
He was buried in the ground for 38 hours, and when he was dying, two flies saved his life, and he never hit flies for the rest of his life

As the saying goes: "The grace of the dripping water, when the spring repays". If others help themselves, they must not be ungrateful, and they must remember their kindness. So if two flies saved themselves, shouldn't they "spring up and repay each other"?

There was really such a person who saved his life because two flies pulled him back from the ghost gate, and he later regarded the flies as his savior and vowed not to fight flies for the rest of his life. This person is the founding general Wang Fuzhi, who fought most of his life's battles, and many times he died nine times, and finally survived. He has seen all kinds of strange things and thrilling scenes. Even the legend of being saved by a fly happened to him.

He was buried in the ground for 38 hours, and when he was dying, two flies saved his life, and he never hit flies for the rest of his life

In the early 1950s, China had just been established, and everything was in ruins. At this time, the United States occupied the Korean Peninsula, and not only that, they repeatedly jumped at the northeast border of our country and introduced the flames of war into the northeast region. With full courage and boldness, China immediately sent troops to Korea to provide support, and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea began.

Wang Fuzhi also went to North Korea as one of them. He also served as the commander of a regiment of the 115th Division of the 39th Army, and was later promoted to deputy division commander and chief of staff of the 115th Division. It can be seen that he has courage and strategy, is an indispensable pillar of the country, and he leads the team all the way to cut through thorns and thorns, invincible.

He was buried in the ground for 38 hours, and when he was dying, two flies saved his life, and he never hit flies for the rest of his life

But in a battle in 1952, he passed the grim reaper. At that time, he was already the acting division commander, and in the face of urgent war, his responsibilities were also very heavy. At that time, he was leading the team to hold a position on the Linjin River, and the US army had been keeping a close eye on this area, eager to move.

Finally, not long after, the U.S. army could not resist and began to bomb the Linjin River area, when Wang Fuzhi and others were directing the planning battle in the trenches, they were immersed in tactical discussions, and a loud noise broke their progress.

He was buried in the ground for 38 hours, and when he was dying, two flies saved his life, and he never hit flies for the rest of his life

Immediately after, the cave began to collapse, and then Wang Fuzhi and seven other people were buried under the collapsed hole. There was also an accompanying journalist, but this reporter unfortunately died on the spot. Wang Fuzhi happened to be in a gap in a triangle area, and although he was injured, his life was not in danger.

Still, the underground air is thin and certainly life-threatening if it goes on for a long time. At that time, the superiors learned of the situation and immediately sent people to search and rescue, and issued an order to rescue Wang Fuzhi and others.

He was buried in the ground for 38 hours, and when he was dying, two flies saved his life, and he never hit flies for the rest of his life

But by the time the rescue forces arrived, a long time had passed. After a full day of search and rescue, no trace of Wang Fuzhi was found. Seeing that the collapse was so serious, even if it was fortunate not to die at that time, how long could it last without air. Everyone tacitly agreed that Wang Fuzhi had been sacrificed. But the superiors ordered that his body must be brought back even if he had been sacrificed, and the coffin had been prepared for him by this time.

At this time, although Wang Fuzhi was not very seriously injured, the air under the ground was hot and the air circulation was not smooth, and there was no food and water supply but to rely on his own urine to maintain his life.

He was buried in the ground for 38 hours, and when he was dying, two flies saved his life, and he never hit flies for the rest of his life

He and a few of his companions gathered the pots and pans used for daily life in the cave before and desperately knocked out the sound to attract the attention of the people outside, but they knocked for a day, and there was no movement. The physical and mental torture had brought them to the brink of despair.

Just when both sides were on the verge of despair, suddenly a rescue worker shouted "and save", he saw that there was a hole out of the two flies, and hovering at the mouth of the cave, which shows that there is air below, Wang Fuzhi has a high probability of survival, the rescue team immediately reacted from the sadness, and immediately made up their minds to search and rescue.

He was buried in the ground for 38 hours, and when he was dying, two flies saved his life, and he never hit flies for the rest of his life

It didn't take long for Wang Fuzhi to hear the rubble falling from the earth above, and the sparse cries of people, and he found that they were saved. Wang Fuzhi and the rest of the party were buried in the ground for a full thirty-eight hours, and both they were buried and the search and rescue personnel outside almost concluded that he was doomed this time. Unexpectedly, in the end, two flies saved their lives.

He was buried in the ground for 38 hours, and when he was dying, two flies saved his life, and he never hit flies for the rest of his life

The superiors first heard the news of Wang Fuzhi's sacrifice and were deeply saddened; then came the "good news" that Wang Fuzhi was still alive, which was even more surprising. Wang Fu also sighed later, if it were not for these two flies, he would have died in a foreign land a long time ago, and he would still have the opportunity to see the prosperity of the prosperous world behind China. So, since then, he has regarded flies as his savior and vowed never to fight flies again for life.

Conclusion: It is said that all things have spirits, except mosquitoes and flies. However, after wang Fuzhi's experience, the flies are also "spiritual", and in the darkness, two flies are arranged to wander at the mouth of the cave, pointing out a way for Wang Fuzhi to live.

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