
Countryside plus "mail" car buying season Happy car buying 0 interest rates

Once upon a time, for some residents living in counties and townships, if they wanted to buy a car of their choice, from car viewing to testing and handling loans, they also had to travel back and forth from neighboring cities and neighboring counties, which was really inconvenient. Thanks to the dividends of the national automobile to the countryside policy, the vision of "buying a car at the doorstep" is entering the lives of more people.

Since August this year, postal savings bank branches of Guizhou branch of the "rural plus 'mail' car purchase season" marketing activities have been carried out one after another, through going deep into townships, close to residents, selected models with financial policy preferences, the auto financial services to the residents. Up to now, more than 5,000 automobile consumption loans have been issued, with an amount of more than 200 million yuan, which truly supports county and township residents to improve travel and make the lives of the masses more comfortable.

Respond to the call of the state to enhance the travel experience

Countryside plus "mail" car buying season Happy car buying 0 interest rates

The activities of "rural plus 'mail' car purchase season" have been carried out one after another in various places.

During the event, Postal Savings Bank, focusing on the requirements of the national automobile going to the countryside policy, joined hands with more than 10 total cooperative OEMs such as FAW Toyota, SAIC Roewe, SAIC MG, SAIC Maxus, GAC Toyota, GAC Trumpchi, Beijing Motor, Chery New Energy, FAW Hongqi, etc., to increase the supply of auto finance services in county areas with farmers' needs as the guide, promote the release of county and township automobile consumption potential, and help residents in counties and townships improve their travel experience.

Postal Savings Bank has selected a number of models that meet the consumer demand of the rural sinking market, jointly promoted with the general dealers to the countryside, cooperated in launching preferential policies for discounted interest loans, jointly launched at least 20 models of supporting preferential financial programs, carried out joint marketing activities of "100 cities and 100 fields" and invested 10 billion yuan in automobile loans in county areas. Under the simultaneous measures of multiple measures, we will effectively deepen cooperation with the general dealers, jointly expand the automobile market in county and township areas, promote the consumption upgrading of rural areas, truly bring benefits to county and township residents, and practice the original intention of "benefiting the people".

Since August, postal savings bank guizhou branch has actively responded to the national new energy vehicle to the countryside activities, guided rural residents to travel green, and branches at all levels under its jurisdiction have held joint promotion activities of "rural plus 'mail' car purchase season" in counties and townships, extending postal savings bank auto financial services to the most extensive rural areas in colorful Guizhou, promoting the development of green credit business and fulfilling social responsibilities.

Through this activity, the Guizhou Branch of Postal Savings Bank will deeply tap the opportunities and potential of automobile consumer credit in rural revitalization, accelerate the development of car loan business, and by the end of March next year, the bank will open 33 "rural plus 'mail' car purchase season" activities in the county, and the loan will exceed 260 million yuan, fully meet the consumption upgrading needs of county and township residents, and help run towards a better tomorrow.

Car purchase "0 interest rate" for happiness plus "mail"

Countryside plus "mail" car buying season Happy car buying 0 interest rates

Participated in the "Rural Plus Mail Order Car Season" activity of the Guiyang Branch of postal savings bank, and happily drove the car home.

"Originally, I wanted to swipe my credit card to pay part of the car purchase, and then repay it in installments through my credit card, but the handling fee was too high for a year." Later, I heard my colleagues say that the Postal Savings Bank is doing car purchase season activities, the interest rate of automobile consumer loans is very low, and there is no need for mortgages, and some popular models can enjoy the lowest annual interest rate of 0%, so I immediately took action, and then successfully obtained credit support from postal savings bank. Not long ago, the customer Mr. Chen just bought the car he liked through the Postal Savings Bank's automobile consumer loan, and when he talked about this pleasant experience, Mr. Chen was radiant.

On the day of car purchase, Mr. Chen came to Songtao County early to consult the car marketing site, and after learning about his car purchase needs, the postal savings bank staff explained in detail the advantages and preferential schemes of car loan products, and guided him to use mobile banking to apply online, sign a binding card, complete the upload of relevant information on the spot, online automatic approval, etc., and then complete all the processes of online application and offline pick-up on the same day under the coordination of dealer staff.

"The service of the Postal Savings Bank let me know that buying a car can be so fast and convenient!" Mr. Chen said that the three-year loan for the purchase of the car did not generate a single interest, which was much more affordable than other ways, and the postal savings bank's financial solutions and high-quality services have won the high trust of Mr. Chen and his relatives and friends.

"Banks and enterprises" work together to lead a marketing boom

Countryside plus "mail" car buying season Happy car buying 0 interest rates

Happy car purchase 0 interest rate, take the car home.

"Hot" has become the keyword of the Guizhou Branch of postal savings bank to carry out this "rural plus 'mail' car purchase season" activity.

As of the end of November, postal savings bank branches at all levels under the jurisdiction of the Guizhou branch have carried out 13 joint marketing activities with car dealers, involving 9 cities (states) and 11 county branches, covering 3 total dealers and 10 suburban and county key auto dealers, sending high-quality auto consumer products and financial services directly to the people.

Countryside plus "mail" car buying season Happy car buying 0 interest rates

Deliver high-quality auto consumer products and financial services directly to the people.

In Zunyi, on December 2, Xishui County Sub-branch and 9 local car dealers jointly signed a strategic cooperation agreement and held a symposium on Xishui County's "Rural Plus 'Mail' Car Purchase Season". At the meeting, dealers unanimously agreed that the postal savings bank auto consumer loan products have simple procedures, long loan terms, fast application approval, flexible repayment methods, especially the remote acceptance system fully realizes the full online loan process, which is very convenient. On the same day, an auto loan business was approved through online loan approval on the spot, allowing customers and dealers to experience the speed of a Postal Savings Bank loan. Since the launch of the campaign in October, The Xishui County Sub-branch has issued 12 automobile consumption loans with an amount of 1.248 million yuan.

In Qiannan Prefecture, Fuquan City Sub-branch held the 2021 "Rural Plus 'Mail' Car Purchase Season" kick-off meeting in The Automobile City of Machangping Town, kicked off the prelude to the city's marketing activities, and successfully issued 2 automobile consumption loans with an amount of 210,000 yuan on the same day.

In Liupanshui, the Hecheng East Road Sub-branch joined hands with the county Red Star Macalline to jointly market around the "National Day Home Improvement Festival" and publicize the postal savings bank loan financial products on the spot, which aroused the keen attention of the public.

In Tongren, the director of the credit department of songtao county sub-branch led a team to visit the car dealers under its jurisdiction, and promoted the new products and policies of postal savings bank car loans to the car dealers that cooperated in the early stage, vigorously promoted the online products of postal savings bank "small and micro easy loans", and arranged special personnel to be responsible for the car loan business, docking the designated financial commissioners of the car dealers, improving the efficiency and service quality of business handling, realizing the on-site acceptance of 5 auto loan information, the amount of 600,000 yuan, guiding customers to apply for "small and micro easy loans" on the spot and completing the credit of 220,000 yuan.

Banks and enterprises join hands to implement the national policy decision-making and deployment of the national policy of benefiting the people, one after another rich cars and small trucks have driven into thousands of households, and a sum of financial services to benefit the people have reached the hearts of the people, and the Guizhou Branch of the Postal Savings Bank and the majority of automobile dealers are continuously sprinkling the policy of benefiting the people to improve people's livelihood to the colorful countryside of Guizhou. (Courtesy of Postal Savings Bank of Guizhou Branch)

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