy? I don't. ”

The crowd laughed.

At ten o'clock, the enemy concentrated artillery fire and indiscriminately bombarded, and the smoke of gunfire filled the air. After the artillery fire extended, six regiments of troops launched a full-line attack on the positions of the Red 12th Division. The Red 34th Regiment was at the forefront, bearing the brunt of it, and about three enemy regiments were approaching step by step. Xu Shiyou was still the old way, waiting for the enemy soldiers to rush to the front of the position, holding up a large knife, shouting: "Kill! "Lead the warriors to leap up and pounce on the enemy in spite of themselves."

It's a thrilling white-knife fight that unfolds in the snow and ice, mixed with deafening shouts, the crash of weapons, and the howls of enemies. On the snow-capped slopes, there are life-and-death struggles everywhere. The warriors were in groups of three and five, fighting and chasing the enemy. After nearly two hours of fighting, the enemy finally gradually lost its strength and retreated in a hurry.

After that, the Red Army repelled many attacks by Tombaugh's forces until the afternoon.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, the enemy threw both divisions into the attack. The battle became more and more brutal, and the 3 regiments of the Red 12th Division resisted the repeated attacks of the enemy's 10 regiments, the casualties increased, and the positions were repeatedly breached by the enemy. However, they forced the enemy down again and again with large knives and grenades.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, suddenly there was a dense sound of gunfire from the rear of the enemy's right. The 30th Regiment of the Red 10th Division plunged straight into the rear of the enemy with rapid movements and surrounded the enemy command post; the Red 32nd Regiment seized the Chuanliudian ferry. When the enemy Right Route Army saw that the rear road had been cut off, it was immediately confused and retreated one after another. At this time, under the order of Chen Geng, commander of the Red 12th Division, the whole division took advantage of the situation to launch a frontal counterattack and annihilated an enemy regiment at the tofu shop. The Red 11th and 73rd Divisions also launched a fierce assault on the enemy from the left and right flanks. Tens of thousands of enemy soldiers collapsed like snowy mountains, dropped their guns and bullets, and desperately tried to escape. The Red Army's four-way army was invincible and pursued for tens of miles before it stopped.

In this battle, Xu Shiyou almost captured Tang Enbo alive with a large knife!

It was learned after the war that Tang Enbo, commander of the enemy's 2nd Division, Zeng Wanzhong, commander of the 12th Division, Chen Yaohan, commander of the 58th Division (who went to the provincial capital to move troops before Shangcheng was besieged, and then followed the enemy's aid operations), and Zhang Xiao, commander-in-chief of the 20th Route Army and commander of the 76th Division, were once besieged by the Red Army in Liuzhai, but it was only because the battle situation was too chaotic that they were able to slip through the net.

In May 1949, on the eve of the Launch of the Battle of Shanghai, Xu Shiyou said to Su Yu: "I almost captured Tang Enbo alive 17 years ago. You win this battle. ”

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